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Complete subject category system

id notationLong signature category note
142393 a a Literature, general
144193 a 01 a1 Map literature
163710 a 01 SM 520 (A 010) a1 Sm520 (A10) Cooperation between German countries
144194 a 01 SM 520.01 (A 010) a1 Sm520.I (A10) Cooperation between German states, general
144195 a 01 SM 520.02 (A 010) a1 Sm520.II (A10) Cooperation between German states, between two countries
144196 b b The country and its people, politics and economy, general
144198 b 00 SM 001 (alt) b Sm1 (alt) Country and people, series of articles
144197 b 01 b1 Country and people, travel descriptions
144199 c c Country studies, general
144217 c 00 SM 001 (alt) c Sm1 (alt) Nature reserve
144218 c 00 SM 002 c Sm2 Cartography
144219 c 00 SM 002.01 (alt) c Sm2.I (alt) Cartography, general
144220 c 00 SM 002.02 (alt) c Sm2.II (alt) Cartography, aerial photography
182723 c 00 SM 020 c Sm20 Country studies, conferences
182748 c 00 SM 040 c Sm40 Country studies, professions and training
182749 c 00 SM 050 c Sm50 Country studies, institutions
144200 c 01 c1 Expeditions
144201 c 01 SM 501 (B 042) c1 Sm501 (B42) Himalayas expeditions
144202 c 02 c2 State borders, political division
144203 c 02a c2a State borders with individual countries
144204 c 03 c3 Geography, geomorphology
144205 c 04 c4 Waters
144206 c 04 SM 001 (alt) c4 Sm1 (alt) Coastal waters
144207 c 04 SM 002 (alt) c4 Sm2 (alt) Flood service
144208 c 04 SM 501 (H) (alt) c4 Sm501 (H) (alt) Ocean research
144209 c 05 c5 Climate
231360 c 05 SM 020 c5 Sm20 Climate, conferences
213527 c 05 SM 050 c5 Sm50 Climate, institutions
231361 c 05 SM 501 (H) c5 Sm501 (H) Weather service, aviation weather service
144210 c 06 c6 Geography, geological structure, mineral kingdom
144211 c 07 c7 Plant kingdom
144212 c 08 c8 Animal kingdom
144213 c 08 SM 001 c8 Sm1 Animal protection
231362 c 08 SM 020 c8 Sm20 Animal kingdom, conferences
144214 c 09 c9 Landscapes, description of individual places and areas
144215 c 10 c10 Natural disasters
144216 c 10 SM 001 (alt) c10 Sm1 (alt) Geography, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
144221 d d Population and population policies
144259 d 00 SM 001 d Sm1 Racism, Nazi eugenics
144260 d 00 SM 002 d Sm2 Civil register
144261 d 00 SM 003 d Sm3 Clan research, genealogy
150369 d 00 SM 020 d Sm20 Population and population policy, conferences
185141 d 00 SM 040 d Sm40 Population and population policy, occupations and training
185140 d 00 SM 050 d Sm50 Population and population policy, institutions
144262 d 00 SM 501 (A 010) d Sm501 (A10) Marriage loans and allowances
144263 d 00 SM 501 (A 035) d Sm501 (A35) Etruscan
144222 d 01 d1 Population movement, population statistics
163707 d 01 SM 004 d1 Sm4 Nationals abroad
144223 d 01 SM 004.01 d1 Sm4.I Nationals abroad, general
144224 d 01 SM 004.02 d1 Sm4.II National members abroad, in individual countries
231116 d 01 SM 050 d1 Sm50 Population movement, population statistics, Institutions
144225 d 01a d1a Population movement, population statistics in individual provinces, states and cities
144226 d 03 d3 Ancestry, races
144227 d 03 SM 501 (C 087) d3 Sm501 (C87) San/Koisan
144228 d 04 d4 National character, sports, customs and traditions
163704 d 04 SM 001 d4 Sm1 Secret societies
144229 d 04 SM 001.01 d4 Sm1.I Secret societies, general
144230 d 04 SM 001.02 d4 Sm1.II Secret societies, individuals
144231 d 04 SM 002 d4 Sm2 Sports
208607 d 04 SM 020 d4 Sm20 National character, sport, manners and customs, conferences
153514 d 04 SM 050 d4 Sm50 National character, sport, customs and traditions, institutions
144232 d 04 SM 501 (A 010) d4 Sm501 (A10) Thing-stead
144233 d 05 d5 Social conditions, social situation
144234 d 05 SM 001 d5 Sm1 Youth movement
144235 d 05 SM 002 d5 Sm2 Social position of women
144236 d 05 SM 003 d5 Sm3 Delinquency
144237 d 05 SM 004 d5 Sm4 Trafficking in women, trafficking in children
144238 d 05 SM 501 (E 015) d5 Sm501 (E15) Lynching
144239 d 06 d6 Language
208733 d 06 SM 020 d6 Sm20 Language, conferences
185530 d 06 SM 040 d6 Sm40 Language, professions and training
144240 d 06 SM 501 (H) d6 Sm501 (H) Esperanto
144241 d 07 d7 Religious affairs, churches
144242 d 07 SM 001 d7 Sm1 Islam
144243 d 07 SM 002 d7 Sm2 Roman Catholic Church
144244 d 07 SM 002 (alt) d7 Sm2 (alt) Jesuit question
144245 d 07 SM 003 d7 Sm3 Buddhism
185531 d 07 SM 020 d7 Sm20 Religious affairs, conferences
153513 d 07 SM 040 d7 Sm40 Religious affairs, professions and education
220225 d 07 SM 050 d7 Sm50 Religious affairs, institutions
144246 d 07 SM 070 d7 Sm70 Religious affairs, capital procurement
222528 d 07 SM 100 d7 Sm100 Religious affairs, history
163698 d 07 SM 501 (A 010) d7 Sm501 (A10) Concordat
144247 d 07 SM 501 (A 010) (alt) d7 Sm501 (A10) (alt) Bavarian Concordat
144248 d 07 SM 501 (A 043) d7 Sm501 (A43) Ecumenical patriarchy
144249 d 07 SM 501.01 (A 010) d7 Sm501.I (A10) Concordat, general
144250 d 07 SM 501.02 (A 010) d7 Sm501.II (A10) Bavarian Concordat I (German Empire)
144251 d 07 SM 501.03 (A 010) d7 Sm501.III (A10) Prussian Concordat
144252 d 07 SM 501.04 (A 010) d7 Sm501.IV (A10) Baden Concordat
144253 d 08 d8 Missionary activities
144254 d 09 d9 Spiritual culture, scientific achievements, general
144255 d 09 SM 001 d9 Sm1 Protection of minors (‘Fight against dirt and trash’)
144256 d 10 d10 Literature, music, theater
144257 d 11 d11 Fine arts, art monuments, excavations, archeology
144258 d 11 SM 001 (alt) d11 Sm1 (alt) Archaeological excavations and finds
144264 e e Health situation, general
144278 e 00 SM 001 e Sm1 Hereditary diseases
144279 e 00 SM 002 e Sm2 Diet as a factor of public health
144280 e 00 SM 501 (H) e Sm501 (H) Tropical disease
144281 e 00 SM 502 (H) e Sm502 (H) Acclimatization I (World)
144265 e 01 e1 Individual diseases and their control
144266 e 04 e4 Medical services, hygiene, medical institutions
144267 e 04 SM 001 e4 Sm1 Funeral services
163695 e 04 SM 002 e4 Sm2 Drinking water supply, sewerage
144268 e 04 SM 002.01 e4 Sm2.I Drinking water supply, sewerage, general
144269 e 04 SM 002.02 e4 Sm2.II Drinking water supply, sewerage of individual cities
144270 e 04 SM 003 e4 Sm3 Health police, fight against pathogens and carriers
144271 e 04 SM 004 e4 Sm4 Waste disposal
144272 e 04 SM 004 (alt) e4 Sm4 (alt) Sewerage system
144273 e 04 SM 005 e4 Sm5 Pharmacy
144274 e 04 SM 006 e4 Sm6 Medical flying
144275 e 04 SM 007 e4 Sm7 Spas and health resorts, general
144276 e 04 SM 008 e4 Sm8 Air hygiene and ventilation
185600 e 04 SM 009 e4 Sm9 Combating hereditary diseases
185602 e 04 SM 010 e4 Sm10 Nutritional issues
185601 e 04 SM 011 e4 Sm11 Noise impact, noise control
197658 e 04 SM 012 e4 Sm12 Hospitals, medical institutions, nursing homes
197659 e 04 SM 013 e4 Sm13 Soil hygiene: soil pollution, soil pollution control
197660 e 04 SM 014 e4 Sm14 Hygiene of air, water, soil in general, damage by industry, measures for prevention and elimination
150371 e 04 SM 020 e4 Sm20 Medical services, conferences
153591 e 04 SM 040 e4 Sm40 Medical services, professions and training
185605 e 04 SM 046 e4 Sm46 Radiation protection, radiation damage
153592 e 04 SM 050 e4 Sm50 Medical services, institutions
144277 e 05 e5 Acclimatization
144282 f f History, politics, general
144448 f 00 SM 001 f Sm1 Prehistory
150592 f 00 SM 020 f Sm20 History (general), conferences
144449 f 00 SM 501 (A 011) f Sm501 (A11) Criticism of German colonial activity
144450 f 00 SM 503 (A 010) (alt) f Sm503 (A10) (alt) Memoirs of Kaiser Wilhelm II.
144283 f 01 f1 Historical reviews
144284 f 01 SM 001 (alt) f1 Sm1 (alt) Economic history reviews
144285 f 01 SM 501 (C 093) f1 Sm501 (C93) Boer War
144286 f 02 f2 Historical events
144287 f 02 SM 001 (alt) f2 Sm1 (alt) Popular mood and public opinion
144288 f 02 SM 002 f2 Sm2 Refugees in the country of refuge
144289 f 02 SM 003 f2 Sm3 Reconstruction of destroyed areas
144290 f 02 SM 004 f2 Sm4 Military demobilization
144291 f 02 SM 005 f2 Sm5 Fate of the princely houses
144292 f 02 SM 006 f2 Sm6 Leading statesmen, governments
194563 f 02 SM 007 f2 Sm7 Countermeasures against communism in non-communist countries
144293 f 02 SM 007 (alt) f2 Sm7 (alt) Anti-communism and anti-Bolshevik propaganda (-1945)
144294 f 02 SM 008 f2 Sm8 Important speeches of statesmen and politicians (until 1945)
144295 f 02 SM 009 f2 Sm9 Political and cultural propaganda. (From 1945): Polling
144296 f 02 SM 009 (alt) f2 Sm9 (alt) Separation of church and state
144297 f 02 SM 011 f2 Sm11 Combatants, veterans, general
144298 f 02 SM 011 (alt) f2 Sm11 (alt) Annual overviews (historical processes)
163692 f 02 SM 014 f2 Sm14 Autonomy efforts, right of self-determination
144299 f 02 SM 014.01 f2 Sm14.I Aspirations for autonomy, right of self-determination, general
144300 f 02 SM 014.02 f2 Sm14.II Aspirations for autonomy, right to self-determination, individual ethnic groups
144301 f 02 SM 016 f2 Sm16 Treason and espionage in …, general. (From 1945 also): resistance
144302 f 02 SM 018 f2 Sm18 Amnesty
163689 f 02 SM 019 f2 Sm19 Legislation
144303 f 02 SM 019.01 f2 Sm19.I Legislation, general
144304 f 02 SM 019.02 f2 Sm19.II Legislation, enacted laws etc., overviews
150605 f 02 SM 020 f2 Sm20 Historical events, conferences
144305 f 02 SM 021 f2 Sm21 Referendum (overviews)
144306 f 02 SM 501 (A 009) f2 Sm501 (A9) Announcements from the Hamburg Workers and Soldiers Council
144307 f 02 SM 501 (A 010) f2 Sm501 (A10) Party positions on the World War; Haller’s Army
144308 f 02 SM 501 (A 010c) f2 Sm501 (A10c) French claims to Alsace-Lorraine
231115 f 02 SM 501 (A 012) f2 Sm501 (A12) Haller’s Army
144309 f 02 SM 501 (A 022) (alt) f2 Sm501 (A22) (alt) Imperial Conferences
144310 f 02 SM 501 (A 023) f2 Sm501 (A23) British Imperial Conferences
144311 f 02 SM 501 (A 023) (alt) f2 Sm501 (A23) (alt) Imperialism
144312 f 02 SM 501 (A 040) f2 Sm501 (A40) Galicia
144313 f 02 SM 501 (A 040b) f2 Sm501 (A40b) Annexation by Germany
144314 f 02 SM 501 (A 040c) f2 Sm501 (A40c) German-Bohemian question
144315 f 02 SM 501 (A 048) f2 Sm501 (A48) Albania, occupied by Italy
144316 f 02 SM 501 (A 050) f2 Sm501 (A50) Murmur coast
144317 f 02 SM 501 (A 053) f2 Sm501 (A53) Aalands Islands
144318 f 02 SM 501 (A 054) f2 Sm501 (A54) Position of the peasants on Bolshevism (Ukraine)
144319 f 02 SM 501 (B 031) f2 Sm501 (B31) Cheik-Said
144320 f 02 SM 501 (B 042) f2 Sm501 (B42) Native states as a whole
144321 f 02 SM 501 (C 015) f2 Sm501 (C15) Senussis
144322 f 02 SM 501 (E 020) f2 Sm501 (E20) Confiscation of church property
144323 f 02 SM 502 (A 009) (alt) f2 Sm502 (A9) (alt) Weekly political overview from the Hamburger Nachrichten
144324 f 02 SM 502 (A 010) f2 Sm502 (A10) Convocation of the National Assembly
144325 f 02 SM 502 (A 022) f2 Sm502 (A22) Imperial War Cabinet
144326 f 02 SM 502 (A 040) f2 Sm502 (A40) Assassination of the Austrian heir to the throne June 28, 1914 and the trial
144327 f 02 SM 502 (A 048) f2 Sm502 (A48) Albania, occupied by Montenegro
144328 f 02 SM 502 (A 050) f2 Sm502 (A50) Arkhangelsk
144329 f 02 SM 502 (B 042) f2 Sm502 (B42) Indian National Congress
144330 f 02 SM 503 (A 010) f2 Sm503 (A10) Announcements by the Berlin ‘Workers and Soldiers’ Council
144331 f 02 SM 503 (A 022) (alt) f2 Sm503 (A22) (alt) Fear of Invasion
144332 f 02 SM 503 (A 048) f2 Sm503 (A48) Albania, occupied by Serbia
144333 f 02 SM 503 (A 050) f2 Sm503 (A50) Requisition of the church treasures
144334 f 02 SM 503 (B 042) f2 Sm503 (B42) The National Liberal Federation
163686 f 02 SM 504 (A 010) f2 Sm504 (A10) Self-protection organizations, patriotic associations
144335 f 02 SM 504 (A 050) f2 Sm504 (A50) Position of the peasants on Bolshevism I (Soviet Union)
144336 f 02 SM 504 (B 010) f2 Sm504 (B10) Position of the peasants on Bolshevism II (Russian Asia in general)
144337 f 02 SM 504 (B 042) f2 Sm504 (B42) The Muslim League
144338 f 02 SM 504.01 (A 010) f2 Sm504.I (A10) Self-protection organizations, patriotic associations, general
144339 f 02 SM 504.02 (A 010) f2 Sm504.II (A10) Self-protection organizations, patriotic associations, individual organizations and associations
163681 f 02 SM 505 (A 010) f2 Sm505 (A10) Borderland questions
144340 f 02 SM 505 (A 010) (alt) f2 Sm505 (A10) (alt) Anschluss
144341 f 02 SM 505 (B 042) f2 Sm505 (B42) The Khilafat Committee (incl. Conferences)
144342 f 02 SM 505.01 (A 010) f2 Sm505.I (A10) Borderland questions, general
144343 f 02 SM 505.02 (A 010) f2 Sm505.II (A10) Northern borderland question
144344 f 02 SM 505.03 (A 010) f2 Sm505.III (A10) Eastern borderland question
144345 f 02 SM 505.04 (A 010) f2 Sm505.IV (A10) Western borderland question
144346 f 02 SM 506 (A 010) f2 Sm506 (A10) Reich and country conferences
144347 f 02 SM 506 (A 010) (alt) f2 Sm506 (A10) (alt) Conference of the States
144348 f 02 SM 506 (B 042) f2 Sm506 (B42) Amritsar massacre (1919)
144349 f 02 SM 507 (A 010) (alt) f2 Sm507 (A10) (alt) Weekly digest of Home Affairs from the Kreuzzeitung
144350 f 02 SM 507 (B 042) f2 Sm507 (B42) Akali Sikh Movement (1922-26)
144351 f 02 SM 508 (A 010) f2 Sm508 (A10) Council congresses 1918-19
144352 f 02 SM 508 (B 042) f2 Sm508 (B42) (Indian) Round Table Conference 1930
144353 f 02 SM 509 (A 010) f2 Sm509 (A10) Barmat-Kutisker scandal
181392 f 02.01 f2.1 Historical events 1900 - 1914
181360 f 02.02 f2.2 Historical events 1914 - 1918 (First World War)
181391 f 02.03 f2.3 Historical events 1918 - 1939
182454 f 02.03.01 f2.3.1 Historical events 1919 - 1933 (Weimar republic)
182453 f 02.03.02 f2.3.2 Historical events 1933 - 1939 (Nazi era)
181361 f 02.04 f2.4 Historical events 1939 - 1945 (Second World War)
185631 f 02.05 f2.5 Historical events 1945 -
144354 f 02a f2a Historical events in individual states, provinces and cities
144355 f 04 f4 Constitution, form of government
163674 f 04 SM 001 f4 Sm1 Electoral law
144356 f 04 SM 001.01 f4 Sm1.I Suffrage, general
144357 f 04 SM 001.02 f4 Sm1.II Women’s suffrage
163671 f 04 SM 002 f4 Sm2 Parliamentary and political bodies
144358 f 04 SM 002.01 f4 Sm2.I Parliamentary and political bodies, general
144359 f 04 SM 002.02 f4 Sm2.II Individual parliamentary and political bodies
144360 f 04 SM 003 f4 Sm3 State court
144361 f 04 SM 004 f4 Sm4 Legal holidays
144362 f 04 SM 005 f4 Sm5 National emblem, medals and titles
144363 f 04 SM 006 f4 Sm6 Privileges of rank
144364 f 04 SM 007 f4 Sm7 Right of association and assembly
144365 f 04 SM 008 f4 Sm8 Position and powers of the head of state, his representative and members of government
144366 f 04 SM 009 f4 Sm9 National reorganization (for states)
144367 f 04 SM 011 f4 Sm11 Government empowerment to issue emergency ordinances
144368 f 04 SM 012 f4 Sm12 Citizenship, civil rights, naturalization
144369 f 04 SM 013 f4 Sm13 Authorization to carry weapons
185765 f 04 SM 050 f4 Sm50 Constitution, other institutions
163668 f 04 SM 501 (A 009) f4 Sm501 (A9) Economic Council (Hamburg)
144370 f 04 SM 501 (A 010) f4 Sm501 (A10) Flag question
144371 f 04 SM 501 (A 022) f4 Sm501 (A22) The Economic Advisory Council
144372 f 04 SM 501 (A 028) f4 Sm501 (A28) Conseil National Economique
144373 f 04 SM 501 (B 042) f4 Sm501 (B42) Simon Commission
144374 f 04 SM 501 (H) f4 Sm501 (H) Right of peoples to self-determination
144375 f 04 SM 501.01 (A 009) f4 Sm501.I (A9) Economic Council, general
144376 f 04 SM 501.02 (A 009) f4 Sm501.II (A9) Economic Council, individuals
163662 f 04 SM 502 (A 010) f4 Sm502 (A10) Workers’ and Economic Councils
144377 f 04 SM 502 (B 042) f4 Sm502 (B42) Butler Report (Native Princes)
144378 f 04 SM 502 (H) f4 Sm502 (H) Authoritarian and democratic forms of government in contrast
144379 f 04 SM 502.01 (A 010) f4 Sm502.I (A10) Workers’ and economic councils, general
144380 f 04 SM 502.02 (A 010) f4 Sm502.II (A10) Reich Economic Council
144381 f 04 SM 502.03 (A 010) f4 Sm502.III (A10) District Economic Councils
144382 f 04 SM 502.04 (A 010) f4 Sm502.IV (A10) Workers’ councils
144383 f 04 SM 502.05 (A 010) f4 Sm502.V (A10) Civil Servants’ councils
144384 f 04 SM 503 (A 010) f4 Sm503 (A10) Protection of the Republic
144385 f 04 SM 503 (B 042) f4 Sm503 (B42) Nehru Report
144386 f 04 SM 504 (A 010) f4 Sm504 (A10) State of emergency (Art. 48 § 2 of the Weimar Constitution)
144387 f 04 SM 504 (B 042) f4 Sm504 (B42) Indian Central Committee
144388 f 04 SM 505 (A 010) f4 Sm505 (A10) Referendum (Art. 73, 74 of the Weimar Constitution)
144389 f 04 SM 505 (B 042) (alt) f4 Sm505 (B42) (alt) Separation of Burma
231101 f 04 SM 506 (A 010) f4 Sm506 (A10) Unitary state
144390 f 04 SM 506 (A 010) (alt) f4 Sm506 (A10) (alt) Unitary state
144391 f 04a f4a Constitution of individual federal and vassal states
144392 f 04a SM 001 f4a Sm1 Electoral law of individual federal and vassal states
163659 f 04a SM 002 f4a Sm2 Parliamentary bodies
144393 f 04a SM 002.01 f4a Sm2.I Parliamentary bodies, general
144394 f 04a SM 002.02 f4a Sm2.II Parliamentary bodies, individual
144395 f 05 f5 Party system
163656 f 05 SM 001 f5 Sm1 Elections
144396 f 05 SM 001.01 f5 Sm1.I Election, general
144397 f 05 SM 001.02 f5 Sm1.II Election of the head of state
163653 f 05 SM 001.03 f5 Sm1.III Elections for parliamentary bodies and other political elections
144398 f 05 SM 001.03a f5 Sm1.IIIa Elections for parliamentary bodies and other general political elections
144399 f 05 SM 001.03b f5 Sm1.IIIb Elections for parliamentary bodies and other political elections in individual states
144400 f 05 SM 002 f5 Sm2 Individual political movements
183161 f 05 SM 500 f5 Sm500 International labor movement
144401 f 05 SM 516 (H) f5 Sm516 (H) International Workers’ Association (First International)
163648 f 05 SM 517 (H) f5 Sm517 (H) Second International (socialist)
144402 f 05 SM 517.01 (H) f5 Sm517.I (H) Second International (Socialist), general
144403 f 05 SM 517.02 (H) f5 Sm517.II (H) Second International (socialist), congresses, conferences
144404 f 05 SM 517.03 (H) f5 Sm517.III (H) Second International (socialist) women’s organizations
144405 f 05 SM 517.04 (H) f5 Sm517.IV (H) Second International (socialist) youth organizations
163643 f 05 SM 518 (H) f5 Sm518 (H) Third International (Communist)
144406 f 05 SM 518.01 (H) f5 Sm518.I (H) Third International (Communist), general
144407 f 05 SM 518.02 (H) f5 Sm518.II (H) Third International (communist), congresses, conferences
144408 f 05 SM 518.03 (H) f5 Sm518.III (H) Third International (communist) women’s organizations
144409 f 05 SM 518.04 (H) f5 Sm518.IV (H) Third International (communist) youth organizations
