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Reports 20th Century Press Archives

Complete commodities/wares category system

id category tmpSignature note count
142332 3D film PID12-Fo01
143158 Abomasum PLW05-Tp06
141943 Absinth PID20.02-Sp01 13
141950 Acacia bark PLW06-Fp01 14
142022 Acetone PID13-Ko03 18
143802 Acid PID13-Sc
141952 Activated carbon PID13-Rm01 11
143107 Adhesive PID13.00-01
143514 Aerial camera PID12-Fo02
141945 Aether PID13-Ko01 20
231160 Agar PLW07-Mp02
141944 Agate PID23-Ed01 4
230703 Agitator PID08-Ap07
148261 Agricultural Crops PLW04
143547 Agricultural machine PID08-Ld
143516 Aircraft PID09.01
143589 Aircraft engine PID08-Mo05
143518 Airship PID09.01-Lf03
141953 Alabaster PID23-Gi01 5
141956 Alaun PID13-Pm02 18
163481 Alcohol PID13-Ko02 33
141966 Alcoholic beverage PID20.02-Sp 168
231647 Aldehyde PID13-Ae03
142299 Alder wood PLW06-Hz09
143521 Alfalfa PLW04-Hu11
141959 Algae and seaweed PLW07-Mp01 30
143534 Almond PLW04-Ob13
141967 Aloe PLW04-Kr01 7
141969 Aluminium PID07.01-Lm01 94
231648 Aluminium sulphate PID13-Pm05
142111 Amber PID04-Sc01 22
231649 Amine PID13-Ae12
165930 Ammonia PID13-Du01 44
143823 Anchovy PLW07-Mt12
141972 Angora rabbit wool PLW05-Wo01 16
142312 Aniline dye PID13-Fl07
166318 Animal Fiber PID19-Tf
143963 Animal Product PLW05-20
148333 Animal Products PLW05
143624 Animal fat, animal oil PLW05-11
142491 Animal feed PID20-Ft
141976 Anise PID20-Gw01 10
141977 Antimony PID07.01-Hm01 38
141985 Apparatus and instruments PID08-Ap 42
141980 Apple PLW04-Ob01 55
142001 Apricot PLW04-Zs02 24
142002 Araucaria PLW06-Hz01 4
231252 Architectural glass PID22-Bs04
148952 Armaments PID06
142005 Arrowroot PLW04-Kf01 12
142006 Arsenic PID07.01-Hm02 35
142012 Artichokes PLW04-Gm01 8
142144 Artificial flower PID04-Sc03
143169 Artificial leather PID18-03
143152 Artificial silk PID19-Ku01
142841 Artillery gun PID06-02
142014 Asbestos PID23-As 62
143893 Asparagus PLW04-Gm15
142016 Asphalt PID22-Bd01 60
142021 Avocate pear PLW04-Ob02 14
141947 Axe, hatchet, hammer PID07.03-Wz01 13
142023 Babassu nut PLW04-Nu01 6
231738 Baby carriage PID09.05
142029 Bakelit PID14-Ha01 25
142027 Bakery machine PID08-Nm01 16
142026 Bakery product PID20-Ba 63
142024 Baking powder PID13-Lm01 14
143146 Ball bearing PID08-Wl
142032 Balm PLW06-Fp02 12
142033 Balsa wood PLW06-Hz02 12
142035 Bamboo PLW04-Gr02 35
142038 Banana PLW04-Bn 103
144000 Bandage, cotton wool PID04-Md02
142042 Barium PID07.01-Lm02 29
142838 Barley PLW04-Gt02
142039 Barometer PID08-Ap01 7
142041 Barosma PLW04-Kr03 2
142304 Barrel PID21-03
142046 Basalt PID23-Na01 8
142048 Bast PID19-Nf01 5
142049 Batata PLW04-Kf02 21
142147 Bean PLW04-Hu02
142120 Beaver fur PLW05-Hf01
142118 Bed, mattress PID04-Mo01
142211 Beech wood PLW06-Hz03
142210 Beechnut PLW04-Nu10
142124 Beer PID20.02-Br
142121 Beeswax PID13-Wa01
143797 Beet PLW04-Gm19
143798 Beet seeds, beet fodder, beet sugar PLW04-Gm20
142870 Bell jar PID07.01-Mg02
142107 Bentonite PID13-Dr02 6
143580 Bentwood furniture PID04-Mo03
143581 Bentwood furniture PID04-Mo04
142110 Benzene PID13-Ko04 34
142109 Benzoin PLW06-Fp03 1
142103 Beryllium PID07.01-Lm03 20
142116 Betel PID04-Dr01
142844 Beverage PID20.02
142305 Bicycle PID09-01
144006 Bird PLW05-24
144007 Bird nest PLW05-25
143716 Bird-of-paradise feather PLW05-13
144041 Bismuth PID07.01-17
142960 Blast Furnace, Melting Furnace, Foundry Apparatus PID08-Gi
142140 Bleach PID13-Dr
142139 Bleaching earth PID13-Dr01
142146 Blood PLW05-Fl01
143972 Blubber, fish oil PLW07-Fp06
142940 Blueberry PLW04-Ob06
143100 Boiler PID07.03-10
143113 Bones, bone meal PLW05-Tp05
142214 Book PID04-01
142150 Boron PID07.01-Hm03
142467 Bottle cap PID21-02
143105 Box PID21-05
231736 Brake PID09.02-Br
143110 Bran PID20-Ft04
143564 Brass PID07.01-12
143718 Brazil nut PLW04-Nu06
142203 Bread PID20-Ba01
142208 Breadfruit PLW04-Tr02
142149 Brewery machine, cellar machine PID08-Nm02
144062 Brick PID23-05
144064 Brickmaking machine PID08-Ba01
142156 Briquette PRB02.01.01-Br
142158 Bromine PID13-Sp01
142201 Bronze PID07.01-Mg01
142853 Broom PLW04-Hu06
142219 Brush, broom, brush PID16-Fl01
142212 Buckwheat PLW04-Gt01
142215 Buffalo PLW05-Rd01
142083 Building and insulating panels PID22-Bf01 38
142086 Building material PID22-Bs 87
142839 Bullet PID06-01
231650 Butadine PID13-Ae13
142220 Butter PID20-Oe02
143114 Button PID19-Bz05
231240 Butyl alcohol PID13-Ko11
