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Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA)

Folders by Country Category System

In total 369 categories, 9201 subject folders (until 1949), 4415832 images from digitized microfilms about country-subject topics, and 2891 ware folders (until 1949).

Of the PM20 Länder-/Sacharchiv up to 1949, only a rough estimate of one-fifth of the digitized holdings are indexed in folders and accessible via this category system. The corresponding countries and regions - e.g. the Middle East, Japan, the former German colonies or Hamburg - are marked “complete” in the list below. However, many small and large countries such as Great Britain, China, India, France or the USA are missing at all or are only represented by a few folders originating from the “Forschungsstelle für das Übersee-Deutschtum”.

For the Commodities/Wares archive, only about one-eighth of the digitized material is accessible here. The wares folders for every given coutry are therefore always incomplete.

All unprocessed material is accessible under digitized films (in German), including material from the second filming (until 1960) - for copyright reasons, however, unfortunately only in the ZBW reading room. The complete country category system is available online.

Folder search (via Wikidata)

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H 




Australia and Oceania


Polar regions