163640 f 05 SM 519 (H) f5 Sm519 (H) International Socialist Working Group (2 1/2 International)
144410 f 05 SM 519.01 (H) f5 Sm519.I (H) International Socialist Working Group (2 1/2 International), General
144411 f 05 SM 519.02 (H) f5 Sm519.II (H) International Socialist Working Group (2 1/2 International), congresses, conferences
163637 f 05 SM 520 (H) f5 Sm520 (H) Communist Workers International (Fourth International)
144412 f 05 SM 520.01 (H) f5 Sm520.I (H) Communist Workers International (Fourth International), General
144413 f 05 SM 520.02 (H) f5 Sm520.II (H) Communist Workers International (Fourth International), congresses, conferences
163634 f 05 SM 521 (H) f5 Sm521 (H) Cooperation of the International
144414 f 05 SM 521.01 (H) f5 Sm521.I (H) Cooperation of the International, General
144415 f 05 SM 521.02 (H) f5 Sm521.II (H) Cooperation of the International, conferences
163629 f 05 SM 522 (H) f5 Sm522 (H) Socialist Workers International
144416 f 05 SM 522.01 (H) f5 Sm522.I (H) Socialist Workers’ International, general
144417 f 05 SM 522.02 (H) f5 Sm522.II (H) Socialist workers’ international, conferences
144418 f 05 SM 522.03 (H) f5 Sm522.III (H) Socialist workers’ international, women’s organizations
144419 f 05 SM 522.04 (H) f5 Sm522.IV (H) Socialist workers’ international, youth organizations
144420 f 05a f5a Individual parties and party groups
144421 f 05a.01 f5a.I The party as a whole, including in a judgment abroad
144422 f 05a.01a f5a.Ia The party as a whole, historical reviews
144423 f 05a.01b f5a.Ib The party as a whole, organization
144424 f 05a.01c f5a.Ic The party as a whole, program
144425 f 05a.01d (alt) f5a.Id (alt) The party as a whole, agitation + tactics (e.g. May Day celebrations, rallies, propaganda, leaflets)
144426 f 05a.01e f5a.Ie The party as a whole, press, general
144427 f 05a.01f f5a.If The party as a whole, activity of the party
144428 f 05a.01g (alt) f5a.Ig (alt) The party as a whole, division in the party
144429 f 05a.01h (alt) f5a.Ih (alt) The party as a whole, relationship with other parties
144430 f 05a.01i (alt) f5a.Ii (alt) The party as a whole, reports from the party executive committee
144431 f 05a.01k f5a.Ik The party as a whole, party meetings
144432 f 05a.01l f5a.Il The party as a whole, youth organizations
144433 f 05a.01l (alt) f5a.Il (alt) The party as a whole, women’s and youth organizations
144434 f 05a.01m f5a.Im The party as a whole, women’s organizations
144435 f 05a.01m (alt) f5a.Im (alt) The party as a whole, foreign organizations (old)
144436 f 05a.01o f5a.Io The party as a whole, foreign organizations
144437 f 05a.02 f5a.II Parliamentary representation of the party
144438 f 05a.03 f5a.III Leading personalities (individual parties)
144439 f 05a.04 f5a.IV Opposition to the party
144440 f 06 f6 Negotiations of parliamentary and political bodies
144441 f 06 SM 001 (alt) f6 Sm1 (alt) Individual parliamentary inquiries
144442 f 06 SM 501 (A 010) f6 Sm501 (A10) Reichstag committees
144443 f 06 SM 502 (A 010) f6 Sm502 (A10) Reich Economic Committees
144444 f 06 SM 503 (A 010) f6 Sm503 (A10) Prussian state parliament committees
144446 f 06a f6a Negotiations of parliamentary bodies from individual states, provinces and cities
144447 f 06a SM 503 (alt) f6a Sm503 (alt) Prussian state parliament committees 1 (old)
144451 g g Foreign policy and political relations with foreign countries, general
144570 g 00 SM 001 g Sm1 Neutrality
144571 g 00 SM 002 (alt) g Sm2 (alt) Relations with the Vatican
144572 g 00 SM 003 (alt) g Sm3 (alt) Revelations and publications of historical documents
163611 g 00 SM 004 g Sm4 Pre-history of the world war
144573 g 00 SM 004.01 g Sm4.I Pre-history of the world war, general
144574 g 00 SM 004.02 g Sm4.II Pre-history of the World War, war debt
163608 g 00 SM 005 g Sm5 War aims (world war)
144575 g 00 SM 005.01 g Sm5.I War goals (World War I), general
144576 g 00 SM 005.03 g Sm5.III War aims, Belgium
144577 g 00 SM 006 g Sm6 Peace efforts (world war)
144578 g 00 SM 007 g Sm7 Armistice
163605 g 00 SM 008 g Sm8 Political and cultural propaganda
144579 g 00 SM 008.01 g Sm8.I Political and cultural propaganda, general, abroad
144580 g 00 SM 008.02 g Sm8.II Foreign political and cultural propaganda, general
220906 g 00 SM 008.03 g Sm8.III Foreign propaganda for or against …
144581 g 00 SM 009 g Sm9 Pacifist and philanthropic aspirations
163602 g 00 SM 012 (alt) g Sm12 (alt) Political and cultural propaganda (old)
144582 g 00 SM 012.01 (alt) g Sm12.I (alt) Political and cultural propaganda, general
144583 g 00 SM 012.02 (alt) g Sm12.II (alt) Political and cultural propaganda, individual countries
144584 g 00 SM 013 g Sm13 Islam policy
163597 g 00 SM 014 g Sm14 Statements and position on the German peace dictation provisions & their implementation (Versailles)
144585 g 00 SM 014.01 g Sm14.I Statements and position on the German peace dictation provisions (Versailles), general
144586 g 00 SM 014.02 g Sm14.II Repair question, statements
144587 g 00 SM 014.03 g Sm14.III Sanction question, statements
144588 g 00 SM 014.04 g Sm14.IV Retaliation clause, statements
144589 g 00 SM 015 g Sm15 Relations with the League of Nations
144590 g 00 SM 016 (alt) g Sm16 (alt) Statements and position on the Austrian peace treaty (St. Germain)
144591 g 00 SM 017 (alt) g Sm17 (alt) Statements and position on the Turkish peace treaty (Sevres)
144592 g 00 SM 018 g Sm18 Political interests in foreign states
144593 g 00 SM 019 g Sm19 Statements and position to clarify the question of war debt (World War)
153593 g 00 SM 020 g Sm20 Foreign policy, conferences
144594 g 00 SM 022 (alt) g Sm22 (alt) Statements and position on a Central European security pact
144595 g 00 SM 023 (alt) g Sm23 (alt) Outlawing war, statements and position
150784 g 00 SM 050 g Sm50 Foreign policy, institutions
144596 g 00 SM 501 (A 010) g Sm501 (A10) Briey and Longwy Basin (as a war aim)
144597 g 00 SM 501 (A 010b) (alt) g Sm501 (A10b) (alt) Rhineland Commission (old)
144598 g 00 SM 501 (A 022) g Sm501 (A22) Singapore question
144599 g 00 SM 501 (A 028) g Sm501 (A28) Protectorate over the Catholics in the Orient
144600 g 00 SM 501 (A 035) g Sm501 (A35) Fiume
163572 g 00 SM 501 (A 040b) g Sm501 (A40b) Treaty of St. Germain (World War I)
144601 g 00 SM 501 (A 040d) g Sm501 (A40d) Treaty of Trianon (World War I)
163569 g 00 SM 501 (A 043) g Sm501 (A43) Sevres Peace Treaty (World War I)
144602 g 00 SM 501 (A 046) g Sm501 (A46) Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine (World War I)
144603 g 00 SM 501 (A 050) g Sm501 (A50) Peace Conference on the Prince Islands
144604 g 00 SM 501 (B 094) g Sm501 (B94) China and the treaty powers
144605 g 00 SM 501 (B 111) g Sm501 (B111) Japanese auxiliary army and Japanese achievements in World War II
144606 g 00 SM 501 (C 125) g Sm501 (C125) Abyssinian conflict and its effects
163440 g 00 SM 501 (H) g Sm501 (H) Security and disarmament
144607 g 00 SM 501.01 (A 040b) g Sm501.I (A40b) Treaty of St. Germain (World War I), general
144608 g 00 SM 501.01 (A 043) g Sm501.I (A43) Treaty of Sèvres (World War I), general
144609 g 00 SM 501.01 (H) g Sm501.I (H) Security and disarmament, general
144611 g 00 SM 501.02 (A 040b) g Sm501.II (A40b) Treaty of St. Germain (World War I), statements and position
144610 g 00 SM 501.02 (A 043) g Sm501.II (A43) Sevres Peace Treaty (World War), statements and position
163438 g 00 SM 501.02 (H) g Sm501.II (H) Security and disarmament, security issues
144612 g 00 SM 501.02a (H) g Sm501.IIa (H) Security and disarmament, security issues, general
163435 g 00 SM 501.02b (H) g Sm501.IIb (H) Security and disarmament, security issues, conferences and agreements
144613 g 00 SM 501.02b1 (H) g Sm501.IIb1 (H) Security and disarmament, security issues, conferences and agreements, guarantee pact
144614 g 00 SM 501.02b2 (H) g Sm501.IIb2 (H) Security and disarmament, security issues, conferences and agreements, security pact
163432 g 00 SM 501.03 (H) g Sm501.III (H) Disarmament
144615 g 00 SM 501.03a (H) g Sm501.IIIa (H) Disarmament, general
144616 g 00 SM 501.03b (H) g Sm501.IIIb (H) Disarmament, conferences and agreements
144617 g 00 SM 501.03b1 (H) g Sm501.IIIb1 (H) Disarmament, Washington Disarmament Conference (Nov. 1921 - Feb. 1922)
144618 g 00 SM 501.03b2 (H) g Sm501.IIIb2 (H) Disarmament, Moscow Disarmament Conference 1922, including a preliminary conference in Warsaw
144619 g 00 SM 501.03b3 (H) g Sm501.IIIb3 (H) Disarmament, Geneva Sea Disarmament Conference 1927, including a preliminary conference in Rome
144620 g 00 SM 501.03b4 (H) g Sm501.IIIb4 (H) Disarmament, conferences and agreements, London 1930
144621 g 00 SM 501.03b5 (H) g Sm501.IIIb5 (H) Disarmament, Geneva Disarmament Conference 1932
144622 g 00 SM 501.03b6 (H) g Sm501.IIIb6 (H) Disarmament, London Disarmament Conference 1935/36
231380 g 00 SM 501.03b7 (H) g Sm501.IIIb7 (H) Disarmament, London Fleet Negotiations 1938
144623 g 00 SM 502 (A 010) g Sm502 (A10) Lichnowsky Affair
144624 g 00 SM 502 (A 035) g Sm502 (A35) Orient Triple Alliance (Italian-Greek-Turkish pact)
144625 g 00 SM 502 (A 043) g Sm502 (A43) Treaty of Lausanne
144626 g 00 SM 502 (A 050) g Sm502 (A50) Russia’s sovereign rights over the North Siberian Islands
144627 g 00 SM 502 (B 111) g Sm502 (B111) Japan-Russia-China Treaty of January 21, 1925
144628 g 00 SM 503 (A 010) g Sm503 (A10) Peace negotiations with the Allies (World War)
144629 g 00 SM 503 (A 050) g Sm503 (A50) Anti-Soviet movement abroad
163583 g 00 SM 504 (A 010) g Sm504 (A10) Peace treaty (World War)
144630 g 00 SM 504 (A 050) g Sm504 (A50) Eastern Pact (Non-Aggression Pact) 1933
163423 g 00 SM 504 (H) g Sm504 (H) Outlawing war
144631 g 00 SM 504.01 (A 010) g Sm504.I (A10) Peace Treaty (World War), general
144632 g 00 SM 504.01 (H) g Sm504.I (H) Outlawing war, general
144633 g 00 SM 504.02 (A 010) g Sm504.II (A10) Peace treaty (World War), exchange of notes
144634 g 00 SM 504.02 (H) g Sm504.II (H) Outlawing war, statements and position of individual countries
144635 g 00 SM 504.03 (A 010) g Sm504.III (A10) Peace treaty (World War), corrections
144636 g 00 SM 504.04 (A 010) g Sm504.IV (A10) Peace treaty (World War), commissions, examination offices, etc.
144637 g 00 SM 504.05 (A 010) g Sm504.V (A10) Peace treaty (World War), special treaties
144638 g 00 SM 504.06 (A 010) g Sm504.VI (A10) Peace Treaty (World War), financial provisions
144639 g 00 SM 504.07 (A 010) g Sm504.VII (A10) Peace treaty (World War), provisions on reparation
144640 g 00 SM 504.08 (A 010) g Sm504.VIII (A10) Peace treaty (World War), territorial issues
144641 g 00 SM 504.09 (A 010) g Sm504.IX (A10) Peace treaty (World War), extradition of Germans war criminal
231102 g 00 SM 504.09a (A 010) g Sm504.IXa (A10) Peace treaty (World War), extradition of Germans war criminal, list of names
231103 g 00 SM 504.09b (A 010) g Sm504.IXb (A10) Peace treaty (World War), extradition of Germans war criminal, individual names
144642 g 00 SM 504.10 (A 010) g Sm504.X (A10) Peace treaty (World War), ratification
144643 g 00 SM 504.11 (A 010) g Sm504.XI (A10) Peace treaty (World War), additions to the peace treaty
144644 g 00 SM 504.12 (A 010) g Sm504.XII (A10) Peace Treaty (World War), entry into force
144645 g 00 SM 504.13 (A 010) g Sm504.XIII (A10) Peace treaty (World War), London Ultimatum
163580 g 00 SM 504.14 (A 010) g Sm504.XIV (A10) Peace treaty (World War), reprisal clause
144646 g 00 SM 504.14a (A 010) g Sm504.XIVa (A10) Peace treaty (World War), reprisal clause, general
144647 g 00 SM 504.14b (A 010) g Sm504.XIVb (A10) Peace treaty (World War), reprisal clause, statements by individual countries
144648 g 00 SM 505 (A 010) g Sm505 (A10) The Baltic question
144649 g 00 SM 505 (H) g Sm505 (H) Study of international relations
144650 g 00 SM 506 (A 010) g Sm506 (A10) Spa Conference (July 1920)
231381 g 00 SM 506 (H) g Sm506 (H) Tripartite Pact between German, Italy and Japan
144651 g 00 SM 507 (A 010) g Sm507 (A10) Geneva Conference (November 1920)
163575 g 00 SM 509 (A 010) g Sm509 (A10) London Conference July 1924
144652 g 00 SM 509.01 (A 010) g Sm509.I (A10) London Conference July 1924, Prehistory
144653 g 00 SM 509.02 (A 010) g Sm509.II (A10) London Conference July 1924, negotiations
144654 g 00 SM 509.03 (A 010) g Sm509.III (A10) London Conference July 1924, London Protocol
144655 g 00 SM 509.04 (A 010) g Sm509.IV (A10) London Conference July 1924, official additions
144656 g 00 SM 510 (A 010) (alt) g Sm510 (A10) (alt) Excecution of the expert opinion (Dawes-Mc Kenna)
144657 g 00 SM 511 (A 010) g Sm511 (A10) Evacuation of the occupied territory
144658 g 00 SM 512 (A 010) g Sm512 (A10) Security Pact (Central Europe)
144452 g 01 g1 Political relations with individual countries
144453 g 01 SM 001 g1 Sm1 Peace treaties and general implementation provisions (including war compensation regulations)
144454 g 01 SM 002 g1 Sm2 Foreign policy. Historical reviews
144455 g 01 SM 003 g1 Sm3 Border issues
144456 g 01 SM 004 g1 Sm4 Passport agreements with other countries
144457 g 01 SM 005 g1 Sm5 Extradition agreement
144458 g 01 SM 006 g1 Sm6 Agreement on naturalization
144459 g 01 SM 008 g1 Sm8 Foreign political and cultural propaganda, Individual countries
144460 g 01 SM 009 g1 Sm9 Statements, discussions and agreements about colonial areas and spheres of interest
144461 g 02 g2 Diplomatic missions and consular posts
144462 g 02 SM 001 g2 Sm1 Commercial attachés
144463 g 02 SM 002 g2 Sm2 Consulate fee
144464 g 02 SM 003 g2 Sm3 Press attachés, general
214469 g 02 SM 040 g2 Sm40 Diplomatic missons and consular posts. Education
144465 g 02 SM 501 (A 010) g2 Sm501 (A10) Diplomatic representation of the countries
144466 g 02a g2a Diplomatic and consular representations in individual countries
198452 g 03 g3 Foreign aid and other foreign assistance in all forms
144467 g 03 (alt) g3 (alt) Foreigners (legal status)
144468 g 03 SM 001 (alt) g3 Sm1 (alt) German citizens (legal status)
144469 g 03 SM 002 (alt) g3 Sm2 (alt) Stateless person (old)
144470 g 04 g4 Trade policy, Foreign economic policy, general
163419 g 04 SM 001 g4 Sm1 Tariff policy
144471 g 04 SM 001.01 g4 Sm1.I Customs policy, general
144472 g 04 SM 001.02 g4 Sm1.II Customs policy, most-favored-nation treatment
144473 g 04 SM 001.03 g4 Sm1.III Customs policy, import quotas, import, export and transit bans, general
163414 g 04 SM 002 g4 Sm2 Economic war
144474 g 04 SM 002.01 g4 Sm2.I Economic war, general
144475 g 04 SM 002.02 g4 Sm2.II Economic war, laws and regulations
163411 g 04 SM 002.03 g4 Sm2.III Economic war, confiscation, forced administration and liquidation
144476 g 04 SM 002.03a g4 Sm2.IIIa Economic war, confiscation, forced administration and Liquidation, general
144477 g 04 SM 002.03b g4 Sm2.IIIb Economic war, confiscation, forced administration and liquidation of property of foreign individuals
144478 g 04 SM 002.05 g4 Sm2.V Economic war, blacklists
163408 g 04 SM 002.06 g4 Sm2.VI Economic war, payment bans and cancellation of supply agreements
144479 g 04 SM 002.06a g4 Sm2.VIa Economic war, payment bans etc. Cancellation of delivery contracts, general
144480 g 04 SM 002.06b g4 Sm2.VIb Economic war, payment bans and cancellation of supply contracts of individual foreigners
144481 g 04 SM 002.07 g4 Sm2.VII Economic war, legal issues and lawsuits
163381 g 04 SM 003 g4 Sm3 State economic propaganda
144482 g 04 SM 003.01 g4 Sm3.I State Business propaganda, general
144483 g 04 SM 003.02 g4 Sm3.II State economic propaganda, exhibitions and fairs, general
231104 g 04 SM 004 g4 Sm4 Economic compensation
163378 g 04 SM 004 (alt) g4 Sm4 (alt) Free ports
144484 g 04 SM 004.01 (alt) g4 Sm4.I (alt) Free ports, general
144485 g 04 SM 004.02 (alt) g4 Sm4.II (alt) Free ports, individual free port projects
144486 g 04 SM 005 g4 Sm5 Free trade restriction
144487 g 04 SM 006 g4 Sm6 State trade credits, guarantees, subsidies, promotion of foreign trade
144488 g 04 SM 007 g4 Sm7 Preferential treatment of colonies, general
144489 g 04 SM 008 g4 Sm8 Trademarks for the protection of national industry
144490 g 04 SM 009 g4 Sm9 Export promotion in a three-party process (import - factory - export)
144491 g 04 SM 019 g4 Sm19 Posting and consulting experts and skilled workers
150373 g 04 SM 020 g4 Sm20 Trade policy and general economic policy, conferences
144492 g 04 SM 021 g4 Sm21 Trade policy and customs law measures from the German Trade Archives
144493 g 04 SM 025 g4 Sm25 Balancing current foreign trade receivables and debts
231105 g 04 SM 026 g4 Sm26 Foreign estabilishment law
144494 g 04 SM 031 g4 Sm31 Free ports, free zones, customs warehouses, general (projects)
198640 g 04 SM 031 (ASEAN) g4 Sm31 (ASEAN) Association of South-East Asian Nations
186580 g 04 SM 050 g4 Sm50 Trade policy, institutions
231106 g 04 SM 100 g4 Sm100 Deutscher Zollverein
144495 g 04 SM 501 (A 001) g4 Sm501 (A1) Community of interests of the agricultural states
163375 g 04 SM 501 (A 010) g4 Sm501 (A10) Sea border slaughterhouses
144496 g 04 SM 501 (A 023) g4 Sm501 (A23) Empire marketing
144497 g 04 SM 501 (A 028) g4 Sm501 (A28) Comité National des Conseillers du Commerce Extérior (de la France)
163373 g 04 SM 501 (E 001) g4 Sm501 (E1) Pan American Trade Conferences
144498 g 04 SM 501 (E 015) g4 Sm501 (E15) Foreign trade associations (Webb Pomerenc Export Trade Act)
144499 g 04 SM 501 (H) g4 Sm501 (H) Blockade of Germany
144500 g 04 SM 501.01 (A 010) g4 Sm501.I (A10) Maritime border slaughterhouses, general
144501 g 04 SM 501.01 (E 001) g4 Sm501.I (E1) Pan American Trade Conferences, general
144502 g 04 SM 501.02 (A 010) g4 Sm501.II (A10) Maritime border slaughterhouses in individual cities
144503 g 04 SM 501.02 (E 001) g4 Sm501.II (E1) Pan American Trade Conferences, individuals
144504 g 04 SM 502 (A 001) g4 Sm502 (A1) Community of interests of the Northern European countries
144505 g 04 SM 502 (A 010) g4 Sm502 (A10) Reduction of travel abroad
144506 g 04 SM 502 (E 015) g4 Sm502 (E15) Raw materials war
144507 g 04 SM 502 (H) g4 Sm502 (H) Blockade of Russia
144508 g 04 SM 503 (A 010) g4 Sm503 (A10) Advertising Council of German Business
144509 g 04 SM 503 (H) g4 Sm503 (H) International Advertising Council
144510 g 04 SM 503 (H) (alt) g4 Sm503 (H) (alt) International Economic Manifesto (Oct. 1926)
144511 g 04 SM 504 (A 010) g4 Sm504 (A10) Export promotion through currency adjustment
144512 g 04 SM 504 (H) g4 Sm504 (H) Moving fairs and exhibitions
144513 g 04 SM 505 (H) g4 Sm505 (H) International Economic Manifesto (Oct. 1926)
144514 g 04 SM 505 (H) (alt) g4 Sm505 (H) (alt) Trade Policy Review (W.D.)