143119 Cabbage PLW04-Gm08 25
143005 Cable and wire PID10-Kd
143049 Cactus PLW04-Zp02
143007 Cadmium PID13-Sp04
143117 Caffeine PID04-Dr04
143056 Calcium PID07.01-Lm04
143057 Calcium carbide and acetylene PID13-Sp05
143769 Calculating machine, calculating device PID12-Bu01
143058 Camel PLW05-06
143059 Camphor tree PLW06-Fp11
143062 Canary seed PID20-Ft03
143099 Candle PID04-Hh03
142464 Canned fish PLW07-Fk
230803 Canned food machine PID08-Nm08
142480 Canned fruit PID20-04
143575 Canned milk PID20-Mp04
230800 Canteen kitchen applinace PID08-Nm06
144009 Car PID09.02-Pw
143144 Caraway PID20-Gw04
143067 Carbolic acid PID13.01-05
143070 Carbolineum PID13-Pm04
143123 Carbon (soot) PRB02.01-Ru 23
143861 Carbon disulphide PID13-Ko05
143122 Carbonic acid PID13-Sc06 32
143073 Card file PID04-Bm03
143071 Cardamon PID20-Gw03
148709 Cardboard, Paper, and Paper Products PID17
142223 Carnauba wax PID13-Wa02
143001 Carob PLW06-Fp18
143072 Carp PLW07-Sw02
230940 Carpet PID19-Ma05
143077 Casein PID20-Mp02
143078 Casein wool PID19-Tf01
143770 Cash register PID12-Bu02
143079 Cashew nut PLW04-Nu04
143539 Cassava PLW04-Tr15
231001 Castilloa elastica PID15-Ka10
143782 Castor bean PLW04-Oe08
143082 Cat PLW05-08
143081 Catechu PLW06-Fp13
143781 Cattle, beef PLW05-Rd
143097 Caviar PLW07-Fp04
144052 Cedar PLW06-Hz21
143873 Celery PLW04-Gm14
144053 Cellophane PID21-07
144054 Celluloid PID14-02
144055 Cellulose PID19-Ku05
144057 Cement PID23-Bt02
144058 Centrifuge PID08-Ap08
143101 Chain PID07.03-11
143142 Chalk PID23-Mi07
142964 Charcoal PEW01.04-01 1
142224 Chaulmoogra PLW06-Fp05
143038 Cheese PID20-Mp01
143060 Chemical warfare agent PID06-03
143104 Cherry PLW04-Ob08
230924 Chestnut wood PLW06-Hz26
143083 Chewing gum PID20-Su01
143102 Chick-pea PLW04-Hu07
144061 Chicory PLW04-Gm17
142226 Chinchilla PLW05-Hf03
142227 Chlorine PID13-Ae14
231652 Chlorophyll PID13-Fl18
142228 Christmas ornament PID04-Sc04
142229 Chromium PID07.01-01
144066 Cigarette PID20.01-Zt
144067 Cigarette paper PID17-Sp07
144068 Cinammon PID20-Gw11
142225 Cinchona, quinine PLW06-Fp06
144075 Citric acid PID13-Sc05
141948 Citrus fruits PLW04-Zs 70
142230 Citrus oil PID20-Oe03
144060 Civet PID13-Pf02
143967 Clay, ceramics PID23-04
143755 Cleaning machine (except street cleaning machine) PID08-Wz16
143994 Clock PID12-Ur
142106 Clothing PID19-Bk 97
166456 Clothing industry, branches and accessories PID19-Bz 26
148719 Clothing, textiles and fibers PID19
143607 Clove PLW04-Zp03
143109 Clover PLW04-Hu08
143120 Coal PRB02.01 159
218756 Coal dust PRB02.01-St 10
143988 Coal liquefaction plant PID13.02-Ks04
143121 Coal machines (mining and processing) PID08-Bg02 19
218757 Coal processing PRB02.01.01 8
143115 Cobalt PID07.01-05
143124 Coca, cocaine PID04-Dr05 39
142231 Cochineal PID13-Fl03
143046 Cocoa 1 PID20-Kk01
143047 Cocoa 2 PID20-Kk02
231161 Cocoa butter PID20-Kk03
143044 Cocoa, chocolate PID20-Kk
143126 Coconut PLW04-Nu05 1
143006 Cod PLW07-Mt06
143167 Cod liver oil PLW07-Fp05
143040 Coffee PID20-Kf
230802 Coffee machine, tea machine PID08-Nm07
143042 Coffee substitute PID20-Kf01
143041 Coffeemaker PID10-Eh02
142232 Cognac PID20.02-Sp02
142233 Cohune oil PID20-Oe04
143903 Coil (of any kind) PID07.03-06
143125 Coir PID19-Nf11 26
231342 Coke PRB02.01-Ko
142288 Colloid PID13.00-02
142474 Colloidal fuel PRB02.01-Fl
143116 Cologne PID13-Pf01
142331 Color film PID17-Sp01
143035 Comb PID04-Hh02
143524 Combine harvester PID08-Ld08
231327 Comforter PID04-Mo10
148837 Commodities P00
143128 Compass PID12-03
231705 Compost PID13-Du08
143129 Compressor PID08-Pp02
142117 Concrete products PID23-Bt01
142018 Conditioning agent PID13-Rm 4
143930 Confectionery PID20-Su
230804 Confectionery machine PID08-Nm09
143599 Coniferous wood PLW06-Hz24
181202 Construction Industry PID22
142084 Construction machinery PID08-Ba 22
161200 Consumer good PID04
142094 Container PID07.03-Co 14
143132 Copal PLW06-Fp16
143156 Copper PID07.01-Ku 1
143157 Copper vitriol PID23-Mi08
143133 Coral PLW07-Mt07
143136 Cork PLW06-Fp17
143532 Corn oil PID20-Oe05
143909 Corozo PLW04-Nu08
143137 Corset PID19-Bk01
143138 Corundum PID23-Mi06
143139 Cosmetic items PID13-Kp
142126 Costume jewelry PID04-Sc02
142089 Cotton PLW04-Bw 162
142091 Cotton industry PID19-Bw01 68
142092 Cotton machine PID08-Ld02 19
154932 Cotton textiles PID19-Bw02 40
196460 Cotton yarn PID19-Nf02 48
