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Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA)

B57  Ceylon   Wikidata Wikipedia

Persistent Identifier: https://pm20.zbw.eu/category/geo/i/141204

Subject archives   Commodities/wares archives

Subject archives folders

In total 2 folders, 15 documents - folders incomplete. For material not published as folders, please check the digitized micro-films (in German).

For direct access to the documents, click the “(xy documents)” link, for folder information use the “(folder)” link.

Foreigners and individual minorities

Settling and migration

Sections of digitized microfilms (1st filming 1908-1949)

For intellectual property law reasons accessible only on the web from the European Union legal area and from the ZBW reading room.

Total number of images: 809

Images on film h1/sh/S0693H/1239 Ceylon
Images on film h1/sh/S0694H/0001 Ceylon : Land und Leute, Politik und Wirtschaft, Allgemein

Sections of digitized microfilms (2nd filming 1950-1960)

For intellectual property law reasons accessible only from ZBW reading room.

Total number of images: 2047

Images on film h2/sh/S2638H/0094 Ceylon
Images on film h2/sh/S2639H/0001 Ceylon : Zollwesen, Zolltarife Sm

Commodities/wares archives folders

In total 12 folders (until 1949), 101 documents - folders incomplete. For material not published as folders, please check the digitized micro-films of the 1st filming and 2nd filming (in German).

For direct access to the documents, click the “(xy documents)” link, for folder information use the “(folder)” link.