144515 g 04 SM 506 (H) g4 Sm506 (H) Inter-parliamentary trade conferences
144516 g 04 SM 507 (H) g4 Sm507 (H) Free trade conferences
163370 g 04 SM 508 (H) g4 Sm508 (H) Customs union
144517 g 04 SM 508.01 (H) g4 Sm508.I (H) Customs union, general
144518 g 04 SM 508.02 (H) g4 Sm508.II (H) Customs union, individual customs unions between several countries
163367 g 04 SM 509 (H) (alt) g4 Sm509 (H) (alt) Conferences on the abolition of import and export bans
144519 g 04 SM 509.01 (H) (alt) g4 Sm509.I (H) (alt) Conferences on the Abolition of Import and Export Bans, general (Geneva, October 17, 1927)
144520 g 04 SM 509.02 (H) (alt) g4 Sm509.II (H) (alt) Conferences on the Abolition of Import and Export Bans, Individuals (Geneva, October 17, 1927)
163364 g 04 SM 520 (H) g4 Sm520 (H) World economic conferences
144521 g 04 SM 520.01 (H) g4 Sm520.I (H) World economic conferences, general (initiated by the League of Nations or alliances within)
144522 g 04 SM 520.02 (H) g4 Sm520.II (H) World economic conferences, individuals
163362 g 04 SM 521 (H) g4 Sm521 (H) International economic policy committees
144523 g 04 SM 521.01 (H) g4 Sm521.I (H) International Economic Policy Committees, general
163358 g 04 SM 521.02 (H) g4 Sm521.II (H) International economic policy committees, individuals, general
163352 g 04 SM 521.02a (H) g4 Sm521.IIa (H) International Economic Policy Committees, Individuals
144524 g 04 SM 521.02a1 (H) g4 Sm521.IIa1 (H) International economic policy committees, Commission économique et financiére
144525 g 04 SM 521.02a2 (H) g4 Sm521.IIa2 (H) Boarding school Economic Policy Committees, Comité Financier
144526 g 04 SM 521.02a3 (H) g4 Sm521.IIa3 (H) Boarding school economic policy. Committees, Comité Financier
144527 g 04 SM 521.02a4 (H) g4 Sm521.IIa4 (H) Boarding school economic policy. Committees, economic crisis commissions
144528 g 04 SM 521.02a5 (H) g4 Sm521.IIa5 (H) International economic policy committees, Adv. C. f. Economic issues (Comité consultatif économique)
144529 g 04 SM 521.02b (H) g4 Sm521.IIb (H) Study Committee for European Cooperation (Europe Commission)
144530 g 04 SM 521.02b (H) (alt) g4 Sm521.IIb (H) (alt) Boarding school economic policy. Committees, others
144531 g 04a g4a Economic relations with individual countries
144532 g 04a SM 001 g4a Sm1 Economic compensation, exchange of goods
144533 g 04a SM 002 g4a Sm2 Trade credits
144534 g 04a SM 003 g4a Sm3 Processing credits, processing trade
144535 g 04a SM 004 g4a Sm4 Reparation levy
144536 g 04a SM 005 g4a Sm5 Copyright protection (economic relations with individual countries)
144537 g 04a SM 006 g4a Sm6 Fisheries agreements
144538 g 04a SM 007 g4a Sm7 Aviation agreements
144539 g 04a SM 008 g4a Sm8 Agreements for motor vehicle traffic
144540 g 04a SM 009 g4a Sm9 Insurance Industry, relations to individual countries
144541 g 04a SM 011 g4a Sm11 Commercial arbitration
144542 g 04a SM 012 g4a Sm12 Taxation (foreign policy)
144543 g 04a SM 013 g4a Sm13 Rail transport, transit
144544 g 04a SM 014 g4a Sm14 Shipping (economic relations with individual countries)
144545 g 04a SM 015 g4a Sm15 Post, telegraph and telephony
144546 g 04a SM 016 g4a Sm16 Administration of justice, harmonisation of laws
144547 g 04a SM 017 g4a Sm17 Currency appreciation re. individual countries
144548 g 04a SM 018 g4a Sm18 Customs union
144549 g 04a SM 019 g4a Sm19 Exchange of experts and skilled workers, study commissions
144550 g 04a SM 021 g4a Sm21 Trade agreements with individual countries from the German Trade Archives
144551 g 04a SM 022 g4a Sm22 Water management, hydropower
144552 g 04a SM 023 g4a Sm23 Contraband prevention
144553 g 04a SM 024 g4a Sm24 Commercial travelers and samples
144554 g 04a SM 025 g4a Sm25 Balancing current foreign trade receivables and debts, individual countries
144555 g 04a SM 026 g4a Sm26 Branch
144556 g 04a SM 028 g4a Sm28 Tourist traffic
205247 g 04a SM 029 g4a Sm29 Film industry
144557 g 04a SM 031 g4a Sm31 Free ports, free zones, customs warehouses, general
144558 g 05 g5 Colonial policy, general
144559 g 05 SM 001 g5 Sm1 Claims to foreign colonies
205301 g 05 SM 020 g5 Sm20 Colonial policy, conferences
205302 g 05 SM 040 g5 Sm40 Colonial policy; education
205303 g 05 SM 050 g5 Sm50 Colonial policy, institutions
205304 g 05 SM 100 g5 Sm100 Colonial policy, history
144560 g 05 SM 501 (A 010) g5 Sm501 (A10) Chartered Company question
144561 g 05 SM 501 (A 022) g5 Sm501 (A22) British Colonial Conference
144562 g 05 SM 501 (H) g5 Sm501 (H) Internationalization of the colonies
144563 g 05 SM 502 (A 010) g5 Sm502 (A10) Colonial mandates
144564 g 05 SM 502 (H) g5 Sm502 (H) Right of the natives to self-determination
144565 g 06 g6 Interests of foreign states in …, general
144566 g 06 SM 001 (alt) g6 Sm1 (alt) Internationalization (neutralization)
144567 g 06 SM 002 g6 Sm2 Negotiations and agreements between foreign states on …
144568 g 06 SM 003 g6 Sm3 Interests of individual states in …
144569 g 06 SM 501 (C 004) g6 Sm501 (C4) International agreements on the Congo Basin
144659 h h Administration, general
144693 h 00 SM 001 h Sm1 War measures
231400 h 00 SM 020 h Sm20 Administration general, conferences
205740 h 00 SM 050 h Sm50 Administration general, Institutions
205741 h 00 SM 501 (A 10) h Sm501 (A10) Occupying powers (administration)
144660 h 01 h1 Authorities, general
144661 h 02 h2 Civil service
144662 h 02 SM 001 h2 Sm1 Salaries, collective agreements
144663 h 02 SM 003 h2 Sm3 Disciplinary system
144664 h 02 SM 004 h2 Sm4 Civil service reduction
214773 h 02 SM 020 h2 Sm20 Civil service, conferences
231107 h 02 SM 040 h2 Sm40 Civil service, profession and training
144665 h 03 h3 Administrative districts
144666 h 04 h4 Police
163348 h 04 SM 001 h4 Sm1 Passport
144667 h 04 SM 001.01 h4 Sm1.I Passport, General
144668 h 04 SM 001.02 (alt) h4 Sm1.II (alt) Passport system, passport regulations for citizens of individual countries
144669 h 04 SM 001.03 h4 Sm1.III Passport system, foreign passport regulations for national citizens
144670 h 04 SM 001.03a (alt) h4 Sm1.IIIa (alt) Passport system, foreign passport regulations for national citizens, general
144671 h 04 SM 001.03b (alt) h4 Sm1.IIIb (alt) Passport system, foreign passport regulations for national citizens, for indiviual countries
144672 h 04 SM 002 h4 Sm2 Protective custody
231401 h 04 SM 020 h4 Sm20 Police, conferences
182434 h 04 SM 040 h4 Sm40 Police, profession and training
182435 h 04 SM 050 h4 Sm50 Police, institutions
144673 h 05 h5 Local government, general
144674 h 05 SM 001 h5 Sm1 Fire fighting
144675 h 05 SM 002 h5 Sm2 Incorporation, reorganization of local authorities, general
214774 h 05 SM 020 h5 Sm20 Local government, conferences
231162 h 05 SM 040 h5 Sm40 Local government, profession and training
144676 h 05a h5a Administration, individual states, provinces and municipalities
144677 h 07 h7 Social welfare (public and private)
144680 h 07 SM 001 h7 Sm1 Vocational counselling
144681 h 07 SM 002 h7 Sm2 Welfare for mother and child
144682 h 07 SM 003 h7 Sm3 Youth welfare
144683 h 07 SM 004 h7 Sm4 Old-age provision, small-age pension provision
144684 h 07 SM 005 h7 Sm5 Welfare for the homeless
144685 h 07 SM 006 h7 Sm6 Welfare for people with physical disabilities
144686 h 07 SM 007 h7 Sm7 Poor relief
144687 h 07 SM 008 h7 Sm8 Welfare for large families
144688 h 07 SM 009 h7 Sm9 Welfare for antisocial people
163343 h 07 SM 011 h7 Sm11 Provision for people in need of rest, holiday makers
144689 h 07 SM 011 (alt) h7 Sm11 (alt) Creation of security funds for times of crisis
144690 h 07 SM 011.01 h7 Sm11.I Provision for people in need of rest, holiday makers, general
144691 h 07 SM 011.02 h7 Sm11.II Provision for people in need of rest, holiday makers, to and from individual countries
214777 h 07 SM 020 h7 Sm20 Social welfare, conferences
181100 h 07 SM 040 h7 Sm40 Social welfare, professions and tariffs
181120 h 07 SM 050 h7 Sm50 Social welfare, institutions
144678 h 07 SM 501 (A 009) h7 Sm501 (A9) Winter relief organization
144679 h 07 SM 501 (A 010) h7 Sm501 (A10) Winter Relief Organization (German Empire)
144692 h 08 h8 Indigenous policy
144694 i i Justice, general
231402 i 00 SM 020 i Sm20 Administration of justice, conferences
181121 i 00 SM 040 i Sm40 Administration of justice, professions and salaries
181140 i 00 SM 050 i Sm50 Administration of justice, institutions
163340 i 00 SM 501 (A 010) i Sm501 (A10) Academy for German Law
144711 i 00 SM 501.01 (A 010) i Sm501.I (A10) Academy for German Law, general
144712 i 00 SM 501.02 (A 010) i Sm501.II (A10) Academy for German Law, negotiations
144695 i 01 i1 Judicial system
144698 i 01 SM 001 i1 Sm1 Individual courts
144699 i 01 SM 002 i1 Sm2 Courts of foreign powers in …
144700 i 01 SM 003 i1 Sm3 Court and attorney fees, fees
231163 i 01 SM 040 i1 Sm40 Judicial system, professions and training
163337 i 01 SM 501 (A 010) i1 Sm501 (A10) Courts of honor
144696 i 01 SM 501.01 (A 010) i1 Sm501.I (A10) Courts of honor, general
144697 i 01 SM 501.02 (A 010) i1 Sm501.II (A10) Courts of honor, individuals
144701 i 02 i2 Civil right
144702 i 02 SM 002 i2 Sm2 Law of inheritance
144703 i 02 SM 003 i2 Sm3 Family law
144704 i 02 SM 011 i2 Sm11 Guardianship
214778 i 02 SM 020 i2 Sm20 Civil law, conferences
144705 i 03 i3 Criminal Law
144706 i 03 SM 001 i3 Sm1 Penal institution
144707 i 03 SM 002 i3 Sm2 Deportation
144708 i 03 SM 003 i3 Sm3 White collar crime, general
231420 i 03 SM 020 i3 Sm20 Criminal law, conferences
144709 i 04 i4 Indigenous law
144710 i 05 i5 Individual scandals and trials
144713 k k Science and education, general
144752 k 00 SM 001 k Sm1 Librarianship
144753 k 00 SM 002 k Sm2 Archives
144754 k 00 SM 003 k Sm3 Museums, botanical and zoological gardens
144755 k 00 SM 004 k Sm4 Spiritual cooperation with other countries, general
144756 k 00 SM 005 k Sm5 Political and ideological training
230613 k 00 SM 007 k Sm7 Foundations
187225 k 00 SM 007.01 k Sm7.I Foundations for research and teaching, science, other foundations
187226 k 00 SM 007.02 k Sm7.II Individual foundations from individuals, companies, corporations
181141 k 00 SM 020 k Sm20 Science and education, conferences and events
181142 k 00 SM 050 k Sm50 Science and education, institutions
181162 k 00 SM 501 (A 009) k Sm501 (A9) Central office of the Hamburg Colonial Institute
144757 k 00 SM 501 (A 010) k Sm501 (A10) German National Prize for Art and Science
144758 k 00 SM 501 (A 010) (alt) k Sm501 (A10) (alt) Boycott of German science
144759 k 00 SM 501 (A 017) (alt) k Sm501 (A17) (alt) Nobel prize
144760 k 00 SM 501 (H) k Sm501 (H) Nobel Prizes (World)
144761 k 00 SM 501 (H) (alt) k Sm501 (H) (alt) Individual branches of science (if not assigned to subject)
144714 k 01 k1 Higher Education, Research Institutes, general
144715 k 01 SM 001 k1 Sm1 Foreigner question
163329 k 01 SM 002 k1 Sm2 Student affairs
144716 k 01 SM 002.01 k1 Sm2.I Student affairs, general
144717 k 01 SM 002.02 k1 Sm2.II Student affairs, student self-government
144718 k 01 SM 002.03 k1 Sm2.III Student affairs, housing
144719 k 01 SM 002.04 k1 Sm2.IV Student affairs, job placement and career counseling
144720 k 01 SM 002.05 k1 Sm2.V Student affairs, welfare organizations
144721 k 01 SM 002.06 k1 Sm2.VI Student affairs, economic self-help
144722 k 01 SM 002.07 k1 Sm2.VII Student affairs, corporations, associations, free organizations
144723 k 01 SM 003 k1 Sm3 Adult education centers
144724 k 01 SM 004 k1 Sm4 Technical higher education
144725 k 01 SM 005 k1 Sm5 Agriculture and forestry, research and teaching
144726 k 01 SM 006 k1 Sm6 Women students
163327 k 01 SM 007 k1 Sm7 University graduates
144727 k 01 SM 007.01 k1 Sm7.I Academic professions, general
163322 k 01 SM 007.02 k1 Sm7.II Individual academic professions
144728 k 01 SM 007.02a k1 Sm7.IIa Individual academic professions, economists
144729 k 01 SM 007.02b k1 Sm7.IIb Individual academic professions, lawyers
144730 k 01 SM 007.02c k1 Sm7.IIc Individual academic professions, engineers
144731 k 01 SM 007.02d k1 Sm7.IId Individual academic professions, chemists
144732 k 01 SM 008 k1 Sm8 Economic research and teaching
144733 k 01 SM 009 k1 Sm9 Business school
144734 k 01 SM 011 (alt) k1 Sm11 (alt) Newspaper research and teaching
144735 k 01 SM 012 k1 Sm12 Research and teaching about colonies and foreign countries
214779 k 01 SM 020 k1 Sm20 Higher education, conferences
181964 k 01 SM 040 k1 Sm40 Higher education, professions and training
187228 k 01 SM 050 k1 Sm50 Higher education, institutions
144736 k 01 SM 501 (A 010) k1 Sm501 (A10) Higher education, reform plans
144737 k 01 SM 501 (A 022) k1 Sm501 (A22) Rhodes Foundation
144738 k 01a k1a Scientific relations with individual countries and intellectual cooperation with individua countries
144739 k 02 k2 School system
144740 k 02 SM 001 k2 Sm1 Elementary schools
144741 k 02 SM 002 k2 Sm2 Middle school system
144742 k 02 SM 003 k2 Sm3 Compulsory further education (later vocational school, trade school (not technical schools))
144743 k 02 SM 004 k2 Sm4 Technical education
144744 k 02 SM 005 k2 Sm5 Colonial education (in the mother country)
144745 k 02 SM 006 k2 Sm6 Regulations for foreign schools in …
144746 k 02 SM 007 k2 Sm7 Practice (dummy) economy as vocational training
181980 k 02 SM 020 k2 Sm20 School system, conferences and events
181981 k 02 SM 040 k2 Sm40 School system, professions and training
181982 k 02 SM 050 k2 Sm50 School system, institutions
144747 k 02 SM 501 (A 009) k2 Sm501 (A9) Comprehensive school (Hamburg)
144748 k 02 SM 501 (A 010) k2 Sm501 (A10) Last-term school students in wartime
144749 k 02 SM 501 (A 028) k2 Sm501 (A28) Ecole Unique
144750 k 02 SM 502 (A 009) k2 Sm502 (A9) Private school system (Hamburg)
144751 k 02 SM 502 (A 010) k2 Sm502 (A10) Comprehensive school (German Reich)
144762 l l Military, general
144785 l 00 SM 001 l Sm1 Conscription
144786 l 00 SM 002 l Sm2 Troop losses in the World War, burial sites
163316 l 00 SM 003 (alt) l Sm3 (alt) Disarmament
144788 l 00 SM 003.01 (alt) l Sm3.I (alt) Disarmament, general
144789 l 00 SM 003.02 (alt) l Sm3.II (alt) Disarmament, land army
144790 l 00 SM 003.03 (alt) l Sm3.III (alt) Disarmament, the fleet
144791 l 00 SM 003.04 (alt) l Sm3.IV (alt) Disarmament, fortifications
144792 l 00 SM 003.05 (alt) l Sm3.V (alt) Disarmament, aviation
144793 l 00 SM 004 l Sm4 Electricity as a weapon
144794 l 00 SM 005 l Sm5 Chemical and biological warfare (and countermeasures)
144795 l 00 SM 007 l Sm7 Indigenous troops (colored)
144796 l 00 SM 008 l Sm8 Military contribution of the civilian population (later: civil protection)
144797 l 00 SM 009 l Sm9 Militia
144798 l 00 SM 011 l Sm11 Military criminal law, military jurisdiction
144799 l 00 SM 012 l Sm12 Martial law, general
144800 l 00 SM 013 l Sm13 Women in military service
144801 l 00 SM 014 l Sm14 Evacuation of the civilian population
211407 l 00 SM 040 l Sm40 Military affairs, education
210041 l 00 SM 050 l Sm50 Military affairs, institutions
144802 l 00 SM 501 (A 010) l Sm501 (A10) Germany, military control by foreign powers
144803 l 00 SM 501 (A 010) (alt) l Sm501 (A10) (alt) Germany, Inter-Allied Monitoring Commission
144804 l 00 SM 501 (A 040b) l Sm501 (A40b) German Austria, military control by foreign powers
144805 l 00 SM 501 (A 040d) l Sm501 (A40d) Hungary, military control by foreign powers
144806 l 00 SM 501 (A 046) l Sm501 (A46) Bulgaria, military control by foreign powers
144807 l 00 SM 501 (E 015) l Sm501 (E15) USA, foreigners in military service
144808 l 00 SM 501 (H) l Sm501 (H) World, military control
144763 l 01 l1 Army, Schutztruppen
144764 l 01 SM 001 (alt) l1 Sm1 (alt) Colored troops
144765 l 01 SM 002 l1 Sm2 Troop broadcasts in the World War
144787 l 01 SM 003 l1 Sm3 Mechanized or motorized infantry
231165 l 01 SM 040 l1 Sm40 Army, Training
144766 l 01 SM 501 (A 029) l1 Sm501 (A29) French colonies, Foreign Legion
144767 l 01 SM 501 (C 026) l1 Sm501 (C26) Morocco (Spanish), Foreign Legion
144768 l 02 l2 Navy
144769 l 02 SM 001 l2 Sm1 Former German and Austrian warships
144770 l 02 SM 002 l2 Sm2 Use of the merchant fleet for war purposes
163313 l 02 SM 003 l2 Sm3 Orders and purchases of warships abroad
144771 l 02 SM 003.01 l2 Sm3.I Orders and purchases of warships abroad, general
144772 l 02 SM 003.02 l2 Sm3.II Orders and purchases of warships abroad, in individual countries
221492 l 02 SM 040 l2 Sm40 Fleet, training
221493 l 02 SM 050 l2 Sm50 Fleet, institutions
144773 l 03 l3 Fortresses, military stations, … (later: military buildings and properties)
144774 l 03 SM 001 l3 Sm1 Military bases abroad (projects)
144775 l 04 l4 Aviation
144776 l 04 SM 001 l4 Sm1 Air Warfare Law (Military)
144777 l 04 SM 002 l4 Sm2 Protection against air strikes
210042 l 04 SM 040 l4 Sm40 Air Force, education
231166 l 04 SM 050 l4 Sm50 Air Force, institutions
144778 l 05 l5 Medical services
144779 l 05 SM 001 l5 Sm1 Red Cross
231421 l 05 SM 020 l5 Sm20 Medical services, conferences
144780 l 06 l6 Army supplies
144781 l 06 SM 001 l6 Sm1 Ammunition
144782 l 06 SM 002 l6 Sm2 Recycling of military goods
221494 l 06 SM 050 l6 Sm50 Army supply, institutions
144783 l 07 l7 Pay, pensions, war grants, veteran care
144784 l 08 l8 Auxiliary services
144809 m m Public finance, general
144908 m 00 SM 001 (alt) m Sm1 (alt) Submission system (old)
163309 m 00 SM 001 (obsolet) m Sm1 (obsolet) Private sector activity of the public sector (obsolete)
230612 m 00 SM 002 m Sm2 Private sector activity of the public sector
144909 m 00 SM 002.01 m Sm2.I Private sector activity of the public sector, general
144910 m 00 SM 002.02 m Sm2.II Private sector activity of the public sector, public companies, general
144911 m 00 SM 002.03 m Sm2.III State and municipal participation in private companies, general
144912 m 00 SM 003 m Sm3 Fiscal assets, government debt
144913 m 00 SM 004 m Sm4 Public bond appreciation, general
144914 m 00 SM 005 m Sm5 Fee system
144915 m 00 SM 006 m Sm6 Foreign exchange loans (including private) subject to authorization
144916 m 00 SM 007 m Sm7 Financial control by foreign powers
144917 m 00 SM 008 m Sm8 Settlement of debt, general
163304 m 00 SM 009 m Sm9 State and provincial finance
144918 m 00 SM 009.01 m Sm9.I State and provincial finance, general
144919 m 00 SM 009.02 m Sm9.II State and provincial finance, bonds
144920 m 00 SM 009.03 m Sm9.III State and provincial finance, fiscal harmonization
144921 m 00 SM 009.04 m Sm9.IV State and provincial finance, interstate (etc.) taxes, general
144922 m 00 SM 011 m Sm11 State lottery, general
144923 m 00 SM 012 m Sm12 Public procurement
153292 m 00 SM 020 m Sm20 Finance, conferences
211408 m 00 SM 040 m Sm40 Finance, education
181992 m 00 SM 050 m Sm50 Finance, institutions
144924 m 00 SM 501 (A 010) m Sm501 (A10) Reich Tax Code