142093 Cottonseed, cottonseed oil PID20-Oe01 42
143147 Coumarin PID13-Ar03
143148 Coumarone resin PID15-01
143141 Crab PLW07-Mt08
143143 Cranberry PLW04-Ob10
144032 Cream of tartar PID13-Lm05
142238 Crotalaria fiber PID19-Nf08
142899 Cucumber PLW04-Gm04
144038 Cum PID18-Sh02
142999 Currant PLW04-Ob07
143135 Currant, raisin PLW04-Ob09
161314 Cutlery PID07.03-Sd
143849 Cutting machine PID08-Wz06
142239 Cyan PID13-Sa02
143560 Dairy machine PID08-Nm04
143559 Dairy product PID20-Mp
142243 Date PLW04-Tr03
142952 Deer horn salt PID13-Lm02
142245 Derris root PID13-Pe01
143756 Detergent, abrasive PID13.00-05
231684 Deuterium PID13-Ae17
142250 Dextrin PID13-Sp02
142251 Diamond PID23-Di
142252 Divi-divi PLW06-Hz05
143944 Diving apparatus PID08-Ap02
142982 Dog PLW05-04
142244 Dolphin PLW07-Mt03
142300 Donkey PLW05-03
143943 Dove PLW05-22
142148 Drill, drilling machine PID08-Wz01
143986 Drive belt PID08-Mo10
148617 Drugs and chemicals PID13
231703 Drugstore product PID13.00-06
143990 Dryer PID08-Ap13
142263 Dynamite PID13-Zw01
143908 Earthenware PID23-Ke02
142264 Ebony PLW06-Hz06
142265 Echo sounder PID10-Mt01
143744 Edible mushroom PLW04-05
141941 Eel PLW07-Mt01 14
142268 Egg PID20-01
231733 Electric fence PID10-08
142989 Electric insulater PID10-03
231712 Electric measuring device, electric testing apparatus PID10-Mt13
143588 Electric motor PID10-Mo
231722 Electric signalling device, electrical security device PID10-Mt16
143545 Electrical machine PID10-05
142283 Electrical product PID10
143829 Electrical switch PID10-06
142280 Electricity meter, electric measuring device PID10-Mt02
231060 Electrocar PID09.02-El
142281 Electrode PID10-01
143527 Electromagnet PID10-04
231728 Electron tube PID11-Eb03
142282 Electron, Hydronalium PID07.01-02
231726 Electronic component PID11-07
143597 Electronic musical instrument PID04-Mu06
142279 Elephant PLW05-01
142306 Elevator PID08-Fo01
143888 Emerald PID23-Ed04
143846 Emery PID23-Mi11
142286 Enamel ware PID04-Hh01
148417 Energy and Water PEW
231645 Eraser PID04-Bm07
143621 Essential oil PID13-Ar
231653 Ester PID13-Ae15
141946 Ethyl alcohol PID13.02-Ks01 9
142303 Eucalyptus oil PID13-Ar01
142302 Eucalyptus wood PLW06-Hz10
142028 Excavator PID09.02-Nf01 23
143900 Explosive PID13-Zw04
231322 Fake fur PID19-Ku06
143999 Fan, air freshener, air conditioning PID08-Kl01
142692 Fancy goods PID04-Sc05
142316 Feathers PLW05-Tp01
230740 Feeding apparatus PID08-Ld16
230900 Feldspar PID23-Mi16
142458 Felt PID19-Ma01
142261 Fertilizer PID13-Du
142314 Fiber machine PID08-Ld14
231003 Ficus elastica PID15-Ka12
142321 Field mail PVK04.02-01
142318 Fig PLW04-Tr04
142319 File PID07.03-Wz02
142486 Filler for padding PID04-Mo02
143753 Filling station pump PID08-Pp03
142334 Film stock PID14-Fo01
142457 Filter, sterilizer, still PID08-Ap03
142222 Fique PID19-Nf07
231724 Fire alarm PID10-Mt17
142326 Fire extinguisher PID07.03-Wz08
142327 Firecrackers PID13-Zw02
142460 Fish PLW07-01
142465 Fish meal, meat meal PID20-Ft01
142278 Fish protein PID20-03
142463 Fish skin, fish leather PLW07-Fp03
142459 Fish waste PRB01-Fp01
142461 Fishery product PLW07-Fp02
142462 Fishing gear PID07.03-Wz03
142004 Fittings (Armature) PID08-Ar 16
142113 Fittings and hinges PID07.03-01 12
142475 Flake bast PID19-Nf04
143850 Flatfish PLW07-Mt14
142466 Flax, linen PID19-Nf03
231250 Flooring PID22-Bd03
142477 Flour PID13-Ae09
143558 Flour and mill product PID20-Nm03
142145 Flower bulb PLW04-Sg02
142143 Flower, ornamental plant PLW04-Zp
142476 Flying boat PID09.01-Lf01
142800 Food additive PID13-Lm
161477 Food machinery PID08-Nm
143857 Footwear PID18-Sh
148366 Forest Products PLW06
142479 Formaldehyde PID13-Ae07
143844 Forming machine PID08-Wz09
142485 Fountain pen PID04-Bm02
142484 Fox fur PLW05-Hf04
143762 Framework PID16-03
142481 Fructose, glucose PID20-Zk01
142483 Fruit PLW04-Ob
142482 Fruit wine PID20.02-We01
142153 Fuel PEW-01
143989 Fuel PID13.02-Ks 1
143987 Fuel and mixture PID13.02-Ks03
231004 Funtumia elastica PID15-Ka13
143722 Fur PID19-Pz
231654 Furfural PID13-Ae16
143579 Furniture PID04-Mo
142691 Galalith PID14-Ha02
142693 Gall apple PID04-Dr02
142284 Galvanic element, accumulator PID10-Bt
142755 Gambir PLW06-Fp07
142020 Gaming and vending machines PID08-Au 27
143592 Garbage PRB01-07
230744 Garden tool PID08-Ld20
143112 Garlic PLW04-Gm07
142881 Garnet PID23-Mi02
142759 Gas PID13-Ae
142787 Gas analyzer, gas detector, gas regulator PID08-Ap04
142799 Gas generator PID08-Mo02
142788 Gas mask PID04-Si01
142790 Gas pistol PID07.03-Wa03
142789 Gasometers, fixed tanks PID07.03-Co1
143171 Gauge PID07.03-Wz05
142793 Gelatin PLW05-Tp02
142797 Generator PID10-02
143924 Geophysical sensing instrument PID10-Mt09
142802 Geranium oil PLW04-Zp01
142987 Ginger PID20-Gw02
142852 Ginseng PLW04-Kr05
142855 Glass PID23-Gw
142856 Glass bottle PID21-04
142857 Glass machine PID08-01
142863 Glass wool PID23-Gf
142157 Glasses PID12-Au01
142864 Glauber’s salt PID13.01-01
143868 Glider (motorless) PID09.01-Lf04
142923 Gloves PID19-Bz01
142876 Glycerin PID13-Sp03
231655 Glycol PID13-Ko07
144065 Goat PLW05-26
142877 Gold PID07.01-Em01
142756 Goose duck PLW05-Gf01
142846 Grain PLW04-Gt
142878 Gramophone, record PID11-Au
142884 Granite PID23-Na03
144033 Grape PLW04-Ob15
143639 Grapefruit PLW04-Zs03
143984 Grapeseed oil PID20-Oe06
142886 Graphite PID23-Mi03
231253 Ground support system PID22-Gr01
142889 Guano PLW05-Od01
142888 Guava PLW04-Tr05
231002 Guayule PID15-Ka11
142890 Gum arabic PLW06-Fp04
142897 Gum tragacanth PLW06-Fp08
143801 Gunny sack PID21-06
143835 Gunpowder PID06-05
142900 Gutta percha PLW06-Fp09
142854 Gypsum PID23-Gi
142917 Hafnium PID07.01-04
142905 Hair clipper PID08-Wz03
142902 Hair, bristles PLW05-Tp03
141957 Halfah grass PID19-Nf018 17
144014 Handgun PID07.03-Wa01
142930 Harmonica, PID04-Mu02
142933 Hashish PID04-Dr03
142981 Hat PID19-Bz02
142947 Hay, forage straw PID20-Ft02
142934 Hazelnut PLW04-Nu03
143831 Headlight PID10-Lp03
230883 Hearing aid PID08-Ap16
142943 Heating apparatus, cooking apparatus PID10-Eh01
231341 Heating oil PRB02.06-Eo05
142979 Helicopter PID09.01-Lf02
142944 Helium PID13-Ae06
142925 Hemp PID19-Nf05
142927 Hemp seed PLW04-Sg01
143771 Heron feather PLW05-15
142945 Herring PLW07-Mt05
231005 Hevea brasiliensis PID15-Ka14
142949 Hibiscus fiber PID19-Nf09
142909 Hides and skins PLW05-Hf
143905 High-grade steel PID07.02-02
142973 Honey PLW05-Ho
142974 Hop PLW04-Kr06
142976 Hormone PID13.01-Bi01
142978 Horn PLW05-Tp04
143732 Horse PLW05-14
230923 Horse chestnut PLW06-Hz25
230903 House, hut PBG01
142937 Household appliance PID10-Eh
142936 Household item PID04-Hh
148745 Human food, fodder PID20
144015 Hunting weapon PID07.03-Wa02
230821 Hydraulic system PID08-Pp06
231656 Hydrazine PID13.02-Ks05
143815 Hydrochloric acid PID13-Sc03
144025 Hydrogen PID13-Ae05
144026 Hydrogen peroxide PID13-Dr03
142983 Ichthyol PID13.01-02
142872 Incandescent lamp, fluorescent tube PID10-Lp01
144030 Incense PLW06-Fp24
142209 Incubator PID08-Ld03
142985 Indigo PID13-Fl11
142986 Indium PID07.01-03
230901 Industrial gas PID13-Ae10
143964 Ink PID13-Fl15
142990 Insulating material, insulator (non-electric) PID22-Bs02
142988 Insulin PID13.01-Bi03
142241 Intestine PLW05-Fl02
142998 Iodine PID13.01-04
230841 Iron lung PID10-Md
142274 Iron ore PRB02.03-01
142270 Iron, Steel PID07.02
142276 Ironwood PLW06-Hz08
142119 Irrigation machine PID08-Pp01
231247 Isooctyl alcohol PID13-Ko12
231246 Isopropyl alcohol PID13-Ko10
142285 Ivory PLW05-02
142994 Ixtle PID19-Nf10
161308 Jewellery PID04-Sc
143004 Jute PID19-Ju
143051 Kali PRB02.08-01
143064 Kaolin PID23-Mi04
143065 Kapok PLW06-Fp12
143066 Karakul fur PLW05-Hf06
143084 Kauri wood PLW06-Hz12
143098 Kendyr fiber PID19-Nf13
143103 Kieselguhr PID23-Mi05
143563 Knife and scissors PID07.03-Sd01
143919 Knitwear, hosiery PID19-Ma03
143127 Kola PLW06-Fp15
143899 Lace, embroidery PID19-Ma02
143161 Lacquerware PID04-Kg01
143576 Lactic acid PID13-Sc04
143163 Lama PID19-Tf02
143164 Lamp PID10-Lp
231006 Landolphia owariensis PID15-Ka15
142257 Lathe PID08-Wz02
144011 Laundry PID19-Bk03
144012 Laundry machine PID08-Rg
143166 Lavender oil PID13-Ar04
142138 Lead (heavy metal) PID07.01-Bl
142141 Lead paint PID13-Fl02
143168 Leather PID18-01
143170 Leather machine, shoe machine PID08-Wz10
148714 Leather, Leather Goods, and Footwear PID18
142980 Leguminosae PLW04-Hu
161307 Leisure-time product PID04-Fz
144074 Lemon PLW04-Zs04
144073 Lemon oil PID13-Ar07
143506 Lense PLW04-Hu09
143503 Leonian ware PID10-Kd01
143925 Licorice PLW04-Tr14
143572 Light metal PID07.01-Lm 1
142328 Lighter PID13-Zw03
144084 Lighter PID13-Zw
142151 Lignite PRB02.01-Br
143054 Lime PID22-Bs03
143055 Limestone PID23-Na04
143505 Linoleum PID22-Bd02
143502 Linseed, linseed oil PLW04-Oe01
143517 Liquid air PID13-Ae08