144925 m 00 SM 501 (A 035) m Sm501 (A35) Financial settlement with the Vatican
144926 m 00 SM 502 (A 010) (alt) m Sm502 (A10) (alt) Intergovernmental transfer (state tax law)
144927 m 00 SM 503 (A 010) m Sm503 (A10) Reich Relief Act
144928 m 00 SM 504 (A 010) m Sm504 (A10) Settlement of claims against the Reich
144929 m 00 SM 505 (A 010) m Sm505 (A10) Reich finance statistics (from Wirtschaft und Statistik)
144810 m 01 m1 State budget
163299 m 01 SM 001 m1 Sm1 Numerical war and revolution compensation claims and benefits
144811 m 01 SM 001.01 m1 Sm1.I Numerical war and revolution compensation claims and benefits, general
144812 m 01 SM 001.02 m1 Sm1.II Numerical war and revolution compensation claims from and to foreign countries, general
144813 m 01 SM 001.03 m1 Sm1.III Numerical war and revolution compensation payments from and to foreign countries, general
144814 m 01 SM 001.04 m1 Sm1.IV State war and revolutionary compensation claims and benefits to and from individual countries
144815 m 01 SM 003 m1 Sm3 Valuation of government bonds
163296 m 01 SM 004 m1 Sm4 Domestic debt, especially bond policy in local currency
144816 m 01 SM 004.01 m1 Sm4.I Domestic debt, general; domestic bonds
144817 m 01 SM 004.02 m1 Sm4.II Internal debt, individual bonds
163293 m 01 SM 005 m1 Sm5 External dept
144818 m 01 SM 005.01 m1 Sm5.I External debt, general
144819 m 01 SM 005.02 m1 Sm5.II External debt owed to individual countries
144820 m 01 SM 006 (alt) m1 Sm6 (alt) Periodic statements
163290 m 01 SM 007 (alt) m1 Sm7 (alt) Pending debt
144821 m 01 SM 007.01 (alt) m1 Sm7.I (alt) Pending debt, general
144822 m 01 SM 007.02 (alt) m1 Sm7.II (alt) Pending debt, treasury bills
144823 m 01 SM 008 (alt) m1 Sm8 (alt) Forced loans
144824 m 01 SM 011 m1 Sm11 Creation of security funds for times of crisis
163287 m 01 SM 011 (alt) m1 Sm11 (alt) Customs duties and tax revenue
144825 m 01 SM 011.01 (alt) m1 Sm11.I (alt) Customs duties and tax revenue, general
144826 m 01 SM 011.02 (alt) m1 Sm11.II (alt) Customs duties and tax revenue, individual duties
144827 m 01 SM 012 m1 Sm12 Public works expenses
163284 m 01 SM 012 (alt) m1 Sm12 (alt) Tax revenue
144828 m 01 SM 012.01 (alt) m1 Sm12.I (alt) Tax revenue, general
144829 m 01 SM 012.02 (alt) m1 Sm12.II (alt) Tax revenue, individual taxes
144830 m 01 SM 501 (A 028) m1 Sm501 (A28) Costs and income of the occupation of the Ruhr
144831 m 01 SM 501 (A 040b) m1 Sm501 (A40b) War compensation claims by the Allies against Austria
144832 m 01 SM 501 (A 040d) m1 Sm501 (A40d) War compensation claims by the Allies against Hungary
144833 m 01 SM 501 (A 043) m1 Sm501 (A43) Allied war compensation claims against Turkey
144834 m 01 SM 501 (A 046) m1 Sm501 (A46) Bulgaria, Reparations Commission
144835 m 01 SM 501 (H) m1 Sm501 (H) Government bonds from the W.D.
144836 m 01 SM 502 (A 028) m1 Sm502 (A28) Activity of the Caisse d’Amortissement
144837 m 01 SM 502 (A 040b) (alt) m1 Sm502 (A40b) (alt) Reparation Commission
144838 m 01 SM 502 (A 043) m1 Sm502 (A43) Settlement of Turkish pre-war sovereign debt
144839 m 01 SM 503 (A 028) m1 Sm503 (A28) Caisse (autonome des investissements) de la défense nationale
144840 m 01 SM 504 (A 010) m1 Sm504 (A10) Occupation costs
144841 m 01 SM 505 (A 010) (alt) m1 Sm505 (A10) (alt) Reich finances from the W.D.
144842 m 01 SM 506 (A 010) m1 Sm506 (A10) Labor Donation Act
144843 m 01a m1a Public finances in individual states or provinces
144844 m 01a SM 002 m1a Sm2 Public enterprises, participation in private enterprises, states or provinces, general
144845 m 01a SM 004 m1a Sm4 Individual domestic bonds (state budget) from individual states or provinces
163280 m 01a SM 005 m1a Sm5 State or provincial bonds raised abroad
144846 m 01a SM 005.01 m1a Sm5.I Bonds of individual states or provinces borrowed abroad, general
144847 m 01a SM 005.02 m1a Sm5.II Bonds of individual states or provinces borrowed abroad, in individual countries
144848 m 01a SM 007 (alt) m1a Sm7 (alt) Pending debt of individual states or provinces
144849 m 01a SM 012 m1a Sm12 Public works of individual states or provinces, general
144850 m 02 m2 Customs, customs tariffs
163275 m 02 SM 001 m2 Sm1 Tariff schedule
144851 m 02 SM 001.01 m2 Sm1.I Customs tariff, full text
144852 m 02 SM 001.02 (alt) m2 Sm1.II (alt) Customs tariff, changes, additions, implementation regulations
144853 m 02 SM 001.03 m2 Sm1.III Customs tariff, export duties
144854 m 02 SM 001.04 m2 Sm1.IV Import and export certificates, general
144855 m 02 SM 002 m2 Sm2 Customs premium
163272 m 02 SM 003 m2 Sm3 Consulate fees on invoices
144856 m 02 SM 003.01 m2 Sm3.I Consulate fee on invoices, general
144857 m 02 SM 003.02 m2 Sm3.II Consulate fee on invoices, fees
163269 m 02 SM 004 m2 Sm4 Customs formalities
144858 m 02 SM 004.01 m2 Sm4.I Customs formalities, general
144859 m 02 SM 004.02 m2 Sm4.II Customs formalities in trade with individual countries
144860 m 02 SM 005 m2 Sm5 Customs nomenclature
144861 m 02 SM 006 m2 Sm6 Customs warehouses
144862 m 02 SM 007 m2 Sm7 Regulation of across-the-border processing
144863 m 02 SM 008 m2 Sm8 Customs top-up fees, statistical fees
144864 m 02 SM 009 m2 Sm9 Fighting contraband
211409 m 02 SM 040 m2 Sm40 Customs authority, training
182000 m 02 SM 050 m2 Sm50 Customs authority, tariffs, institutions
163266 m 02 SM 501 (A 010) m2 Sm501 (A10) Social export tax
144865 m 02 SM 501.01 (A 010) m2 Sm501.I (A10) Social export tax, general
144866 m 02 SM 501.02 (A 010) m2 Sm501.II (A10) Social export tax, tariffs
144867 m 02 SM 502 (A 010) m2 Sm502 (A10) Internal customs border on the Rhine
144868 m 03 m3 Taxation (finance)
144869 m 03 SM 001 (alt) m3 Sm1 (alt) State lottery
144870 m 03 SM 002 m3 Sm2 Tax evasion, capital fligt
144871 m 03 SM 003 m3 Sm3 Taxation of foreigners, general
144872 m 03 SM 004 m3 Sm4 Tax monopoly
144873 m 03 SM 005 m3 Sm5 Double taxation
144874 m 03 SM 006 m3 Sm6 Obligation to provide information to the tax authorities
144875 m 03 SM 007 m3 Sm7 Provincial and municipal taxation, general
144876 m 03 SM 008 m3 Sm8 Tax assessment of property
144877 m 03 SM 009 m3 Sm9 Taxation of nationals living abroad
144878 m 03 SM 011 m3 Sm11 Public sector tax privilege
144879 m 03 SM 015 m3 Sm15 Interest on arrears for overdue taxes, monetary devaluation surcharges, tax revaluation
187241 m 03 SM 020 m3 Sm20 Taxation authority, conferences
187242 m 03 SM 040 m3 Sm40 Taxation authority, professions and training
187240 m 03 SM 050 m3 Sm50 Taxation authority, institutions
144880 m 03 SM 501 (A 010) m3 Sm501 (A10) Tax community
144881 m 03 SM 502 (A 010) m3 Sm502 (A10) Recording of gold values
144882 m 03 SM 503 (A 010) m3 Sm503 (A10) Decisions of the Reichsfinanzhof (“Hamburg. Correspondent”, from 1927 “Reichsanzeiger”)
144883 m 03 SM 504 (A 010) m3 Sm504 (A10) Tax voucher
144884 m 03 SM 504 (A 010) (alt) m3 Sm504 (A10) (alt) Taxation of Germans Abroad
144885 m 03 SM 505 (A 010) m3 Sm505 (A10) Emergency tax ordinances of December 7th, December 19th, 1923, February 14th, 1924
144886 m 03 SM 506 (A 010) (alt) m3 Sm506 (A10) (alt) Valuation of property (for tax purposes only)
144887 m 03 SM 507 (A 010) m3 Sm507 (A10) Tax Transitional Act
144888 m 03 SM 508 (A 010) m3 Sm508 (A10) Recording of the devaluation gains
144889 m 03a m3a Individual taxes
144890 m 04 m4 Public Enterprises, state property
144891 m 04 SM 001 (alt) m4 Sm1 (alt) State property abroad
144892 m 04 SM 002 (alt) m4 Sm2 (alt) State enterprises, general
144893 m 04 SM 003 (alt) m4 Sm3 (alt) Municipal companies, general
144894 m 04 SM 004 (alt) m4 Sm4 (alt) State participation in private companies
144895 m 05 m5 Municipal Finance, general
144896 m 05 SM 004 m5 Sm4 Domestic bonds, general
163263 m 05 SM 005 m5 Sm5 Bonds Borrowed Abroad
144897 m 05 SM 005.01 m5 Sm5.I Bonds raised abroad, general (municipal finance)
144898 m 05 SM 005.02 m5 Sm5.II Bonds raised abroad, in individual countries (municipal finance)
144899 m 05 SM 012 m5 Sm12 Public works, general (municipal finance)
144900 m 05 SM 501 (A 010) m5 Sm501 (A10) State supervision, general
144901 m 05 SM 501 (A 010) (alt) m5 Sm501 (A10) (alt) State participation in single private companies (from Kölnische Zeitung)
144902 m 05a m5a Public finance of individual cities
144903 m 05a SM 002 m5a Sm2 Public enterprises, participation in private enterprises; cities, general
144904 m 05a SM 004 m5a Sm4 Individual domestic bonds (municipal finance) of individual cities
163260 m 05a SM 005 m5a Sm5 Bonds of individual cities borrowed abroad
144905 m 05a SM 005.01 m5a Sm5.I Bonds borrowed abroad, general (finance of individual cities)
144906 m 05a SM 005.02 m5a Sm5.II Bonds borrowed abroad in individual countries (finance of individual cities)
144907 m 05a SM 012 m5a Sm12 Public works, general (finance of individual cities)
144930 n n Economy, general
163257 n 00 SM 001 n Sm1 Foreign investments, private interests
145774 n 00 SM 001.01 n Sm1.I Foreign investments, private interests, general
145775 n 00 SM 001.02 n Sm1.II Foreign investments, private interests, nationals of individual countries
163254 n 00 SM 002 n Sm2 Balance of Payments
145776 n 00 SM 002.01 n Sm2.I Balance of payments, general
145777 n 00 SM 002.02 n Sm2.II Balance of payments in relation to other countries
163251 n 00 SM 003 n Sm3 Economic statistics
145778 n 00 SM 003.01 n Sm3.I Economic statistics, general
145779 n 00 SM 003.02 n Sm3.II Economic statistics, regarding individual subject areas
145780 n 00 SM 004 n Sm4 Bankruptcy, business supervision
163247 n 00 SM 005 n Sm5 Occupations
145781 n 00 SM 005.01 n Sm5.I Occupations, distribution of occupations (overviews)
145782 n 00 SM 005.02 n Sm5.II Occupations, occupational research
145783 n 00 SM 005.03 n Sm5.III Professions, occupational education, general
163245 n 00 SM 006 n Sm6 National capital investments
145784 n 00 SM 006.01 n Sm6.I National capital investments, overviews at home and abroad, general
163242 n 00 SM 006.02 n Sm6.II National capital investments abroad
145785 n 00 SM 006.02a n Sm6.IIa National capital investments abroad, general
145786 n 00 SM 006.02b n Sm6.IIb National capital investments and private interests in individual countries
163238 n 00 SM 007 n Sm7 Cartels, syndicates and trusts
145787 n 00 SM 007.01 n Sm7.I Cartels, syndicates and trusts, general
145788 n 00 SM 007.02 n Sm7.II Cartels, syndicates and trusts, pricing
145789 n 00 SM 007.03 n Sm7.III Cartels, syndicates and trusts, export (re) payment, general
163234 n 00 SM 008 n Sm8 Standardization
145790 n 00 SM 008.01 n Sm8.I Standardization, general
145791 n 00 SM 008.02 n Sm8.II Standardization of industrial products
145792 n 00 SM 008.03 n Sm8.III Standardization of floor products
145793 n 00 SM 009 (alt) n Sm9 (alt) Food security
145794 n 00 SM 011 n Sm11 Unfair commercial practices, general, bribery
145795 n 00 SM 012 n Sm12 Market research and methods of increasing sales, general
195587 n 00 SM 012.01 n Sm12.I Market observation, market observation analysis, procurement market research
195588 n 00 SM 012.02 n Sm12.II Methods, techniques and models of market research, operational and institutional market research
195589 n 00 SM 012.03 n Sm12.III Sales research (including consumer and consumer motivation research), consumer behavior
195590 n 00 SM 012.04 n Sm12.IV Export market research
195591 n 00 SM 012.05 n Sm12.V Product tests
195592 n 00 SM 012.06 n Sm12.VI Consumer issues (consumer policy, consumer advice, consumer representation, consumer protection)
145796 n 00 SM 013 n Sm13 Commodity provision
145797 n 00 SM 014 n Sm14 Entrepreneurship and business management
145798 n 00 SM 014 (alt) n Sm14 (alt) Usury and profiteering
145799 n 00 SM 015 n Sm15 Bookkeeping and accounting, general
145800 n 00 SM 015 (alt) n Sm15 (alt) Bookkeeping regulations, deficiencies in accounting
145801 n 00 SM 016 n Sm16 Expenditure for social charges
145802 n 00 SM 016 (alt) n Sm16 (alt) Possession and utilization of weak currencies
145803 n 00 SM 017 n Sm17 Commercial and industrial espionage, sabotage
145804 n 00 SM 018 (alt) n Sm18 (alt) Company archives
163230 n 00 SM 019 n Sm19 Revaluation
145805 n 00 SM 019.01 n Sm19.I Revaluation, general
145806 n 00 SM 019.02 n Sm19.II Revaluation, revaluation process
145807 n 00 SM 019.03 n Sm19.III Revaluation, revaluation of the claims of foreign creditors
222420 n 00 SM 020 n Sm20 Business, conferences
145808 n 00 SM 021 n Sm21 Gold-based balance sheets
145809 n 00 SM 022 n Sm22 Speculation in German securities
145810 n 00 SM 023 n Sm23 Cost of living, standard of living, distribution of income
145811 n 00 SM 023 (alt) n Sm23 (alt) losses by natural desasters
145812 n 00 SM 024 n Sm24 Private riot damages (later: private damages caused by political upheaval)
163226 n 00 SM 025 n Sm25 Private war damages
145813 n 00 SM 025.01 n Sm25.I Private war damages, general
145814 n 00 SM 025.02 n Sm25.II Private war damages, personal injury
163223 n 00 SM 025.03 n Sm25.III Private war damages, property damage
145815 n 00 SM 025.03a n Sm25.IIIa Private war damages, property damage, general
145816 n 00 SM 025.03b n Sm25.IIIb Private war damages, property damage, individual damage categories
145817 n 00 SM 025.04 n Sm25.IV Private war damages, compensation proceedings
163218 n 00 SM 026 n Sm26 Occupation and sanction damages
145818 n 00 SM 026.01 n Sm26.I Occupation and sanction damages, general
145819 n 00 SM 026.02 n Sm26.II Occupation and sanction damages, requisition damage
145820 n 00 SM 026.03 n Sm26.III Occupational and sanction damages, performance damage
145821 n 00 SM 026.04 n Sm26.IV Occupation and sanction damages, personal injury
145822 n 00 SM 027 n Sm27 Brands, general
145823 n 00 SM 027 (alt) n Sm27 (alt) Economy and public sector
145824 n 00 SM 028 n Sm28 Casinos, private lotteries, betting companies, general
145825 n 00 SM 029 n Sm29 Auctions, general
145826 n 00 SM 031 n Sm31 Trade and crafts
163215 n 00 SM 032 n Sm32 Water management (including water rights)
145827 n 00 SM 032.01 n Sm32.I Water management (including water rights), general
145828 n 00 SM 032.02 n Sm32.II Water management (including water rights), waste water question
145829 n 00 SM 033 n Sm33 Operational organization, rationalization
145830 n 00 SM 034 n Sm34 Measures and weights
145831 n 00 SM 035 n Sm35 Time calculation
163213 n 00 SM 036 n Sm36 Heating industry
145832 n 00 SM 036.01 n Sm36.I Heating industry, general
163210 n 00 SM 036.02 n Sm36.II Heating industry, district heating
145833 n 00 SM 036.02a n Sm36.IIa Heating industry, district heating, general
145834 n 00 SM 036.02b n Sm36.IIb Heating industry, district heating, in individual places or areas
145835 n 00 SM 037 n Sm37 Apprenticeship, general
163206 n 00 SM 038 n Sm38 Copyright protection - decommissioned
145836 n 00 SM 038 (alt) n Sm38 (alt) Warehousing
145837 n 00 SM 038.01 n Sm38.I Copyright protection, general
145838 n 00 SM 038.02 n Sm38.II Copyright protection, protection of intellectual property
145839 n 00 SM 038.03 n Sm38.III Copyright protection, protection of industrial property
163202 n 00 SM 039 n Sm39 Profit-oriented companies
145840 n 00 SM 039.01 n Sm39.I Profit-oriented companies, general
163199 n 00 SM 039.02 n Sm39.II Individual profit-oriented companies
145841 n 00 SM 039.02a n Sm39.IIa Profit-oriented companies, individuals (by legal form), AG joint-stock company
145842 n 00 SM 039.02b n Sm39.IIb Profit-oriented companies, individuals (by legal form), GmbH and similar
145843 n 00 SM 039.03 n Sm39.III Profit-oriented companies, mixed enterprises
145844 n 00 SM 039.04 n Sm39.IV Profit-oriented companies, special provisions for foreign companies
187252 n 00 SM 040 n Sm40 Business, professions and education
145845 n 00 SM 041 n Sm41 Packaging
145846 n 00 SM 042 n Sm42 Lighting industry
145847 n 00 SM 043 n Sm43 Refrigeration, cooling systems, general
163194 n 00 SM 045 n Sm45 Utilities industry
145848 n 00 SM 045.01 n Sm45.I Utilities, general
145849 n 00 SM 045.02 n Sm45.II Utilities, finance
145850 n 00 SM 045.03 n Sm45.III Utilities, prices, tariffs
145851 n 00 SM 045.04 n Sm45.IV Utilities, public utilities
145852 n 00 SM 046 n Sm46 Energy industry, general
230601 n 00 SM 046.02 n Sm46.II Nuclear energy
187253 n 00 SM 046.02a n Sm46.IIa Nuclear energy for peaceful purposes
187254 n 00 SM 046.02b n Sm46.IIb Nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, individual power plants
182050 n 00 SM 050 n Sm50 Economy, institutions
145853 n 00 SM 051 n Sm51 Distribution of payment dates
145854 n 00 SM 052 n Sm52 Inventory management
163191 n 00 SM 052 (alt) n Sm52 (alt) Inventory management
145855 n 00 SM 052.01 (alt) n Sm52.I (alt) Inventory management, general
145856 n 00 SM 052.02 (alt) n Sm52.II (alt) Inventory management, statistics
145857 n 00 SM 053 n Sm53 Intangible assets
145858 n 00 SM 054 n Sm54 Business cycle observation, general
145859 n 00 SM 055 (alt) n Sm55 (alt) Public utilities (public utilities and transportation companies)
145860 n 00 SM 056 n Sm56 Prisoner work, forced labor
145861 n 00 SM 059 n Sm59 Testing for materials and goods, general
145862 n 00 SM 060 n Sm60 Economy, technology, general
145863 n 00 SM 061 n Sm61 Emergence and use of new materials, general
145864 n 00 SM 070 n Sm70 Business, financing issues, general
182052 n 00 SM 100 n Sm100 Company and operation
163187 n 00 SM 101 n Sm101 Large companies influencing various economic sectors
145865 n 00 SM 101.01 n Sm101.I Large companies influencing various branches of the economy, general
145866 n 00 SM 101.02 n Sm101.II Large companies affecting various branches of the economy, individuals
163180 n 00 SM 501 (A 009) n Sm501 (A9) Food supply in the WoWar I
163175 n 00 SM 501 (A 010) n Sm501 (A10) Material and labor as war compensation to the Entente
145867 n 00 SM 501 (A 010b) n Sm501 (A10b) Economic agreements with the Micum
145868 n 00 SM 501 (A 028) n Sm501 (A28) The French economy in the future
145869 n 00 SM 501 (A 035) n Sm501 (A35) Sectoral division (Italy)
145870 n 00 SM 501 (B 094) n Sm501 (B94) Guild system (China)
145871 n 00 SM 501 (B 111) n Sm501 (B111) Guild system (Japan)
145872 n 00 SM 501 (C 025) n Sm501 (C25) Mannesmann concessions
145873 n 00 SM 501 (C 114) n Sm501 (C114) Joint East African Board
145874 n 00 SM 501 (E 008) (alt) n Sm501 (E8) (alt) Public Utilities (British Columbia, Canada)
145875 n 00 SM 501 (E 015) (alt) n Sm501 (E15) (alt) Public Utilities (USA)
145876 n 00 SM 501 (H) n Sm501 (H) Knowledge of goods
145877 n 00 SM 501.01 (A 009) n Sm501.I (A9) Food supply in World War I, general
145878 n 00 SM 501.01 (A 010) n Sm501.I (A10) Material and labor as war compensation to the Entente, general
145879 n 00 SM 501.02 (A 009) n Sm501.II (A9) Food supply during World War I, resolutions, notices, etc.