230705 Liquid pump PID08-Pp05
143507 Lithium PID13-Sp06
144004 Livestock, other domestic animals PLW05-23
143162 Loading facility, transport facility PID08-Fo
143843 Lock PID07.03-13
143511 Locomobile PID08-Mo04
143512 Locomotive, railcar PID09-Sf
142132 Logwood PID13-Fl01
143513 Loofah PLW04-Tr06
143845 Lubricant PID13.02-01
142310 Luminous paint PID13-Fl05
143520 Lupine PLW04-Hu10
143522 Luxury goods PID04-03
143546 Machine gun PID06-06
143749 Machine press PID08-Wz04
143548 Machine tester, engine tester PID10-Mt06
148501 Machine, machine element PID08
143533 Mackerel PLW07-Mt10
143526 Magnesite PID23-Mi09
143528 Magnesium PID07.01-Lm06
143530 Mahogany PLW06-Hz16
143531 Maize PLW04-Ma
143535 Manganese PID07.01-11
143536 Mango PLW04-Tr09
143537 Mangrove bark PLW06-Fp19
231007 Manihot Glaziovii PID15-Ka16
143538 Manila hemp PID19-Nf19
143540 Mannitol P00-06
143541 Manometer PID10-Mt05
142874 Mantle PID10-Lp02
144078 Maple sugar PID20-Zk03
143543 Marble PID23-Na06
143542 Margarine PID20-Oe07
148398 Marine Products PLW07
143837 Marine propulsion PID08-Mo07
143551 Mat PID04-Hh04
144082 Match PID04-Hh07
144083 Match machine PID08-Hz02
143549 Mate PLW06-02
143550 Material testing device PID10-Mt07
143556 Matzo PID20-Ba02
143555 Mauritius hemp PID19-Nf20
143565 Measuring and testing apparatus PID10-Mt
143566 Measuring and testing apparatus for liquids PID10-Mt08
142469 Meat PLW05-Fl
142470 Meat PLW05-Fl03
142471 Meat 2 PLW05-Fl04
142472 Meat extract PLW05-05
142473 Meat processing machine PID08-Nm03
142317 Mechanical spring PID07.03-09
230880 Medical device PID08-Ap14
143947 Medical device, dental device PID04-Md
142942 Medication PID13.01
142259 Medicinal herbs PLW04-Kr
143561 Melon PLW04-Tr10
231262 Menswear PID19-Bk11
231324 Mercery PID19-Bz08
143759 Mercury PID07.01-09
143570 Metal bottle, metal barrel, metal drum PID07.00-05
161311 Metal casting PID07.01-Mg
143571 Metal foil, metal capsule, metal tube PID07.00-03
142275 Metal hardware PID07.03
230926 Metal pipe PID07.00-06
143569 Metal product PID07.00-02
142134 Metal sheet PID07.00-01
148466 Metals PID07 1
142868 Mica PID23-Mi01
143573 Microscope PID12-Au02
143574 Milk PID20-Mp03
143577 Milk sugar PID13-Lm04
230780 Milking machine PID08-Ld22
142013 Milkweed PID19-Nf06 13
143591 Mill, milling machine PID08-Nm05
142956 Millet PLW04-Gt04
143578 Mineral water PID20.02-Mw
148420 Mining Products PRB02
142112 Mining machine PID08-Bg 33
144045 Mitten crab PLW07-Mt17
143584 Mohair PID19-Nf21
142325 Moisture meter PID08-Ap10
143585 Molybdenum PID07.01-13
143728 Mother of pearl PID04-Sc06
142330 Motion pictures PID17-Sp08
143587 Motor PID08-Mo
143140 Motor vehicle PID09.02
143590 Motorcycle PID09.02-Mo
143525 Mower PID08-Ld09
143552 Mulberry PLW06-03
143553 Mulberry fiber PID19-Nf17
143554 Mule PLW05-28
143595 Muscle powered aircraft PID09.01-Lf05
143596 Musical instrument PID04-Mu
143586 Musk PID13-Pf03
142131 Muskrat PLW05-Hf02
143877 Mustard PID20-Gw10
143601 Nail PID07.03-05
143604 Naphthalene PRB02.08-04
142115 Narcotics PID04-Dr 3
142292 Natural gas PRB02.05
143791 Natural horsehair PID19-Tf03
230743 Natural rubber PID15-Ka00
143606 Navigational instrument PID12-04
231321 Necktie PID19-Bz07
143600 Needle PID07.03-04
142152 Nettle PLW04-Kr04
143608 New Zealand hemp PID19-Nf14
143609 Nickel PID07.01-07
143611 Nicotine PID04-Dr06
143612 Niobium (columbium) PID07.01-08
143812 Nitric acid PID13-Sc02
143912 Nitrogen PID13-Ae02
143613 Nitrophoska PID13-Du04
230902 Nobel gas PID13-Ae11
161442 Non-ferrous metal PID07.01 1
143784 Non-metallic piping PID23-Tk01
148443 Nonmetallic Minerals, Ceramics, and Glass PID23
143911 Nonmetallic minerals PID23-02
231328 Nursery plant PLW04-01
143614 Nut, kernel PLW04-Nu
143594 Nutmeg PID20-Gw05
143616 Nutria PLW05-10
231709 Nutrient supply PID13-Du10
143617 Nylon Fiber (DuPont) PID19-Ku03
142267 Oak wood PLW06-Hz07
142914 Oats PLW04-Gt03
143620 Ocher PID13-Fl12
142218 Office furniture PID04-Bu
142217 Office machine PID12-Bu
142216 Office supplies PID04-Bm
143622 Oil and fat PID20-Oe
143626 Oil cake PLW04-Oe03
142297 Oil drill, refinery machinery PID08-Bg01
143625 Oil extraction machine PID08-Ld15
143627 Oil shale, shale oil PRB02.06-Eo03
143628 Oiticica oil PID13-Fl13
143629 Olive, olive oil PLW04-Oe02
144085 Onion PLW04-Gm18
143630 Opal PID23-Ed02
143631 Opium, poppy PID04-Dr07
143632 Optical apparatus PID12-Au
141981 Orange PLW04-Zs01 77
143633 Orchid PLW04-Zp04
143634 Organ PID04-Mu04
143635 Osmium, osmiridium, iridium PID07.01-Pl01
143918 Ostrich feather PLW05-18
143826 Oxygen PID13-Ae01
142019 Oyster PLW07-Mt02 30
142298 Ozokerite PID13-Wa03
148781 Packages PID21
144003 Packaging machinery PID08-Vp
142309 Paint PID13-Fl04
143160 Paints and dyes PID13-Fl
143636 Palladium PID07.01-Pl02
143637 Palm oil, palm kernel PLW04-Oe05
143638 Palm wine PID20.02-Sp03
143641 Papaya fruit PLW04-Tr08
143707 Paper PID17-01
143709 Paper containers (including sacks) PID21-Pp
143711 Paper machinery PID08-Pa
143710 Paper yarn PID17-Sp03
143714 Paprika PLW04-Gm11
143715 Papyrus, suddit PID17-Sp04
142308 Parachute PID04-02
143717 Paraffin PID13-Wa05
143726 Parchment PID17-Sp05
231251 Parquetry PID22-Bd04
143640 Parrot PLW05-12
143952 Pasta PID20-Nm02
144029 Pasture PLW06-Hz22
143719 Patchouli PLW04-Oe04
142289 Pea PLW04-Hu03
143733 Peach PLW04-Ob11
142293 Peanut PLW04-Nu02
142130 Pear PLW04-Ob03
143729 Pearl PID04-Sc07
143969 Peat PRB02.08-05
143970 Peat machine PID08-Ld12
143720 Pecan PLW04-Nu07
143721 Pectin PID13-Lm03
143852 Pen nib PID04-Bm04
142142 Pencil PID04-Bm01
143724 Penicillin PID13.01-Bi04
143730 Pepper PID20-Gw06
143731 Peppermint PLW04-Kr07
161312 Perfume PID13-Pf
143727 Perilla seed, perilla oil PLW04-Oe06
143827 Pesticide PID13-Pe
230944 Petrochemical product PID13.02-02
142108 Petrol PID13.02-Ks02 110
142294 Petroleum PRB02.06 1
231735 Petroleum catalysts PID13.02-03
231343 Petroleum coke PRB02.06-Eo06
230943 Petroleum jelly PID13-Wa08
142296 Petroleum processing PRB02.06-Eo02
142295 Petroleum production PRB02.06-Eo01
231681 Phenol PID13-Ko09
143738 Phosgene PID13-Ae04
143739 Phosphate PID13-Du05
143740 Phosphorus PID13-Sp08
143742 Photo apparatus, cinema apparatus PID12-Fo
231731 Photocell PID11-08
143741 Photographic article PID12-Fo03
143712 Photographic paper PID17-Sp02
143504 Photometer PID10-Mt04
143106 Piano PID04-Mu03
143743 Piassava PID19-Nf12
142127 Picture telegraph, TV PID11-01
143864 Pig, pork, bacon, lard PLW05-Sw
143745 Pimento PID20-Gw07
141970 Pineapple PLW04-Tr01 57
143785 Pipe fitting PID07.00-04
142468 Plaiting material, plaiting goods PID16-Fl02
142957 Planing machine, milling machine, grinding machine PID08-Hz01
143734 Plant cultivation PLW04-04
166453 Plant fiber PID19-Nf
142932 Plastics PID14
230721 Plastics processing machine PID08-Wz17
143746 Platinum PID07.01-Pl
143895 Playing cards PID04-Sp02
143737 Plow PID08-Ld06
143736 Plum, damson PLW04-Ob12
143894 Plywood PLW06-Hz23
142850 Poison PID13.01-03
230860 Polygraph PID10-Md01
143713 Poplar wood PLW06-Hz14
143748 Porcelain PID23-Ke01
143053 Potassium PID13-Du03
142290 Potato PLW04-Kf03
143076 Potato PLW04-Kf
143075 Potato cabbage PLW04-Kf04
143074 Potato machine PID08-Ld05
142791 Poultry PLW05-Gf
143568 Precious metal PID07.01-Em
142266 Precious stone, semi-precious stone PID23-Ed
148577 Precision Instrument, optical product PID12
143131 Preservatives PID13-Pm
143130 Preserved food PID20-06
142260 Printing machine, printing supplies PID08-Dr
230701 Process engineering device PID08-Ap05
142287 Product packaging PID21-01
143985 Propellant PRB02.05-Fg01
143750 Prosopis juliflora PLW06-01
142277 Protein PID20-02
230863 Prothesis PID04-Md03
142315 Pulp PID19-Fa
143751 Pulque PID20.02-Sp06
142129 Pumice and alluvium PID23-Na02
143752 Pump PID08-Pp
143145 Pumpkin PLW04-Gm09
143754 Puppet PID04-Sp01
231255 Putty PID13-Ba02
143757 Pyrethrum PID13-Pe02
231680 Pyridine PID13-Ko08
143860 Pyrites PID23-Mi13
230925 Quartz PID23-Mi17
143758 Quebracho tree PLW06-Hz15
143760 Quinoa PLW04-Gt05
143063 Rabbit PLW05-07
231720 Radar PID10-Mt15
231714 Radiation meter PID10-Mt14
142487 Radio PID11-03
142489 Radio transmitter PID11-04
142488 Radio tube PID11-Eb01
143761 Radium PID07.01-Se01
143765 Raffia PID19-Nf16
143519 Rag, textile waste PRB01-02
143834 Rail PID09-Sf06
142273 Railroad car PID09-Sf03
143867 Railroad tie PID09-Sf05
142271 Railway brake PID09-Sf01
142272 Railway material, tram material PID09-Sf02
231325 Raincoat PID19-Bz09
143764 Ramie PID19-Nf15
143766 Rape (Plant) PLW04-Oe07
230980 Rare earth element, Monazite PID07.01-21
143794 Rattan PID16-Fl03
143767 Razor, blade PID07.03-Sd02
143562 Red lead PID13-Fl14
143795 Redwood PLW06-Hz17
143839 Reed PLW04-Gr03
143009 Refrigerant PID13.00-04