145880 n 00 SM 501.02 (A 010) n Sm501.II (A10) Material and labor as war compensation to the Entente, Wiesbaden Agreement
145881 n 00 SM 501.03 (A 009) n Sm501.III (A9) Food supply during World War I, land cultivation
145882 n 00 SM 501.03 (A 010) n Sm501.III (A10) Material and labor as war compensation to the Entente, Bemelmann Agreement February 27, 1922
145883 n 00 SM 501.04 (A 009) n Sm501.IV (A9) Food supply during World War I, cooking courses and household advice
145884 n 00 SM 501.04 (A 010) n Sm501.IV (A10) Material and labor as war compensation to the Entente, Stinnes-Lubersac Agreement
145885 n 00 SM 501.05 (A 009) n Sm501.V (A9) Food supply in World War I, public soup kitchens, middle-class kitchens
163172 n 00 SM 501.05 (A 010) n Sm501.V (A10) Material and labor as war indemnity to the Entente based on the Dawes Plan
145886 n 00 SM 501.05a (A 010) n Sm501.Va (A10) Material and labor as war compensation to the Entente, Dawes Plan, overviews
145887 n 00 SM 501.05b (A 010) n Sm501.Vb (A10) Material and labor as war compensation to the Entente, Dawes Plan, to individual countries
145888 n 00 SM 501.06 (A 009) n Sm501.VI (A9) Food supply in World War I, waste recycling
145889 n 00 SM 502 (A 010) n Sm502 (A10) Return of goods requisitioned during the World War
145890 n 00 SM 502 (H) (alt) n Sm502 (H) (alt) General business issues
145891 n 00 SM 503 (A 010) (alt) n Sm503 (A10) (alt) Labor services for France
145892 n 00 SM 503 (H) n Sm503 (H) Technocracy
163168 n 00 SM 504 (A 010) n Sm504 (A10) Assignment of values based on the Treaty of Versailles
145893 n 00 SM 504.01 (A 010) n Sm504.I (A10) Assignment of values (Treaty of Versailles), general
145894 n 00 SM 504.02 (A 010) n Sm504.II (A10) Assignment of values (Treaty of Versailles), securities
145895 n 00 SM 504.03 (A 010) n Sm504.III (A10) Assignment of values (Treaty of Versailles), property rights abroad
145896 n 00 SM 505 (A 010) n Sm505 (A10) Population, occupational and company census of June 16, 1925 (from Wirtschaft und Statistik)
145897 n 00 SM 505 (E 015) n Sm505 (E15) Census and House Reapportionment Bill (1930 decennial census)
163166 n 00 SM 506 (A 010) n Sm506 (A10) Sectoral division
145898 n 00 SM 506 (A 032) n Sm506 (A32) Sectoral division (Portugal)
231167 n 00 SM 506 (A 035) n Sm506 (A35) Sectoral division (Italia)
145899 n 00 SM 506 (A 040b) n Sm506 (A40b) Sectoral division (Austria)
145900 n 00 SM 506 (E 097) n Sm506 (E97) Sectoral division (Brazil)
145901 n 00 SM 506.01 (A 010) n Sm506.I (A10) Sectoral division, general
163163 n 00 SM 506.02 (A 010) n Sm506.II (A10) Sectoral division, individual sectors and their representation
145902 n 00 SM 506.02a (A 010) n Sm506.IIa (A10) Sectoral division, individual sectors and their representation, “Reichskulturkammer”
145903 n 00 SM 506.02b (A 010) n Sm506.IIb (A10) Sectoral division, individual sectors and their representation, “Reichsnährstand”
145904 n 00 SM 507 (A 009) n Sm507 (A9) NS Hago and GHG (Hamburg)
145905 n 00 SM 507 (A 010) n Sm507 (A10) NS Hago and GHG
145906 n 00 SM 508 (A 010) n Sm508 (A10) German Labor Front
145907 n 00 SM 508 (B 111) n Sm508 (B111) Japanese labor front
144931 n 01 n1 Economic policy
144932 n 01 SM 001 n1 Sm1 Transitional economic planning
144933 n 01 SM 002 n1 Sm2 Promotion of raw material imports from the colonies
144934 n 01 SM 003 n1 Sm3 Nationalization, general
144935 n 01 SM 004 n1 Sm4 Public loans and subsidies to business, general
144936 n 01 SM 005 n1 Sm5 Year of employment and compulsory employment
144937 n 01 SM 006 n1 Sm6 Maintaining national ownership of businesses
144938 n 01 SM 007 n1 Sm7 Combating overexploitation
144939 n 01 SM 008 n1 Sm8 Promotion of production and productivity, research for the benefit of business
144940 n 01 SM 009 n1 Sm9 Regional economic grouping or economic division
144941 n 01 SM 011 n1 Sm11 Social policy, general
163159 n 01 SM 012 n1 Sm12 Price regulation
144942 n 01 SM 012.01 n1 Sm12.I Price regulation, general
144943 n 01 SM 012.02 n1 Sm12.II Price regulation, price reduction policy
144944 n 01 SM 012.03 n1 Sm12.III Price regulation, valorization, general
144945 n 01 SM 013 n1 Sm13 Maintenance and full utilization of national goods
144946 n 01 SM 013 (alt) n1 Sm13 (alt) Agricultural policy, general
144947 n 01 SM 014 n1 Sm14 State regulation of the capital market
144948 n 01 SM 015 n1 Sm15 Combating abuses in start-ups
144949 n 01 SM 016 n1 Sm16 Measures to maintain businesses and increase employment opportunities, general
144950 n 01 SM 017 n1 Sm17 Relief campaigns for regions in need
144951 n 01 SM 018 n1 Sm18 Public works, general (economic policy)
144952 n 01 SM 019 n1 Sm19 Securing and monitoring people’s nutrition
231188 n 01 SM 020 n1 Sm20 Economic policy, conferences
144953 n 01 SM 021 n1 Sm21 Promotion of the rural population, combating rural exodus, general
144954 n 01 SM 022 n1 Sm22 Compulsory reserves of companies from operating profits
144955 n 01 SM 023 n1 Sm23 Raising the standard of living
210431 n 01 SM 050 n1 Sm50 Economic policy, institutions
144956 n 01 SM 061 n1 Sm61 Promotion of material replacement
144957 n 01 SM 062 n1 Sm62 Inventory management for times of crisis
144958 n 01 SM 063 n1 Sm63 Duty and training obligation for public policy tasks
144959 n 01 SM 501 (A 010b) n1 Sm501 (A10b) Economic committees (German-French) in the occupied territory
144960 n 01 SM 501 (A 022) n1 Sm501 (A22) Committee on Industry and Trade (Balfour Committee)
144961 n 01 SM 501 (A 030) n1 Sm501 (A30) Consejo de Economia Nacional
144962 n 01 SM 501 (A 032) n1 Sm501 (A32) Conselho Superior de Economia Nacional
144963 n 01 SM 501 (A 050) n1 Sm501 (A50) Restoration of private property
144964 n 01 SM 501 (E 015) n1 Sm501 (E15) National Industrial Recovery Act 1933
231440 n 01 SM 501 (H) n1 Sm501 (H) Planning for the international post-war economy
144965 n 01 SM 502 (A 010) n1 Sm502 (A10) War societies, general
144966 n 01 SM 502 (A 022) n1 Sm502 (A22) Committee on Finance and Industry (1929)
144967 n 01 SM 502 (A 050) n1 Sm502 (A50) Concession policy
144968 n 01 SM 503 (A 010) n1 Sm503 (A10) Economic Committee of Inquiry
144969 n 01 SM 504 (A 010) n1 Sm504 (A10) Economic Advisory Board (1931)
163156 n 01 SM 505 (A 010) n1 Sm505 (A10) Defense Economy Council
144970 n 01 SM 505.01 (A 010) n1 Sm505.I (A10) Defense Economic Council, General and Members
144971 n 01 SM 505.02 (A 010) n1 Sm505.II (A10) Defense Economic Council, activity
144972 n 02 n2 Report on the economic situation
144973 n 02 SM 001 n2 Sm1 Effects of the submarine war (World War)
144974 n 02 SM 002 (alt) n2 Sm2 (alt) Annual overviews (reports on the economic situation)
144975 n 02 SM 003 n2 Sm3 Situation and statistics of profit-oriented companies in various economic sectors, overviews
144976 n 02 SM 004 n2 Sm4 Labor market, unemployment statistics
144977 n 02 SM 005 n2 Sm5 Job opportunities in individual occupations (overviews)
144978 n 02 SM 006 n2 Sm6 Suspension of payment, bankruptcies and liquidations
144979 n 02 SM 007 n2 Sm7 Capital market overviews, start-ups and capital increases
163153 n 02 SM 008 (alt) n2 Sm8 (alt) Business cycle analysis, general
144980 n 02 SM 008.01 (alt) n2 Sm8.I (alt) Business cycle analysis, general, economic barometer
144981 n 02 SM 008.02 (alt) n2 Sm8.II (alt) Business cycle analysis, regular reporting
163150 n 02 SM 009 n2 Sm9 Indexes
144982 n 02 SM 009.01 n2 Sm9.I Indexes, general
144983 n 02 SM 009.02 n2 Sm9.II Indexes, overviews
163131 n 02 SM 009.03 n2 Sm9.III Indexes, individual indices
144984 n 02 SM 009.03a n2 Sm9.IIIa Indexes, individual indices relating to the overall economy
144985 n 02 SM 009.03b n2 Sm9.IIIb Indexes, individual indices, wholesale index
144986 n 02 SM 009.03c n2 Sm9.IIIc Indexes, individual indices, retail index
144987 n 02 SM 009.03d n2 Sm9.IIId Indexes, individual indices, cost-of-living index
144988 n 02 SM 009.03e (alt) n2 Sm9.IIIe (alt) Indexes, individual indices, hotel and spa index
144989 n 02 SM 009.03f n2 Sm9.IIIf Indexes, individual indices, securities index
144990 n 02 SM 009.03g n2 Sm9.IIIg Indexes, individual indices, construction indices
144991 n 02 SM 009.03h n2 Sm9.IIIh Indexes, individual indices, trading volume index
144992 n 02 SM 009.03i n2 Sm9.IIIi Indexes, individual indices, advertising sales index
144993 n 02 SM 009.03i (alt) n2 Sm9.IIIi (alt) Indexes, individual indices, credit volume index
144994 n 02 SM 009.03k n2 Sm9.IIIk Indexes, individual indices, purchasing power indices
144995 n 02 SM 009.03l n2 Sm9.IIIl Indexes, individual indices, index of industrial production
144996 n 02 SM 009.03m n2 Sm9.IIIm Indexes, individual indices, index of industrial employment
144997 n 02 SM 009.03n n2 Sm9.IIIn Indexes, individual Indices, agricultural Index
144998 n 02 SM 009.03o n2 Sm9.IIIo Indexes, individual indices, tax indices
144999 n 02 SM 009.03p n2 Sm9.IIIp Indexes, individual indices, real estate transactions indices
145000 n 02 SM 009.03q n2 Sm9.IIIq Indexes, individual indices, prosperity indices
145001 n 02 SM 009.03z n2 Sm9.IIIz Indexes, individual indices, miscellaneous
163126 n 02 SM 011 n2 Sm11 Overviews of price developments
145002 n 02 SM 011.01 n2 Sm11.I Overview of price developments, general
145003 n 02 SM 011.02 n2 Sm11.II Overviews of price development, cost of living
145004 n 02 SM 011.03 n2 Sm11.III Overviews of price developments, retail prices
145005 n 02 SM 011.04 n2 Sm11.IV Overviews of price development, wholesale prices
145006 n 02 SM 012 n2 Sm12 Production statistics surveys
145007 n 02 SM 501 (A 010) n2 Sm501 (A10) Exchange rate movements of German securities abroad (overviews)
145008 n 02 SM 501 (A 010) (alt) n2 Sm501 (A10) (alt) Economic overview of the Kölner Zeitung
145009 n 02 SM 501 (C 085) (alt) n2 Sm501 (C85) (alt) Cronica Colonial (from Jornal do Comércio) re. Portugese West Africa
145010 n 02 SM 501 (C 100) (alt) n2 Sm501 (C100) (alt) Cartas da Africa (from Jornal do Comercio) re. Mozambique
145011 n 02 SM 501 (E 015) (alt) n2 Sm501 (E15) (alt) Weekly report from the Commercial and Financial Chronicle
145012 n 02 SM 501 (E 020) (alt) n2 Sm501 (E20) (alt) Mail News from South-American Journal re. Mexico
145013 n 02 SM 501 (E 085) (alt) n2 Sm501 (E85) (alt) Mail News from South-American Journal regarding Chile
145014 n 02 SM 501 (E 086) (alt) n2 Sm501 (E86) (alt) Mail News from South-American Journal re. Argentina
145015 n 02 SM 501 (E 097) (alt) n2 Sm501 (E97) (alt) Mail News from South-American Journal re. Brazil
145016 n 02 SM 501 (H) (alt) n2 Sm501 (H) (alt) Business cycle and statistics, industry business cycle from W.D.