231737 Refrigerated vehicle PID09-Sf07
143008 Refrigerator PID08-Kl
143153 Regenerated wool PID19-Ku02
143775 Reindeer PLW05-16
231330 Reindeer lichen PLW04-Mo01
143776 Reptile skin PLW05-Hf07
143777 Rescue device PID07.03-Wz06
148696 Resin, rubber PID15
143780 Rhenium, Masurium PID07.01-10
143778 Rhubarb PLW04-Gm12
143772 Rice PLW04-Rs
143773 Rice machine PID08-Ld07
143917 Road building machine, street cleaning machine PID09.02-Nf02
143916 Road building material PID23-03
143763 Rocket motor PID08-Mo06
231248 Roofing PID22-Da01
142240 Roofing felt PID22-Bs01
143875 Rope PID19-Fa02
143788 Rose PLW04-Zp05
142920 Rose hip PLW04-Ob05
143790 Rose oil PID13-Ar06
143789 Rosewood oil PID13-Ar05
143085 Rubber PLW06-Fp14
143096 Rubber goods PID15-Ka
143086 Rubber heel, rubber sole PID15-Ka03
143090 Rubber latex PID15-Ka01
143087 Rubber processing device PID08-Wz14
143091 Rubber regeneration PID15-Ka02
143094 Rubber seed oil PLW04-Sg03
142891 Rubber shoes PID18-Sh01
143088 Rubber threads, elastic fabrics PID15-Ka04
143093 Rubber tires PID15-Ka05
143796 Ruby PID23-Ed03
143799 Rum PID20.02-Sp04
143793 Rust inhibitor PID13-Fl10
143787 Rye PLW04-Gt06
144076 Sable PLW05-27
142794 Safe PID04-Si02
161309 Safety engineering PID04-Si
142860 Safety glass PID23-Gw01
143803 Saffron PID20-Gw08
143804 Sago PID20-Nm01
143807 Sake PID20.02-Sp07
143808 Salad PLW04-Gm13
143809 Salicyl PID13.01-06
143159 Salmon PLW07-Mt09
143814 Salt PID20-Gw09
143811 Saltpeter PID13-Sa01
146168 Salts PID13-Sa
143813 Salvarsan PID13.01-07
143816 Sand, grand, gravel PID23-01
143817 Sandalwood PLW06-Hz18
143818 Sanitary item PID04-Md01
143819 Sanseviera PLW04-Zp06
143822 Saponin P00-07
231711 Sapphire PID23-Ed05
143824 Sardine, canned sardines PLW07-Mt13
143856 Scrap metal PRB01-06
143851 Screw, nut, rivet PID07.03-02
143879 Scythe PID07.03-Sd03
143557 Sea foam PRB02.08-02
231332 Sea moss PLW04-Mo02
231249 Sealant PID13-Ba01
143783 Sealskin PLW05-Hf08
143582 Seating furniture PID04-Mo05
143800 Seed PLW04-Sg
143876 Selenium PID07.01-Hm05
161310 Semi-metal PID07.01-Hm
231732 Semiconductor PID11-09
143878 Senna leaf PID13.01-09
143880 Sesame PLW04-Oe09
143602 Sewing machinery PID08-Wz15
142922 Shark PLW07-Mt04
142221 Shea tree PLW06-Hz04
143828 Sheep PLW05-Sf
143723 Sheep fur PID19-Pz01
143593 Shell PLW07-Mt11
143832 Shellac PID15-02
143836 Shipbuilding material, ship parts PID09.04-01
143830 Shovel PID07.03-Wz07
144059 Shredding machine PID08-Wz11
142311 Silicate mineral paint PID13-Fl06
143883 Silicon PID07.01-Hm06
143869 Silk PLW05-Sd
143882 Silver PID07.01-Em02
143885 Sisal hemp PID19-Nf22
143886 Sisal machine PID08-Ld10
143887 Skinophane P00-08
143841 Slag PRB01-05
143833 Slate PID23-Na05
231707 Sludge PID13-Du09
143768 Smoking equipment PID04-Fz01
143847 Snail PLW05-21
143842 Snake antivenom PID13.01-Bi05
143848 Snowshoe PID18-Sh03
143870 Soap PID13-Kp01
143889 Soda ash PID23-Mi10
143605 Sodium PID13-Sp07
143862 Sodium sulfur PID13-Pm03
231704 Soil conditioners PID13-Du02
143892 Solar motor PID08-Mo08
143510 Solder PID07.01-06
143509 Solvent (except soap) PID13-Ko
142801 Sound level meter PID10-Mt03
143890 Soybean PLW04-Hu12
144080 Spark plug PID06-07
143165 Speaker PID11-Eb02
143937 Speedometer PID10-Mt10
142848 Spice PID20-Gw
143898 Spinach PLW04-Gm16
143858 Sponge PLW07-Mt15
143902 Sprat PLW07-Mt16
143901 Spray gun PID08-Pp04
230741 Spreader, Sprayer, Sprinklers PID08-Ld17
142329 Spruce Oil, Pine Oil PID13-Ar02
142154 Stamp PVK04.02
231644 Stamp PID04-Bm06
143618 Standards Committee for the Graphic Industry (DIN) P00-01
143619 Standards committee of the German industry (DIN, RAL) P00-02
143904 Starch PID20-Nm05
143854 Stationery product, school article PID04-04
142242 Steam engine PID08-Mo01
143907 Stearin PID13-Wa07
143923 Stockings, socks PID19-Bk02
143920 Straw (except animal feed) PLW04-Gt07
142291 Strawberry PLW04-Ob04
143805 String PID04-Mu05
143922 Strontium PID23-Sp
231682 Styrene PID13-Ko13
144077 Sugar PID20-Zk
144079 Sugar machine PID08-Ld13
143118 Suitcase PID18-02
143931 Sulfonamide drug PID13.01-08
143859 Sulfur PID23-Mi12
143863 Sulphuric acid PID13-Sc01
143932 Sumac PLW06-Fp21
143891 Sunflower PLW04-Oe11
143933 Superphosphate PID13-Du06
230702 Surface finishing device PID08-Ap06
144002 Surveying device PID10-Mt12
231320 Suspenders PID19-Bz06
142842 Swage PID07.03-Wz04
143080 Sweet chestnut PLW06-Hz11