145017 n 02 SM 502 (A 010) (alt) n2 Sm502 (A10) (alt) Annual results of German stock corporations from W.D
145018 n 02 SM 502 (E 015) (alt) n2 Sm502 (E15) (alt) Wall Street Weekly Special from Financial News
145019 n 02 SM 502 (E 024) (alt) n2 Sm502 (E24) (alt) Reports of the Comision Nacional de Estadistica y Reformas Economicas
145020 n 02 SM 503 (A 010) (alt) n2 Sm503 (A10) (alt) Wirtschaftswoche from the German General Newspaper
145021 n 02 SM 503 (E 015) (alt) n2 Sm503 (E15) (alt) State of Trade (Wall Street Journal)
145022 n 02 SM 504 (E 015) (alt) n2 Sm504 (E15) (alt) Survey of Current Business from Monthly Supplement to Commerce Reports
145023 n 02 SM 505 (A 010) (alt) n2 Sm505 (A10) (alt) Prosperity index based on the Dawes Plan
145024 n 02 SM 506 (A 010) (alt) n2 Sm506 (A10) (alt) Listing of securities on the stock exchange
145025 n 02 SM 506 (E 015) (alt) n2 Sm506 (E15) (alt) American Economic Service from Frankfurter Zeitung, Hamburger Nachrichten
145026 n 02a n2a Report on the economic situation in individual states, provinces and cities
145027 n 03 n3 Land ownership and policies, home ownership
161908 n 03 SM 001 n3 Sm1 State land ownership and land policies
145028 n 03 SM 001.01 n3 Sm1.I State land ownership and land policies, general
145029 n 03 SM 001.02 n3 Sm1.II State land concessions
145030 n 03 SM 001.03 n3 Sm1.III Cadastre, land registry
145031 n 03 SM 001.04 n3 Sm1.IV Waterfront protection systems, land reclamation
145032 n 03 SM 001.05 n3 Sm1.V Administration and leasing of state goods
145033 n 03 SM 002 n3 Sm2 Municipal land ownership and land policies, general
145034 n 03 SM 003 n3 Sm3 Nationalization of land (later: land reform)
145035 n 03 SM 004 n3 Sm4 Land reform movement
145036 n 03 SM 005 n3 Sm5 Real estate owned by foreigners, foreign infiltration
145037 n 03 SM 006 n3 Sm6 Land prices (overviews)
145038 n 03 SM 007 n3 Sm7 Real estate trading and real estate market, real estate exchanges
145039 n 03 SM 008 n3 Sm8 Situation and statistics of land exploitation companies, general
182058 n 03 SM 040 n3 Sm40 Real estate, professions and training
187257 n 03 SM 050 n3 Sm50 Real estate, institutions
145040 n 03 SM 501 (A 009) n3 Sm501 (A9) Leasehold
145041 n 03 SM 501 (A 010) n3 Sm501 (A10) Leasehold
145042 n 03 SM 501 (A 019) n3 Sm501 (A19) Drainage of the Zuidersee (Zuydersee)
145043 n 03 SM 501 (E 015) n3 Sm501 (E15) Land Trust Certificates, General
145044 n 03 SM 502 (A 009) n3 Sm502 (A9) Inheritance law (Hamburg)
145045 n 03 SM 502 (A 010) n3 Sm502 (A10) Right of succession to undivided farm estate
145046 n 03 SM 503 (A 010) n3 Sm503 (A10) Entailment
145047 n 03a n3a Land ownership and land policies, home ownership, in individual regions
145048 n 04 n4 Agriculture
145049 n 04 SM 001 (alt) n4 Sm1 (alt) Crop yield
145050 n 04 SM 002 n4 Sm2 Wasteland and wetland
145051 n 04 SM 003 n4 Sm3 Horticulture
145052 n 04 SM 004 n4 Sm4 State support for agriculture
145053 n 04 SM 005 n4 Sm5 Plantations
145054 n 04 SM 006 n4 Sm6 Agricultural land leases
145055 n 04 SM 007 n4 Sm7 Agricultural debt
161905 n 04 SM 008 n4 Sm8 Pest control
145056 n 04 SM 008.01 n4 Sm8.I Pest control, general
145057 n 04 SM 008.02 n4 Sm8.II Control of individual pests
145058 n 04 SM 009 n4 Sm9 Sales organization of agricultural products
150185 n 04 SM 020 n4 Sm20 Agriculture, conferences
150188 n 04 SM 040 n4 Sm40 Agriculture, professions and education
182061 n 04 SM 050 n4 Sm50 Agriculture, institutions
145059 n 04 SM 060 n4 Sm60 Agriculture, technical matters
145060 n 04 SM 501 (A 010) n4 Sm501 (A10) Agricultural Aid Agency
145061 n 04 SM 501 (E 015) n4 Sm501 (E15) Federal Farm Board
145062 n 04 SM 501 (E 085) n4 Sm501 (E85) Junta de Exportacion Agricola
145063 n 04 SM 501 (H) n4 Sm501 (H) Green International
161902 n 04 SM 502 (A 010) n4 Sm502 (A10) Peasantry
145064 n 04 SM 502 (E 015) n4 Sm502 (E15) Farm Credit Administration
145065 n 04 SM 502 (H) n4 Sm502 (H) Tropical agriculture
145066 n 04 SM 502.01 (A 010) n4 Sm502.I (A10) Peasantry, general
145067 n 04 SM 502.02 (A 010) n4 Sm502.II (A10) Peasantry, hereditary farm being
145068 n 04a n4a Agriculture in individual provinces, states and cities
145069 n 05 n5 Livestock farming
145070 n 05 SM 001 n5 Sm1 Delivery of livestock as war compensation
161899 n 05 SM 002 n5 Sm2 Animal disease
145071 n 05 SM 002.01 n5 Sm2.I Livestock disease, general
145072 n 05 SM 002.02 n5 Sm2.II Individual livestock diseases
152137 n 05 SM 020 n5 Sm20 Livestock farming, conferences
182066 n 05 SM 040 n5 Sm40 Livestock farming, professions and training
145073 n 06 n6 Irrigation, drainage
215483 n 06 SM 050 n6 Sm50 Irrigation, drainage, organizations
145074 n 09 n9 Forestry
150370 n 09 SM 020 n9 Sm20 Forestry, conferences
145075 n 10 n10 Hunting
145076 n 11 n11 Fishery
145077 n 11 SM 001 (alt) n11 Sm1 (alt) Fishing catches
161896 n 11 SM 002 n11 Sm2 Fishing ports
145078 n 11 SM 002.01 n11 Sm2.I Fishing ports, general
145079 n 11 SM 002.02 n11 Sm2.II Individual fishing ports
145080 n 11 SM 003 n11 Sm3 Situation and statistics of the private fishing companies, general
145081 n 11 SM 004 n11 Sm4 Fishing, nationalization
231740 n 11 SM 020 n11 Sm20 Fishery, conferences
231741 n 11 SM 060 n11 Sm60 Fishery, technology
145082 n 11 SM 501 (E 008) n11 Sm501 (E8) North Atlantic Fisheries Arbitration
145083 n 12 n12 Mining
145084 n 12 SM 001 n12 Sm1 Nationalization of mining
161893 n 12 SM 002 n12 Sm2 Methods for exploring mineral resources and water
145085 n 12 SM 002.01 n12 Sm2.I Methods for exploring mineral resources and water, divining rod
145086 n 12 SM 002.02 n12 Sm2.II Mineral and water exploration methods, other procedures
145087 n 12 SM 004 n12 Sm4 State mining
145088 n 12 SM 005 n12 Sm5 Location and statistics of the private mining companies, general
145089 n 12 SM 006 n12 Sm6 Accidents, rescue, safety regulations in mining
145090 n 12 SM 007 (alt) n12 Sm7 (alt) Mining, mining statistics, general
161890 n 12 SM 008 n12 Sm8 Foreign rights and equity interests in mining
145091 n 12 SM 008.01 n12 Sm8.I Foreign rights and equity interests in mining, general
145092 n 12 SM 008.02 n12 Sm8.II Foreign rights and equity investments in mining, in individual countries
161887 n 12 SM 009 n12 Sm9 Mining rights and equity investments abroad
145093 n 12 SM 009.01 n12 Sm9.I Mining rights and equity investments abroad, general
145094 n 12 SM 009.02 n12 Sm9.II Mining rights and equity investments abroad, in individual countries
215484 n 12 SM 020 n12 Sm20 Mining, conferences
211763 n 12 SM 040 n12 Sm40 Mining, training
211764 n 12 SM 050 n12 Sm50 Mining, institutions
145095 n 12 SM 060 n12 Sm60 Mining, technology
145096 n 12 SM 501 (B 024a) n12 Sm501 (B24a) Exploitation of the Dead Sea
145097 n 12 SM 501 (C 019) n12 Sm501 (C19) Quenza
145098 n 13 n13 Industries
145099 n 13 SM 001 (alt) n13 Sm1 (alt) Industry, norms,, standardization
145100 n 13 SM 002 n13 Sm2 Industry, concentration movement
145101 n 13 SM 003 n13 Sm3 Industry, public loans and subsidies
161882 n 13 SM 004 n13 Sm4 Industrial exploitation of natural forces
145102 n 13 SM 004.01 n13 Sm4.I Industrial exploitation of natural forces, general
145103 n 13 SM 004.02 n13 Sm4.II Industrial exploitation of individual natural forces
145104 n 13 SM 005 n13 Sm5 Industrial competition on the world market
145105 n 13 SM 006 n13 Sm6 Communication between labor and management
145106 n 13 SM 007 n13 Sm7 Firm location choise, rental factories, general
161879 n 13 SM 008 (alt) n13 Sm8 (alt) Relocation of national factories abroad
145107 n 13 SM 008.01 (alt) n13 Sm8.I (alt) Relocation of national factories abroad, general
145108 n 13 SM 008.02 (alt) n13 Sm8.II (alt) Relocation of national factories abroad, in individual countries
145109 n 13 SM 009 n13 Sm9 Industrial research, general
145110 n 13 SM 011 n13 Sm11 Industry, quality assurance
161876 n 13 SM 012 n13 Sm12 Integration / relationships with foreign industry
145111 n 13 SM 012.01 n13 Sm12.I Integration with foreign industry, general
145112 n 13 SM 012.02 n13 Sm12.II Integration with foreign industry, individual countries
187264 n 13 SM 013 n13 Sm13 Dismantling
182067 n 13 SM 020 n13 Sm20 Industry, exhibition
182068 n 13 SM 040 n13 Sm40 Industry, professions and education
182069 n 13 SM 050 n13 Sm50 Industry, institutions
145113 n 13 SM 060 n13 Sm60 Industry, technology, general
187265 n 13 SM 070 n13 Sm70 Industry, capital procurement
231460 n 13 SM 100 n13 Sm100 Industry, history
145114 n 13 SM 501 (A 010) n13 Sm501 (A10) Effect of the Dawes Plan to industry
145115 n 13 SM 501 (A 050) n13 Sm501 (A50) Denationalization
145116 n 13a n13a Individual branches of industry
145117 n 13a SM 001 n13a Sm1 Chemical industry
145118 n 13a SM 002 n13a Sm2 Mining industry
145119 n 13a SM 003 n13a Sm3 Textile industry
145120 n 13a SM 004 n13a Sm4 Electric power industry
145121 n 13a SM 005 n13a Sm5 Hydropower industry
161867 n 13a SM 006 n13a Sm6 Shipbuilding
145122 n 13a SM 006.01 n13a Sm6.I Shipbuilding, general
145123 n 13a SM 006.02 n13a Sm6.II Shipbuilding, statistics
145124 n 13a SM 006.03 n13a Sm6.III Shipbuilding, scrapping industry
161873 n 13a SM 006.04 n13a Sm6.IV Shipbuilding, ship finance
145125 n 13a SM 006.04a n13a Sm6.IVa Shipbuilding, foreign ship finance, general
145126 n 13a SM 006.04b n13a Sm6.IVb Shipbuilding, foreign ship finance, for individual countries
145127 n 13a SM 006.05 n13a Sm6.V Shipbuilding, warship building for export
187266 n 13a SM 006.06 n13a Sm6.VI Shipbuilding, private and public loans, subsidies
161863 n 13a SM 007 n13a Sm7 Construction industry
145128 n 13a SM 007.01 n13a Sm7.I Construction industry, general
145129 n 13a SM 007.02 n13a Sm7.II Construction industry, construction projects, building statistics
145130 n 13a SM 007.03 n13a Sm7.III Construction industry, demolition
145131 n 13a SM 008 n13a Sm8 Movie industry
145132 n 13a SM 008 (alt) n13a Sm8 (alt) Refrigeration industry
145133 n 13a SM 009 n13a Sm9 Aircraft and airship industries
145134 n 13a SM 009 (alt) n13a Sm9 (alt) Graphic industry
231189 n 13a SM 030 n13a Sm30 Other industry
145135 n 14 n14 Crafts and trades
145136 n 14 SM 001 n14 Sm1 Craft, apprenticeship
145137 n 14 SM 004 n14 Sm4 State support for crafts
150372 n 14 SM 020 n14 Sm20 Crafts, exhibition
187280 n 14 SM 040 n14 Sm40 Crafts, profession and training
187281 n 14 SM 070 n14 Sm70 Crafts, capital procurement
145138 n 14a n14a Individual branches of the craft (as enterprises)
187282 n 14a SM 001 n14a Sm1 Precision engineering, optical industry
145139 n 14a SM 002 n14a Sm2 Building trade
145140 n 14a SM 003 n14a Sm3 Crafts, clothing, cleaning
182071 n 14a SM 004 n14a Sm4 Crafts, hairdressers
145141 n 14a SM 005 n14a Sm5 Crafts, dyeing
187283 n 14a SM 006 n14a Sm6 Chimney sweep craft
145142 n 14a SM 007 n14a Sm7 Crafts, electrical engineering
182072 n 14a SM 008 n14a Sm8 Crafts, motor vehicles
182073 n 14a SM 009 n14a Sm9 Crafts, interior design
145143 n 14a SM 012 n14a Sm12 Crafts, printing industry
145144 n 14a SM 015 n14a Sm15 Crafts, woodworking
145145 n 14a SM 016 n14a Sm16 Crafts, pottery, stone products, glazing
145146 n 14a SM 017 n14a Sm17 Crafts, gardening
145147 n 14a SM 018 n14a Sm18 Crafts, leather goods
145148 n 14a SM 019 n14a Sm19 Crafts, metal processing
145149 n 14a SM 021 n14a Sm21 Crafts, food
145150 n 14a SM 022 n14a Sm22 Crafts, bookbinding
145151 n 14a SM 025 n14a Sm25 Crafts, boat building
145152 n 14a SM 026 n14a Sm26 Crafts, textiles
145153 n 14a SM 027 n14a Sm27 Crafts, transportation
145154 n 14a SM 030 n14a Sm30 Crafts, misscellaneous
145155 n 15 n15 Labor question, labor relations
161859 n 15 SM 001 n15 Sm1 Calculation and promotion of work performance
145156 n 15 SM 001.01 n15 Sm1.I Calculation and promotion of work performance, general
161861 n 15 SM 001.02 n15 Sm1.II Calculation and promotion of work performance, systems
161862 n 15 SM 001.03 n15 Sm1.III Calculation and promotion of work performance, indexes of work performance
161854 n 15 SM 002 n15 Sm2 Strikes, labor-management relations
145159 n 15 SM 002.01 n15 Sm2.I Strikes, labor-management relations, general
145160 n 15 SM 002.02 n15 Sm2.II Strikes, labor-management relations, current
145161 n 15 SM 002.03 n15 Sm2.III Strikes, labor-management relations, technical emergency aid
145162 n 15 SM 002.04 n15 Sm2.IV Strikes, labor-management relations, strike protection organizations
161851 n 15 SM 003 n15 Sm3 Unemployment benefits
145163 n 15 SM 003.01 n15 Sm3.I Unemployment benefits, general
145164 n 15 SM 003.02 (alt) n15 Sm3.II (alt) Unemployment benefits, productive unemployment benefits
145165 n 15 SM 004 n15 Sm4 Homework, general
145166 n 15 SM 005 n15 Sm5 Women workers, general
145167 n 15 SM 006 n15 Sm6 Intellectual work, liberal professions, general
161846 n 15 SM 007 n15 Sm7 Regulation of working hours, wages
145168 n 15 SM 007.01 n15 Sm7.I Regulation of working hours, wages, general
145169 n 15 SM 007.02 n15 Sm7.II Labor contracts, wages
145170 n 15 SM 007.03 n15 Sm7.III Labor contracts, working hours
145171 n 15 SM 007.04 n15 Sm7.IV Labor contracts, piecework
187284 n 15 SM 007.05 n15 Sm7.V Labor contracts, vacation
187285 n 15 SM 007.06 n15 Sm7.VI Labor contracts, bonuses
145172 n 15 SM 008 n15 Sm8 Youth and child labor, general
145173 n 15 SM 009 n15 Sm9 Operational control and employee profit sharing
161843 n 15 SM 011 n15 Sm11 Foreign and colonial workers
145174 n 15 SM 011.01 n15 Sm11.I Foreign and colonial workers, general
145175 n 15 SM 011.02 n15 Sm11.II Foreign and colonial workers, nationals of individual countries
145176 n 15 SM 012 n15 Sm12 Proof of work (organization)
145177 n 15 SM 013 n15 Sm13 Worker protection, occupational accident statistics
145178 n 15 SM 014 n15 Sm14 Worker education
145179 n 15 SM 015 n15 Sm15 Labor Law
145180 n 15 SM 016 n15 Sm16 Corporate social facilities for the benefit of the workers
145181 n 15 SM 016 (alt) n15 Sm16 (alt) Welfare institution for workers
145182 n 15 SM 017 n15 Sm17 Arbitration in labor relations
145183 n 15 SM 018 n15 Sm18 Non-competition clause in employment contracts (competition clause)
145184 n 15 SM 019 n15 Sm19 Employment of severely injured persons
145185 n 15 SM 020 n15 Sm20 Workers, conferences
161839 n 15 SM 021 n15 Sm21 National migrant workers
145186 n 15 SM 021.01 n15 Sm21.I National migrant workers, general
145187 n 15 SM 021.02 n15 Sm21.II National migrant workers, workers’ migrantion within the country
145188 n 15 SM 021.03 n15 Sm21.III National migrant workers, workers’ migration abroad, general
145189 n 15 SM 022 n15 Sm22 Skilled work, general
145190 n 15 SM 023 n15 Sm23 Factory workers, general
145191 n 15 SM 024 n15 Sm24 Employees
145192 n 15 SM 025 n15 Sm25 Sale of goods by employees through the management
230611 n 15 SM 026 n15 Sm26 Compulsory and voluntary formation of funds for the benefit of workers and employees
145193 n 15 SM 026.01 n15 Sm26.I Compulsory and voluntary formation of funds for the benefit of workers and employees, general
187300 n 15 SM 026.02 n15 Sm26.II Public funds
187301 n 15 SM 026.03 n15 Sm26.III Company funds
182076 n 15 SM 040 n15 Sm40 Labor contracts, national professional competitions
182077 n 15 SM 050 n15 Sm50 Labor contracts, institutions
145194 n 15 SM 501 (A 010) n15 Sm501 (A10) Works councils
145195 n 15 SM 501 (A 022) n15 Sm501 (A22) Whitley Councils
145196 n 15 SM 501 (A 028) n15 Sm501 (A28) German workers for reconstruction
145197 n 15 SM 501 (A 035) n15 Sm501 (A35) Magna Charta of Labor (Mussolini)
161833 n 15 SM 501 (H) n15 Sm501 (H) Permanent organization of work
145198 n 15 SM 501.01 (H) n15 Sm501.I (H) Permanent organization of work, general
145199 n 15 SM 501.02 (H) n15 Sm501.II (H) Permanent organization of work, general meetings
161836 n 15 SM 501.03 (H) n15 Sm501.III (H) Permanent organization of work, International Labor Office
145200 n 15 SM 501.03a (H) n15 Sm501.IIIa (H) Permanent organization of work, International Labor Office, general
145201 n 15 SM 501.03b (H) n15 Sm501.IIIb (H) Permanent organization of work, international labor office, board meetings
145202 n 15 SM 502 (A 010) n15 Sm502 (A10) Worker question during the demobilization
145203 n 15 SM 502 (A 035) n15 Sm502 (A35) Works councils, general
145204 n 15 SM 503 (A 010) (alt) n15 Sm503 (A10) (alt) Reichsanstalt for job placement and unemployment insurance
145205 n 15a n15a Employee relationships in individual professions
145206 n 15a SM 001 n15a Sm1 Labor contracts, banking
145207 n 15a SM 002 n15a Sm2 Labor contracts, construction industry and finishing trades
145208 n 15a SM 003 n15a Sm3 Labor contracts, clothing and cleaning services
145209 n 15a SM 004 n15a Sm4 Labor contracts, mining
145210 n 15a SM 005 n15a Sm5 Labor contracts, chemical industry
145211 n 15a SM 006 n15a Sm6 Labor contracts, railways, trams, passenger car transport
145212 n 15a SM 007 n15a Sm7 Labor contracts, electricity industry
145213 n 15a SM 008 n15a Sm8 Labor contracts, fishing
145214 n 15a SM 009 n15a Sm9 Labor contracts, inns and taverns (gastronomy)
145215 n 15a SM 011 n15a Sm11 Labor contracts, luxury food industry
145216 n 15a SM 012 n15a Sm12 Labor contracts, printing industry, press
145217 n 15a SM 013 n15a Sm13 Labor contracts, domestic services
145218 n 15a SM 014 n15a Sm14 Labor contracts, trade
145219 n 15a SM 015 n15a Sm15 Labor contracts, wood industry and wood processing, wood charring
145220 n 15a SM 016 n15a Sm16 Labor contracts, stone and earth industry
145221 n 15a SM 017 n15a Sm17 Labor contracts, agriculture, forestry, gardening
145222 n 15a SM 018 n15a Sm18 Labor contracts, leather industry and leather processing
145223 n 15a SM 019 n15a Sm19 Labor contracts, metal working and machinery industry
145224 n 15a SM 021 n15a Sm21 Labor contracts, food industry
145225 n 15a SM 022 n15a Sm22 Labor contracts, paper and cardboard industry, bookbinding
145226 n 15a SM 023 n15a Sm23 Labor contracts, post office, telegraph (telegraph), telephone (telephone)
161828 n 15a SM 024 n15a Sm24 Labor contracts, shipping and port operations
145227 n 15a SM 024.01 n15a Sm24.I Labor contracts, shipping and port operations, general
145228 n 15a SM 024.02 n15a Sm24.II Labor contracts, shipping and port operations, port operations, stevedoring
145229 n 15a SM 024.03 n15a Sm24.III Labor contracts, shipping and port operations, inland navigation
145230 n 15a SM 024.04 n15a Sm24.IV Labor contracts, shipping and port operations, maritime shipping
145231 n 15a SM 025 n15a Sm25 Labor contracts, shipbuilding
145232 n 15a SM 026 n15a Sm26 Labor contracts, textile industry
145233 n 15a SM 027 n15a Sm27 Labor contracts, transport industry (excl. shipping)
145234 n 15a SM 028 n15a Sm28 Labor contracts, insurance
145235 n 15a SM 029 n15a Sm29 Labor contracts, government workers and municipal workers
182078 n 15a SM 030 n15a Sm30 Labor contracts, other branches of the commercial economy
145236 n 15a SM 031 n15a Sm31 Labor contracts, aviation and aviation, aircraft construction and airship construction
145237 n 15a SM 032 n15a Sm32 Labor contracts, lighting
145238 n 15a SM 033 n15a Sm33 Labor contracts, rubber industry
145239 n 16 n16 Trade unions, workers’ organizations, general
161825 n 16 SM 001 n16 Sm1 Relations with foreign unions
145240 n 16 SM 001.01 n16 Sm1.I Relations with foreign trade unions, general
145241 n 16 SM 001.02 n16 Sm1.II Relations with foreign unions, individual countries
182079 n 16 SM 020 n16 Sm20 Trade unions, conferences
231168 n 16 SM 050 n16 Sm50 Trade unions, institutions
145242 n 16 SM 501 (A 010) n16 Sm501 (A10) Free (social democratic) trade unions
145243 n 16 SM 501 (A 022) n16 Sm501 (A22) Guild Socialism
145244 n 16 SM 501 (E 015) n16 Sm501 (E15) American Federation of Labor)
145245 n 16 SM 501 (H) n16 Sm501 (H) Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
145246 n 16 SM 502 (A 010) n16 Sm502 (A10) Christian unions
145247 n 16 SM 502 (A 022) n16 Sm502 (A22) Trade Disputes & Trade Union Bill)
145248 n 16 SM 503 (A 010) n16 Sm503 (A10) German trade associations (Hirsch-Duncker)
145249 n 16 SM 504 (A 010) n16 Sm504 (A10) “Wirtschaftsfriedliche” (yellow) workers’ organization
145250 n 17 n17 Construction and housing
161822 n 17 SM 001 n17 Sm1 Rent and tenant issues
145251 n 17 SM 001 (alt) n17 Sm1 (alt) Housing prices
145252 n 17 SM 001.01 n17 Sm1.I Rent and tenant issues, tenancy law issues
145253 n 17 SM 001.02 n17 Sm1.II Rent and tenant issues, tenancy law issues for commercial real estate
230620 n 17 SM 002 n17 Sm2 Workers’ housing
145254 n 17 SM 002.01 n17 Sm2.I Workers’ housing, general
196469 n 17 SM 002.02 n17 Sm2.II Municipal housing, company housing
196470 n 17 SM 002.03 n17 Sm2.III Rural workers’ housing
145255 n 17 SM 003 n17 Sm3 Socialization of the construction industry
145256 n 17 SM 004 n17 Sm4 Public building maintenance
145257 n 17 SM 005 (alt) n17 Sm5 (alt) Commercial real estate
145258 n 17 SM 006 n17 Sm6 Situation and statistics of construction companies
182080 n 17 SM 020 n17 Sm20 Construction, conferences
182081 n 17 SM 040 n17 Sm40 Construction, profession and training
182082 n 17 SM 050 n17 Sm50 Construction, institutions
145259 n 17 SM 060 n17 Sm60 Construction and housing, technical
145260 n 17 SM 070 n17 Sm70 Construction and housing, capital procurement
145261 n 17a n17a Construction and housing of individual states, provinces and cities
145262 n 18 n18 Trade and commerce
145263 n 18 SM 001 (alt) n18 Sm1 (alt) Trade, import, export and transit bans
145264 n 18 SM 002 n18 Sm2 Trade, supply contracts
145265 n 18 SM 003 n18 Sm3 Trade, foreign private advertising in …
145266 n 18 SM 004 n18 Sm4 Sales opportunities in trade
145267 n 18 SM 005 n18 Sm5 Commercial travelers in retail
161819 n 18 SM 006 n18 Sm6 Practices and regulations in trade, trading methods
145268 n 18 SM 006.01 n18 Sm6.I Practices and regulations in trade, trading methods, general
145269 n 18 SM 006.02 n18 Sm6.II Individual practices and regulations in trade, trading methods
145270 n 18 SM 007 n18 Sm7 Private promotion of trade, advertising, advertising industry
145271 n 18 SM 008 n18 Sm8 Trade, Commercial Arbitration
145272 n 18 SM 009 n18 Sm9 Trade, unfair competition
145273 n 18 SM 011 n18 Sm11 Commercial agents, general, sales agents
145274 n 18 SM 012 n18 Sm12 Business register, general
145275 n 18 SM 013 n18 Sm13 Elimination of intermediate trade, wholesale trade relations with industry and retail
161816 n 18 SM 014 n18 Sm14 Market halls
145276 n 18 SM 014.01 n18 Sm14.I Market halls, general
145277 n 18 SM 014.02 n18 Sm14.II Market halls, individual cities
145278 n 18 SM 017 n18 Sm17 Commercial law, general
196472 n 18 SM 020 n18 Sm20 Trade, conferences
145279 n 18 SM 029 (alt) n18 Sm29 (alt) Periodic trade statistics
182084 n 18 SM 040 n18 Sm40 Trade, occupations and training
196473 n 18 SM 050 n18 Sm50 Trade, institutions
211765 n 18 SM 070 n18 Sm70 Trade, raising capital
145280 n 18 SM 501 (A 009) n18 Sm501 (A9) Overseas week (Hamburg economy)
145281 n 18 SM 501 (A 010) n18 Sm501 (A10) Reparation levy (German Empire)
145282 n 18 SM 501 (A 032) (alt) n18 Sm501 (A32) (alt) Informacoes Comerciales (Consortio do Porto)
145283 n 18 SM 501 (A 050) n18 Sm501 (A50) Restoration of private trade
145284 n 18 SM 501 (B 094) n18 Sm501 (B94) Compradors
145285 n 18 SM 501 (H) n18 Sm501 (H) International Commercial Arbitration, Paris
145286 n 18 SM 502 (A 010) (alt) n18 Sm502 (A10) (alt) Control of import licenses
145287 n 18 SM 504 (A 010) n18 Sm504 (A10) Trade, delivery certificate
145288 n 18a n18a Trade in individual states, provinces, municipalities
145289 n 19 n19 Trade relations with individual countries
145290 n 20 n20 Retail
182104 n 20 I n20 I Domestic trade
182105 n 20 II n20 II Wholesale trade
230621 n 20 III n20 III Retail trade
182106 n 20 III a n20 III a Retail trade, general
182107 n 20 III b n20 III b Installment purchase (retail), installment loan (retail), leasing (retail)
182108 n 20 III d n20 III d Large companies (retail)
182109 n 20 III e n20 III e Discounting (retail)
182110 n 20 III f n20 III f Self-service retail
182111 n 20 III g n20 III g Vending machines (retail)
182112 n 20 III h n20 III h Itinerant trade, traveling trade, mobile stalls
145291 n 20 SM 001 n20 Sm1 Petty trade, loan purchase
145292 n 20 SM 002 n20 Sm2 Inns, taverns, amusement facilities, amusement centers
145293 n 20 SM 003 n20 Sm3 Large retail businesses
145294 n 20 SM 004 n20 Sm4 Petty trade, discounting
145295 n 20 SM 005 n20 Sm5 Petty trade, margin
231480 n 20 SM 020 n20 Sm20 Petty trade, conferences
145296 n 21 n21 Art and literature (economic relations)
145297 n 21 SM 001 n21 Sm1 Theater and music
145298 n 21 SM 001 (alt) n21 Sm1 (alt) Theater and cinema
145299 n 21 SM 002 (alt) n21 Sm2 (alt) Music
145300 n 21 SM 003 n21 Sm3 Fine arts
145301 n 21 SM 004 n21 Sm4 Literature
145302 n 21 SM 008 n21 Sm8 Cinematography
231500 n 21 SM 020 n21 Sm20 Art, conferences
182114 n 21 SM 040 n21 Sm40 Art, professions and education
182115 n 21 SM 050 n21 Sm50 Art, institutions
196845 n 21 SM 090 n21 Sm90 Art, promotion
145303 n 22 n22 Forwarding and storage
145304 n 22 SM 001 n22 Sm1 Warehouse management
196869 n 22 SM 020 n22 Sm20 Forwarding and storage, conferences
196870 n 22 SM 050 n22 Sm50 Forwarding and storage, institutions
145305 n 23 n23 Money and currency
161813 n 23 SM 001 n23 Sm1 Precious metal movement, precious metal arbitrage
145306 n 23 SM 001.01 n23 Sm1.I Precious metal movement, precious metal arbitrage, general
145307 n 23 SM 001.02 n23 Sm1.II Precious metal movement, precious metal arbitrage, from and to individual countries
145308 n 23 SM 002 n23 Sm2 Exchange rate development of the local currency, formation of multiple rates for the currency unit
161805 n 23 SM 003 n23 Sm3 Protection and support of the currency
145309 n 23 SM 003.01 n23 Sm3.I Protection and support of the currency, general
161807 n 23 SM 003.02 n23 Sm3.II Protection and support of the currency, individual measures
145310 n 23 SM 003.02a n23 Sm3.IIa Protection and support of the currency, combating agio trade
145311 n 23 SM 003.02b n23 Sm3.IIb Protection and support of the currency, regulation of currency trading
145312 n 23 SM 003.02c n23 Sm3.IIc Protection and support of the currency, combating currency speculation
145313 n 23 SM 003.02d n23 Sm3.IId Protection and support of the currency, regulation of payment transactions with foreign countries
145314 n 23 SM 003.02e n23 Sm3.IIe Protection and support of the currency, stabilization
145315 n 23 SM 004 n23 Sm4 Means of payment (emission, description, forgery)
145316 n 23 SM 005 n23 Sm5 Currency reform plans
145317 n 23 SM 006 n23 Sm6 Goods as a measure of value
161797 n 23 SM 007 (alt) n23 Sm7 (alt) Foreign exchange procurement for government purposes
145318 n 23 SM 007.01 (alt) n23 Sm7.I (alt) Foreign exchange procurement for government purposes, general
161799 n 23 SM 007.02 (alt) n23 Sm7.II (alt) Foreign exchange procurement for government purposes, individuals
145319 n 23 SM 007.02a (alt) n23 Sm7.IIa (alt) Foreign exchange procurement for state purposes, business credit campaigns
145320 n 23 SM 007.02b (alt) n23 Sm7.IIb (alt) Procurement of foreign currency for government purposes, registration of securities
145321 n 23 SM 007.02c (alt) n23 Sm7.IIc (alt) Procurement of foreign currency for government purposes, registration of foreign assets
145322 n 23 SM 007.02d (alt) n23 Sm7.IId (alt) Procurement of foreign currency for government purposes, invoicing in foreign currency
145323 n 23 SM 007.02e (alt) n23 Sm7.IIe (alt) Procurement of foreign currency for government purposes, registration of export foreign currency
145324 n 23 SM 008 n23 Sm8 Purchasing power of the currency unit
145325 n 23 SM 009 n23 Sm9 Statutory value calculation on fine gold claims
209309 n 23 SM 011 n23 Sm11 Foreign exchange clauses
231520 n 23 SM 020 n23 Sm20 Money and currency, conferences
196871 n 23 SM 050 n23 Sm50 Money and currency, institutions
145326 n 23 SM 101 n23 Sm101 Interpretation and handling of valuta clauses
145327 n 23 SM 501 (A 010) n23 Sm501 (A10) Permanent Valuta Commission
145328 n 23 SM 501 (E 015) n23 Sm501 (E15) Documentation of money circulation
145329 n 23 SM 501 (H) n23 Sm501 (H) Latin Monetary Union
145330 n 23 SM 502 (A 010) n23 Sm502 (A10) Bond Market
145331 n 23 SM 502 (H) n23 Sm502 (H) Gold value fluctuations
145332 n 23 SM 503 (A 010) n23 Sm503 (A10) Emergency money
145333 n 23 SM 503 (A 010b) n23 Sm503 (A10b) Emergency money (occupation area on the left bank of the Rhine, excluding the Saar area)
145334 n 23 SM 503 (E 015) n23 Sm503 (E15) Scrips (emergency money)
145335 n 23 SM 504 (A 010) n23 Sm504 (A10) Currency reform based on the Dawes Plan
161794 n 23 SM 505 (A 010) n23 Sm505 (A10) Fund transfer abroad based on the Dawes Plan
145336 n 23 SM 505.01 (A 010) n23 Sm505.I (A10) Fund transfer abroad on the basis of the Dawes Plan, general
145337 n 23 SM 505.02 (A 010) n23 Sm505.II (A10) Fund transfer abroad based on the Dawes Plan, transfer committee
145338 n 23 SM 507 (A 010) n23 Sm507 (A10) Procurement of foreign currency for reparations payments, raw material and food imports
197125 n 23 SM 508 (A 010) n23 Sm508 (A10) Equalization of burdens
197126 n 23 SM 508.02 (A 010) n23 Sm508.II (A10) Emergency aid
145339 n 24 n24 Credit and banking
145340 n 24 SM 001 n24 Sm1 Moratoria, blocking of payment transactions
161784 n 24 SM 002 n24 Sm2 Private foreign claims, debt settlement
145341 n 24 SM 002.01 n24 Sm2.I Private international claims, debt settlement, general
145342 n 24 SM 002.02 n24 Sm2.II Private foreign claims, debt settlement, individual countries
145343 n 24 SM 003 n24 Sm3 Savings banks, savings institutions, general
161752 n 24 SM 004 n24 Sm4 Lending
145344 n 24 SM 004.01 n24 Sm4.I Real estate loan, general. Mortgage lending
161754 n 24 SM 004.02 n24 Sm4.II Mortgage lending
145345 n 24 SM 004.02a n24 Sm4.IIa Real estate, mortgage, general
145346 n 24 SM 004.02b n24 Sm4.IIb Real estate lending, mortgage valuation
145347 n 24 SM 004.02c (alt) n24 Sm4.IIc (alt) Real estate, mortgage, protection and unification
145348 n 24 SM 004.02d (alt) n24 Sm4.IId (alt) Real estate lending, mortgage lending
145349 n 24 SM 004.02e n24 Sm4.IIe Real estate lending, non-depreciating mortgages
145350 n 24 SM 004.02f n24 Sm4.IIf Real credit, mortgage appreciation
145351 n 24 SM 004.02g n24 Sm4.IIg Real estate lending, priority of public-law loans and encumbrances
161762 n 24 SM 004.03 n24 Sm4.III Mortgage rate changes
145352 n 24 SM 004.03a n24 Sm4.IIIa Mortgage rate changes, general
161778 n 24 SM 004.03b n24 Sm4.IIIb Mortgages given abroad
145353 n 24 SM 004.03b1 n24 Sm4.IIIb1 Mortgages given abroad, general
145354 n 24 SM 004.03b2 n24 Sm4.IIIb2 Mortgages given abroad, to nationals of individual countries
161781 n 24 SM 004.03c n24 Sm4.IIIc Mortgages taken out abroad
145355 n 24 SM 004.03c1 n24 Sm4.IIIc1 Mortgages taken abroad, general
145356 n 24 SM 004.03c2 n24 Sm4.IIIc2 Mortgages taken out abroad, by nationals of individual countries
161769 n 24 SM 004.04 n24 Sm4.IV Mortgage lenders
145357 n 24 SM 004.04a n24 Sm4.IVa Mortgage lenders, general
145358 n 24 SM 004.04b (alt) n24 Sm4.IVb (alt) Mortgage lenders, mortgage banks in general
145359 n 24 SM 004.04c (alt) n24 Sm4.IVc (alt) Mortgage lenders, other types of mortgage bond lenders, general
145360 n 24 SM 004.04d (alt) n24 Sm4.IVd (alt) Mortgage banks, mortgages and bonds in circulation
145361 n 24 SM 004.04e (alt) n24 Sm4.IVe (alt) Mortgage credit institutions, revaluation of Pfandbriefe, annuity letters, etc.
161775 n 24 SM 004.05 n24 Sm4.V Ship mortgage
145362 n 24 SM 004.05a n24 Sm4.Va Ship mortgage, general
145363 n 24 SM 004.05b n24 Sm4.Vb Ship mortgage, ship mortgage banks, general
145364 n 24 SM 005 n24 Sm5 Securities trading (except stock exchange trading), influence on private investments
145365 n 24 SM 006 n24 Sm6 Creditor protection, recovery of private claims
145366 n 24 SM 007 n24 Sm7 Foreign banks
145367 n 24 SM 008 n24 Sm8 Finance companies, investment trust companies, holding companies
161748 n 24 SM 009 n24 Sm9 Collective accounts of banks and savings banks (statistics)
145368 n 24 SM 009.01 n24 Sm9.I Collective accounts of banks and savings banks (statistics), general
145369 n 24 SM 009.02 n24 Sm9.II Collective accounts from banks and savings banks (statistics), central banks
145370 n 24 SM 009.03 n24 Sm9.III Collective accounts from banks and savings banks (statistics), credit banks
161744 n 24 SM 011 n24 Sm11 Postal check transactions, postal savings banks
145371 n 24 SM 011.01 n24 Sm11.I Postal check transactions, postal savings banks, general and statistics
145372 n 24 SM 011.02 n24 Sm11.II Postal check transactions with individual countries
145373 n 24 SM 012 n24 Sm12 Foreign banks and colonial banks
161741 n 24 SM 013 n24 Sm13 Borrowing of foreign countries
145374 n 24 SM 013.01 n24 Sm13.I Borrowing of foreign countries, general; bonds
145375 n 24 SM 013.02 n24 Sm13.II Borrowing of foreign countries, individual countries
145376 n 24 SM 014 n24 Sm14 Non-cash payments, payment settlements
161738 n 24 SM 015 n24 Sm15 Central banking
145377 n 24 SM 015.01 n24 Sm15.I Central banking, general
145378 n 24 SM 015.02 n24 Sm15.II Central banking, discount policy
145379 n 24 SM 016 n24 Sm16 Currency trade
145380 n 24 SM 017 n24 Sm17 Banking, concentration in …
145381 n 24 SM 018 n24 Sm18 Organization of agricultural credit
145382 n 24 SM 019 n24 Sm19 Arbitrage
231300 n 24 SM 020 n24 Sm20 Credit and banking, conferences
161727 n 24 SM 021 n24 Sm21 Banking, technology of …
145383 n 24 SM 021.01 n24 Sm21.I Banking, technology of …, general
161717 n 24 SM 021.02 n24 Sm21.II Terms and Conditions (in banking)
145384 n 24 SM 021.02a n24 Sm21.IIa Terms and conditions (in banking), general
145385 n 24 SM 021.02b n24 Sm21.IIb Terms and conditions (in banking), interest, commission issues
145386 n 24 SM 021.02c n24 Sm21.IIc Terms and conditions (in banking), current account transactions
145387 n 24 SM 021.02d n24 Sm21.IId Terms and conditions (in banking), stock exchange transactions, securities trading
145388 n 24 SM 021.02f n24 Sm21.IIf Terms and conditions (in banking), securities lending and borrowing
145389 n 24 SM 021.03 n24 Sm21.III Banking, technology of …, underwriting business
145390 n 24 SM 022 n24 Sm22 Banking, government supervision (control), disclosure requirements
145391 n 24 SM 023 n24 Sm23 Grievances in banking and credit
145392 n 24 SM 024 n24 Sm24 Banking, hours worked as a unit of account
145393 n 24 SM 025 n24 Sm25 Banks for workers and civil servants
145394 n 24 SM 026 n24 Sm26 Bank secrecy
161714 n 24 SM 027 n24 Sm27 Banking, custody services and deposits
145395 n 24 SM 027.01 n24 Sm27.I Banking, custody services and deposits, general
145396 n 24 SM 027.02 n24 Sm27.II Banking, custody and administration of securities and valuables
161711 n 24 SM 027.03 n24 Sm27.III Banking, deposits
145397 n 24 SM 027.03a n24 Sm27.IIIa Banking, deposits, general
145398 n 24 SM 027.03b n24 Sm27.IIIb Banking, deposits, statistics, savings
145399 n 24 SM 028 n24 Sm28 Banking, bills of exchange and checks
145400 n 24 SM 029 n24 Sm29 Banking projects
145401 n 24 SM 031 n24 Sm31 Landesbanken, municipal banks and provincial banks
145402 n 24 SM 032 n24 Sm32 Private bankers, general
145403 n 24 SM 033 n24 Sm33 Liability in the banking industry
161708 n 24 SM 034 n24 Sm34 Banking, private borrowing abroad
145404 n 24 SM 034.01 n24 Sm34.I Banking, private borrowing abroad, general
145405 n 24 SM 034.02 n24 Sm34.II Banking, private borrowing in individual countries
145406 n 24 SM 035 n24 Sm35 Situation of the banking industry
145407 n 24 SM 036 n24 Sm36 Banking, branch system
161705 n 24 SM 037 n24 Sm37 Banking, private lending to foreigners
145408 n 24 SM 037.01 n24 Sm37.I Banking, Private Lending to foreigners, general
145409 n 24 SM 037.02 n24 Sm37.II Banking, private lending to foreigners, to nationals of individual countries
145410 n 24 SM 038 n24 Sm38 Public and private bank support, nationalization of banks
145411 n 24 SM 039 n24 Sm39 Issuance of bearer certificates against deposited securities
145412 n 24 SM 039 (alt) n24 Sm39 (alt) Nationalization of banks
231221 n 24 SM 040 n24 Sm40 Credit and banking, professions and education
145413 n 24 SM 041 n24 Sm41 Pawn shops, lending on goods
145414 n 24 SM 042 n24 Sm42 Fiduciary and auditing, audit firms
145415 n 24 SM 043 n24 Sm43 Bond cancellation and bond revaluation
145416 n 24 SM 044 n24 Sm44 Private credit reporting agency
145417 n 24 SM 045 n24 Sm45 Consumer finance, sales finance
145418 n 24 SM 046 n24 Sm46 Civil servant banks, general
145419 n 24 SM 047 n24 Sm47 Trustee securities, investment of ward money
145420 n 24 SM 048 n24 Sm48 Ship mortgage
145421 n 24 SM 049 n24 Sm49 Conversion of foreign currency bonds to domestic currency
231169 n 24 SM 050 n24 Sm50 Credit and banking, institutions
145422 n 24 SM 051 n24 Sm51 Interest rate conversion of corporate bonds
145423 n 24 SM 060 n24 Sm60 Credit and banking, technology
145424 n 24 SM 501 (A 010) n24 Sm501 (A10) Private securities banks
145425 n 24 SM 501 (A 010) (alt) n24 Sm501 (A10) (alt) Building societies
161695 n 24 SM 501 (E 015) n24 Sm501 (E15) National Banks
145426 n 24 SM 501 (E 085) (alt) n24 Sm501 (E85) (alt) Caja de Credito Popular
145427 n 24 SM 501 (H) n24 Sm501 (H) Methods of Funding, General
145428 n 24 SM 501 (H) (alt) n24 Sm501 (H) (alt) International Compensation Bank
145429 n 24 SM 501.01 (E 015) n24 Sm501.I (E15) National banks, general
145430 n 24 SM 501.02 (E 015) n24 Sm501.II (E15) National banks, legal status
145431 n 24 SM 501.03 (E 015) n24 Sm501.III (E15) National banks, branch system
145432 n 24 SM 501.04 (E 015) n24 Sm501.IV (E15) National banks, accounts
145433 n 24 SM 501.05 (E 015) n24 Sm501.V (E15) Startups, liquidations, etc. (overviews)
161701 n 24 SM 502 (A 010) n24 Sm502 (A10) Purpose savings bank
161638 n 24 SM 502 (E 015) n24 Sm502 (E15) Federal Reserve System
145434 n 24 SM 502 (E 024) (alt) n24 Sm502 (E24) (alt) Reports of the Comission Nacional de Estadistica y Reformas Economicas
145435 n 24 SM 502 (H) n24 Sm502 (H) International bank cooperation, general
145436 n 24 SM 502.01 (A 010) n24 Sm502.I (A10) Special purpose savings bank, general
145437 n 24 SM 502.01 (E 015) n24 Sm502.I (E15) Federal Reserve System, assessorial duties and activities of the F.R.B., general
161735 n 24 SM 502.02 (A 010) n24 Sm502.II (A10) Purpose savings bank, for individual purposes
145438 n 24 SM 502.02 (E 015) n24 Sm502.II (E15) Federal Reserve System, Banking Act
145439 n 24 SM 502.02a (A 010) n24 Sm502.IIa (A10) Purpose savings bank, for single purposes, building society
145440 n 24 SM 502.02b (A 010) n24 Sm502.IIb (A10) Special purpose savings bank, for individual purposes, other
145441 n 24 SM 502.03 (E 015) n24 Sm502.III (E15) Federal Reserve System, Federal Reserve Board
145442 n 24 SM 502.04 (E 015) n24 Sm502.IV (E15) Federal Reserve System, affiliated and soon-to-be affiliated banks
161685 n 24 SM 502.05 (E 015) n24 Sm502.V (E15) Federal Reserve System, various lines of business
145443 n 24 SM 502.05a (E 015) n24 Sm502.Va (E15) Federal Reserve System, various lines of business and their regulations, general
161730 n 24 SM 502.05b (E 015) n24 Sm502.Vb (E15) Federal Reserve System, loan policy
145444 n 24 SM 502.05b1 (E 015) n24 Sm502.Vb1 (E15) Federal Reserve System, loan policy, general
145445 n 24 SM 502.05b2 (E 015) n24 Sm502.Vb2 (E15) Federal Reserve System, Credit Policy, Discount Policy, and Discount Rates
145446 n 24 SM 502.05b3 (E 015) n24 Sm502.Vb3 (E15) Federal Reserve System, loan policy, note issuance
145447 n 24 SM 502.05b4 (E 015) n24 Sm502.Vb4 (E15) Federal Reserve System, loan policy, loan monitoring
145448 n 24 SM 502.05c (E 015) n24 Sm502.Vc (E15) Federal Reserve System, foreign exchange policy
145449 n 24 SM 502.05d (E 015) n24 Sm502.Vd (E15) Federal Reserve System, clearing traffic
145450 n 24 SM 502.05e (E 015) n24 Sm502.Ve (E15) Federal Reserve System, relations with foreign banks
145451 n 24 SM 502.05f (E 015) n24 Sm502.Vf (E15) Federal Reserve System, other lines of business
145452 n 24 SM 502.06 (E 015) n24 Sm502.VI (E15) Federal Reserve System, gold policy
145453 n 24 SM 502.06 (E 015) (alt) n24 Sm502.VI (E15) (alt) Federal Reserve System, concentration of the US gold reserve
161681 n 24 SM 502.07 (E 015) n24 Sm502.VII (E15) Federal Reserve System, situation reports
145454 n 24 SM 502.07a (E 015) n24 Sm502.VIIa (E15) Federal Reserve System, situation reports, general
145455 n 24 SM 502.07b (E 015) n24 Sm502.VIIb (E15) Federal Reserve System, situation reports, bank accounts
145456 n 24 SM 502.07c (E 015) n24 Sm502.VIIc (E15) Federal Reserve System, situation reports, annual reports
161662 n 24 SM 502.08 (E 015) n24 Sm502.VIII (E15) Federal Reserve System, branch system
145457 n 24 SM 502.08a (E 015) n24 Sm502.VIIIa (E15) Federal Reserve System, branch system, general
145458 n 24 SM 502.08b (E 015) n24 Sm502.VIIIb (E15) Federal Reserve System, branch system, domestic branches
145459 n 24 SM 502.08c (E 015) n24 Sm502.VIIIc (E15) Federal Reserve System, branch system, foreign branches
161673 n 24 SM 502.09 (E 015) n24 Sm502.IX (E15) Federal Reserve System, accessory duties and activities of the F.R.B.