143927 Sweetener PID20-Zk02
231260 Swimsuit PID19-Bz10
143149 Synthetic fiber PID19-Ku
143151 Synthetic resin PID14-Ha
143095 Synthetic rubber PID14-01
143939 Talc PID23-Mi14
143938 Tallow PID20-Oe08
143940 Tamarind PLW04-Tr11
143061 Tank PID06-04
143941 Tank wood PLW06-Hz20
142803 Tanning material PID13-Pm01
143942 Tantalum PID07.01-14
143951 Tar PRB02.08-Eo04
143945 Taximeter PID10-Mt11
143949 Tea PID20-Te
143950 Tea seed oil PLW04-Sg05
143501 Teaching aids PID04-Lm
143946 Teak wood PLW06-Hz19
143598 Telecommunications equipment PID11
230960 Telecommunications equipment PID11-06
143953 Telegraph, telephone PID11-05
142323 Teletypewriter PID11-02
143954 Tellurium PID07.01-Hm07
143872 Textile detergent PID13-Kp03
143956 Textile machinery PID08-Tx
166455 Textiles PID19-Ma
143957 Thermometer PID08-Ap11
143958 Thermos bottle, hot water bottle PID04-Hh05
143959 Thomas flour PID13-Du07
143960 Thorium PID07.01-15
142258 Thresher PID08-Ld04
230742 Thresher, gain dryer PID08-Ld18
144071 Tin PID07.01-19
142136 Tin packaging PID21-Me01
144034 Tinplate PID07.02-03
143965 Titanium PID07.01-Lm05
142313 Titanium white PID13-Fl08
143934 Tobacco PLW04-06
143936 Tobacco Seed Oil PLW04-Sg04
143935 Tobacco machine PID08-Ld11
143871 Toilet soap PID13-Kp02
143966 Tomato PLW04-Ob14
161313 Tool PID07.03-Wz
144036 Tooling machine PID08-Wz
143838 Tortoise PLW05-17
143897 Toy PID04-Sp
143971 Tractor PID09.02-Nf03
144001 Traffic controller PID08-Au01
141974 Trailer PID09.02-Kf 12
143915 Tram car PID09-Sf04
143982 Transformer PID10-07
143983 Transmission, clutch PID08-Mo09
230760 Transplanter PID08-Ld21
142087 Tree clearing machine PID08-Ld01 5
148560 Tropical fruit PLW04-Tr
142478 Trout PLW07-Sw01
143992 Tuff PID23-Na07
231329 Tulip PLW04-Zp07
143961 Tuna PLW07-Mt18
230945 Tungsten PID07.01-20
143993 Turbine PID08-02
143991 Turkey PLW05-Gf02
143955 Turpentine PID13-Ko06
143855 Type foundry machine, printer type PID08-Dr02
143881 Typesetting machine PID08-Dr01
143853 Typewriter PID12-Bu03
143995 Ultramarine PID13-Fl16
143840 Umbrella PID19-Bz04
231340 Underground coal gasification PRB02.01.02
231710 Urea PID13-Du11
143996 Urena fiber PID19-Ju01
142984 Vaccine PID13.01-Bi02
143906 Vacuum cleaner PID10-Eh03
143997 Valonea PLW06-Fp23
143998 Vanadium PID07.01-16
230941 Vanilla PID20-Gw12
230942 Vanillin PID13-Lm06
142796 Vegetable PLW04-Gm
143792 Vegetable horsehair, artificial horsehair PID19-Ku04
143623 Vegetable oil PLW04-Oe
143735 Vegetable wax PID13-Wa06
148546 Vehicles PID09
144039 Venison PLW05-Fl05
142301 Vinegar, acetic acid PID13-Sc00
142792 Violin PID04-Mu01
144056 Viscose staple PLW04-Bw03
144005 Vitamin PID13.01-Bi06
144008 Vulcanized fiber PID17-Sp06
144021 Walnut PLW04-Nu09
143615 Walnut wood PLW06-Hz13
148965 Waste and Recycling Products PRB01
141942 Waste and scrap PRB01-01 34
143708 Waste paper PRB01-04
144023 Water glass PID04-Hh06
144024 Water meter PID08-Ap09
144022 Watercraft PID09.04
144010 Wax PID13-Wa
144013 Weapon, ammunition PID07.03-Wa
144027 Weaver thistle PLW04-Tr12
230840 Weighing scale PID08-Vp01
143866 Welding apparatus, soldering apparatus, riveting apparatus PID08-Wz08
144020 Whale PLW07-Wa
144018 Whale II PLW07-Wa03
144017 Whale meat PLW07-Wa02
144016 Whale oil PLW07-Wa01
144035 Wheat PLW04-Gt08
144037 Whiskey PID20.02-Sp05
143134 Wicker PID16-Fl
143962 Wildlife (except birds) PLW05-19
144040 Wind motor PID08-Mo11
231254 Window blind PID22-Bs05
142322 Window, door PID22-Bf02
144031 Wine PID20.02-We
142253 Wire PID07.02-01
142255 Wire machine PID08-Wz13
142256 Wire rope PID07.03-03
231257 Women’s outerwear PID19-Bk10
142961 Wood PLW06-Hz
148703 Wood Products PID16
142967 Wood flour PID16-01
142798 Wood gasifier PID08-Mo03
142972 Wood oil PID13-Fl09
142970 Wood wool PID16-02
142962 Wood-processing machinery PID08-Hz
144042 Wool PLW05-Wo
144043 Wool PLW05-Wo02
144044 Wool 2 PLW05-Wo03
143150 Work of art PID04-Kg
231261 Workwear PID19-Bz11
144046 Wormseed PLW04-Oe12
144028 Woven goods PID19-Ma04
143786 X-ray, medical device PID08-Ap15
144047 Yam, Taro PLW04-Tr07
142757 Yarn, twine PID19-Fa01
142939 Yeast PID20-05
144048 Ylang-ylang tree PLW04-Oe13
144049 Zacaton PID19-Nf24
144050 Zapupe fiber PID19-Nf23
144051 Zebu PLW05-Rd02
144069 Zinc PID07.01-18
144070 Zinc paint PID13-Fl17
143774 Zipper PID19-Bz03
144072 Zirconium PID23-Mi15
142911 pigskin PLW05-Hf05
231643 typewriter ribbon PID04-Bm05