145460 n 24 SM 502.09a (E 015) n24 Sm502.IXa (E15) Federal Reserve System, assessorial duties and activities of the F.R.B., general
145461 n 24 SM 502.09b (E 015) n24 Sm502.IXb (E15) Federal Reserve System, accessory duties and activities of the F.R.B., foreign trade finance
145462 n 24 SM 503 (A 010) n24 Sm503 (A10) Cashless working groups (compensation fund), general
145463 n 24 SM 503 (E 015) (alt) n24 Sm503 (E15) (alt) Financial situation from Journal of Commerce
145464 n 24 SM 503 (H) n24 Sm503 (H) Norman plan
145465 n 24 SM 504 (E 015) n24 Sm504 (E15) War Finance Corporation
145466 n 24 SM 505 (A 010) n24 Sm505 (A10) The numerus clausus in the banking industry
145467 n 24 SM 505 (E 015) n24 Sm505 (E15) Inter-allied debts arising from the world wars, general
145468 n 24 SM 506 (A 010) n24 Sm506 (A10) Public giro banks, general
145469 n 24 SM 506 (E 015) n24 Sm506 (E15) Buying up foreign securities
145470 n 24 SM 507 (A 010) n24 Sm507 (A10) Mobilization of the Reich debt register claim from war victims
145471 n 24 SM 507 (E 015) (alt) n24 Sm507 (E15) (alt) Significance and statistics of stock market loans
145472 n 24 SM 508 (A 010) n24 Sm508 (A10) Banking Committee of Inquiry (1953)
145473 n 24 SM 508 (E 015) n24 Sm508 (E15) Federal Farm Loan Board
145474 n 24 SM 508 (E 015) (alt) n24 Sm508 (E15) (alt) Brochures from the Commercial and Financial Chronicle
145475 n 24 SM 509 (E 015) n24 Sm509 (E15) Planned loan support for Europe (1919-1920)
145476 n 24 SM 510 (A 019) n24 Sm510 (A19) Amsterdam as an international finance center
145477 n 24 SM 510 (A 022) n24 Sm510 (A22) London as an international finance center
145478 n 24 SM 510 (A 028) n24 Sm510 (A28) Paris as an international finance center
145479 n 24 SM 510 (E 015) n24 Sm510 (E15) New York as an international finance center
145480 n 24 SM 510 (H) n24 Sm510 (H) Rivalry between capital market centers
145481 n 24 SM 511 (E 015) n24 Sm511 (E15) Microfinance enterprises, general
194593 n 24 SM 511.02 (H) n24 Sm511.II (H) International Bank for Reconstruction
145482 n 24 SM 512 (E 015) n24 Sm512 (E15) Reconstruction Finance Corporation (January 22, 1932)
145483 n 24 SM 513 (E 015) n24 Sm513 (E15) Federal Home Loan Board
145484 n 24 SM 514 (E 015) n24 Sm514 (E15) Federal Securities Act 1933
145485 n 24 SM 515 (E 015) n24 Sm515 (E15) Foreign Bondholders, Protective Council Incorporated
145486 n 25 n25 Bourse
145487 n 25 SM 001 n25 Sm1 Excesses and combating speculation
145488 n 25 SM 002 n25 Sm2 Securities clearing, collective securities accounts
145489 n 25 SM 003 n25 Sm3 Commodity exchange, general
145490 n 25 SM 004 n25 Sm4 Stock exchange loan
231620 n 25 SM 020 n25 Sm20 Stock exchange, conferences
211924 n 25 SM 040 n25 Sm40 Stock exchange, training
145491 n 26 n26 Representation of economic interests (lobbying), business associations, professional organization
145492 n 26 SM 001 n26 Sm1 Chamber of commerce, business association, general
145493 n 26 SM 002 n26 Sm2 Chambers of commerce abroad, general
145494 n 26 SM 003 n26 Sm3 Chambers of Agriculture and forestry, general
145495 n 26 SM 004 n26 Sm4 Consumer chambers, general
145496 n 26 SM 005 n26 Sm5 Chambers of labor representation, general
145497 n 26 SM 006 n26 Sm6 Chambers of crafts, general
145498 n 26 SM 501 (A 010) n26 Sm501 (A10) Reich Chamber of Commerce
145499 n 26 SM 501 (A 010) (alt) n26 Sm501 (A10) (alt) Economic interest groups, working groups
145500 n 27 n27 Cooperatives
145501 n 27 SM 001 n27 Sm1 Credit cooperative
145502 n 27 SM 002 n27 Sm2 Purchasing cooperatives and credit unions
145503 n 27 SM 003 n27 Sm3 Consumer cooperative
145504 n 27 SM 004 n27 Sm4 Building cooperatives
145505 n 27 SM 005 n27 Sm5 Sales cooperatives
145506 n 27 SM 006 (alt) n27 Sm6 (alt) Factory cooperatives
145507 n 27 SM 007 n27 Sm7 Agricultural cooperatives
215916 n 27 SM 020 n27 Sm20 Cooperatives, conferences
231621 n 27 SM 040 n27 Sm40 Cooperatives, training
231170 n 27 SM 050 n27 Sm50 Cooperatives, institutions
145508 n 27 SM 501 (A 028) n27 Sm501 (A28) Chronique Mutualité
145509 n 28 n28 Transport and traffic, general
145510 n 28 SM 001 n28 Sm1 Hotel industry
161625 n 28 SM 002 n28 Sm2 Travel, tourism
145511 n 28 SM 002.01 n28 Sm2.I Travel, tourism, general
145512 n 28 SM 002.02 n28 Sm2.II Holiday traffic to and from individual countries
161621 n 28 SM 003 n28 Sm3 Municipal transport
145513 n 28 SM 003.01 n28 Sm3.I Municipal transport, general
145514 n 28 SM 003.02 n28 Sm3.II Municipal transportion, in individual cities or neighborhoods
145515 n 28 SM 004 n28 Sm4 Motor vehicle traffic, general
199515 n 28 SM 004.50 n28 Sm4.L Motor traffic, Institutions
145516 n 28 SM 005 n28 Sm5 Competition and cooperation of different types of transport
145517 n 28 SM 006 n28 Sm6 Truck stops for long-distance freight
197872 n 28 SM 006.01 n28 Sm6.I Long-distance car freight
197821 n 28 SM 006.02 n28 Sm6.II Truck stops
145518 n 28 SM 007 n28 Sm7 Transport rental agencies, general
230610 n 28 SM 008 n28 Sm8 Freight transport
197873 n 28 SM 008.01 n28 Sm8.I Freight transport, general
197874 n 28 SM 008.02 n28 Sm8.II Pipeline traffic
150580 n 28 SM 020 n28 Sm20 Transportation, conferences
145519 n 28 SM 022 n28 Sm22 Freight transport and freight issues, general
145520 n 28 SM 026 n28 Sm26 Safety precautions and safety regulations in road and cross-country traffic
231622 n 28 SM 040 n28 Sm40 Transportation, training
197800 n 28 SM 050 n28 Sm50 Transportation, institutions
231540 n 28 SM 060 n28 Sm60 Transportation, technical
198328 n 28 SM 070 n28 Sm70 Transportation, raising capital
145521 n 28 SM 501 (A 021) n28 Sm501 (A21) Negotiations of the Conseil Superieur des Transports
145522 n 28 SM 501 (A 028) n28 Sm501 (A28) Nautostrasse, Atlantic-Mediterranean sea transport
145523 n 28b n28b Traffic (as a whole) with individual countries
145524 n 29 n29 Roads, paths, bridges (including their traffic)
145525 n 29 SM 001 n29 Sm1 Special roads for automobiles, general
215917 n 29 SM 020 n29 Sm20 Country roads, paths, bridges (including their traffic), conferences
197875 n 29 SM 050 n29 Sm50 Country roads, paths, bridges (including their traffic), institutions
145526 n 29 SM 060 n29 Sm60 Country roads, paths, bridges (including their traffic), technical
145527 n 29 SM 070 n29 Sm70 Country roads, paths, bridges (including their traffic), capital procurement
145528 n 29 SM 501 (A 035) n29 Sm501 (A35) Organization for construction and management of main roads
145529 n 29a n29a Individual roads, tunnels, bridges (including their traffic)
145530 n 29b n29b Road connection with individual countries
145531 n 30 n30 Railways
145532 n 30 SM 001 n30 Sm1 Railways, financial matters. Situation and statistics of private railway companies
145533 n 30 SM 002 n30 Sm2 Nationalization and de-nationalization of the railways
145534 n 30 SM 003 n30 Sm3 Railways, tariffs
145535 n 30 SM 004 n30 Sm4 Small railways
145536 n 30 SM 005 n30 Sm5 Railway, electrification
161618 n 30 SM 006 n30 Sm6 Railway stations
145537 n 30 SM 006 (alt) n30 Sm6 (alt) Railway station construction and expansion, individual locations
145538 n 30 SM 006.01 n30 Sm6.I Railway stations, general
145539 n 30 SM 006.02 n30 Sm6.II Railway stations, individual cities or neighborhoods
145540 n 30 SM 007 n30 Sm7 Railways, wagons
145541 n 30 SM 008 n30 Sm8 Railways, accidents and safety measures
152139 n 30 SM 020 n30 Sm20 Railways, conferences
145542 n 30 SM 021 n30 Sm21 Railways, compulsory traveler and live cattle insurance
212083 n 30 SM 050 n30 Sm50 Railways, institutions
145543 n 30 SM 060 n30 Sm60 Railway engineering, technical
145544 n 30 SM 501 (A 009) n30 Sm501 (A9) Railways, local traffic
145545 n 30 SM 501 (A 010) n30 Sm501 (A10) Takeover of railways by the Reich
145546 n 30 SM 501 (A 035) n30 Sm501 (A35) Italian State Railways
145547 n 30 SM 501 (E 015) n30 Sm501 (E15) State control of the railways during World War II
145548 n 30 SM 502 (A 009) n30 Sm502 (A9) Port railways
145549 n 30 SM 502 (A 010) n30 Sm502 (A10) Delivery of railway material on the basis of the peace treaty
145550 n 30 SM 502 (E 015) (alt) n30 Sm502 (E15) (alt) Periodic overviews of railway income
145551 n 30 SM 503 (A 010) n30 Sm503 (A10) Railway lines prohibited by the Entente
145552 n 30 SM 503 (E 015) n30 Sm503 (E15) Socialization of the railways
145553 n 30 SM 504 (A 010) n30 Sm504 (A10) Bavaria and the Reichsbahn
145554 n 30 SM 504 (E 015) n30 Sm504 (E15) Railways, concentration, financial control
145555 n 30 SM 505 (A 010) n30 Sm505 (A10) Railway reform based on the Dawes plan
231642 n 30 Sm 040 n30 Sm40 Railways, training
145556 n 30a n30a Individual railway lines, including planned ones
161612 n 30a SM 501 (B 023) n30a Sm501 (B23) Baghdad Railway
145557 n 30a SM 501.01 (B 023) n30a Sm501.I (B23) Baghdad Railway, general
145558 n 30a SM 501.02 (B 023) n30a Sm501.II (B23) Baghdad Railway, railway construction
145559 n 30a SM 501.03 (B 023) n30a Sm501.III (B23) Baghdad Railway, political issues
145560 n 30a SM 501.04 (B 023) n30a Sm501.IV (B23) Baghdad Railway, economic issues
145561 n 30a SM 501.05 (B 023) n30a Sm501.V (B23) Baghdad Railway, end line Basra-Kuwait (Basra-Koweit)
145562 n 30b n30b Rail connections with individual countries
145563 n 31 n31 Port facilities and their management
198400 n 31 SM 020 n31 Sm20 Port facilities and their management, Conferences
182126 n 31 SM 050 n31 Sm50 Port facilities and their management, organizations
198436 n 31 SM 070 n31 Sm70 Port facilities and their management, capital procurement
145564 n 31 SM 501 (A 009) n31 Sm501 (A9) Port community of the Lower Elbe area
145565 n 31a n31a Construction, expansion, economic development and management of individual ports
145566 n 31a SM 001 n31a Sm1 Free zones of foreign powers
145567 n 32 n32 Maritime shipping
198506 n 32 SM 001 n32 Sm1 Postwar fate of German merchant ships
182143 n 32 SM 001 (A 09) n32 Sm1 (A9) Maritime transport, statistics of the port of Hamburg (from 1935)
145568 n 32 SM 001 (alt) n32 Sm1 (alt) Fate of German and Austrian merchant ships (World War I)
145569 n 32 SM 002 n32 Sm2 Ship sales and purchases
161609 n 32 SM 003 n32 Sm3 Orders for shipbuilding abroad
145570 n 32 SM 003 (alt) n32 Sm3 (alt) Mine hazard
145571 n 32 SM 003a n32 Sm3a Orders for shipbuilding abroad, general
145572 n 32 SM 003b n32 Sm3b Orders for shipbuilding abroad, in individual countries
145573 n 32 SM 004 n32 Sm4 Maritime shipping, concentration movement
145574 n 32 SM 005 n32 Sm5 Ship losses, accidents
145575 n 32 SM 006 n32 Sm6 Situation and statistics of private companies, statistical overviews of the merchant fleet
161606 n 32 SM 007 n32 Sm7 Shipping conferences and shipping pools
145576 n 32 SM 007.01 n32 Sm7.I Shipping conferences and shipping pools, general
145577 n 32 SM 007.02 n32 Sm7.II Shipping conferences and shipping pools, individual conferences
145578 n 32 SM 008 n32 Sm8 State control of shipping, seizure
145579 n 32 SM 009 n32 Sm9 Maritime shipping, public loans and subsidies
145580 n 32 SM 011 n32 Sm11 Maritime shipping, salvage
161602 n 32 SM 012 n32 Sm12 Shipping, oil firing and motor shipping
145581 n 32 SM 012.01 n32 Sm12.I Shipping, oil firing and motor shipping, general
145582 n 32 SM 012.02 n32 Sm12.II Shipping, oil firing
145583 n 32 SM 012.03 n32 Sm12.III Motor shipping
145584 n 32 SM 013 n32 Sm13 Tramp shipping
145585 n 32 SM 014 n32 Sm14 Coastal shipping, combined river and sea shipping
145586 n 32 SM 015 n32 Sm15 Importance and development of sailing
145587 n 32 SM 016 n32 Sm16 Maritime shipping, passenger rates, general
161598 n 32 SM 017 n32 Sm17 Maritime law
145588 n 32 SM 017.01 n32 Sm17.I Maritime law, general
145589 n 32 SM 017.02 n32 Sm17.II Maritime law, maritime transport rules, bills of lading
145590 n 32 SM 017.03 n32 Sm17.III Maritime law, individual legal actions
198505 n 32 SM 017.04 n32 Sm17.IV Oil pollution
161595 n 32 SM 018 n32 Sm18 Importance and development of new ship types
145591 n 32 SM 018.01 (alt) n32 Sm18.I (alt) Significance and development of new ship types, general (old)
145592 n 32 SM 018.02 (alt) n32 Sm18.II (alt) Significance and development of new ship types, individual ship types
145593 n 32 SM 019 n32 Sm19 Maritime shipping, transport of emigrats
150181 n 32 SM 020 n32 Sm20 Maritime shipping, conferences
145594 n 32 SM 021 n32 Sm21 Maritime shipping, mandatory insurance for passengers
145595 n 32 SM 022 n32 Sm22 Maritime shipping, freight issues
145596 n 32 SM 023 n32 Sm23 Pilotage, navigational marks, buoyage
145597 n 32 SM 024 n32 Sm24 Ship reporting service
145598 n 32 SM 025 n32 Sm25 Ship broker
145599 n 32 SM 026 n32 Sm26 Maritime shipping, safety rules, rescue
161592 n 32 SM 027 n32 Sm27 Port taxes
145600 n 32 SM 027.01 n32 Sm27.I Port taxes, general
145601 n 32 SM 027.02 n32 Sm27.II Port taxes, in individual ports
145602 n 32 SM 028 n32 Sm28 Ship measurement, ship classification, ship register
145603 n 32 SM 029 (alt) n32 Sm29 (alt) Shipping traffic statistics (overviews)
161583 n 32 SM 031 n32 Sm31 Maritime law of war (upper level)
230603 n 32 SM 031.01 n32 Sm31.I Maritime law of war
145604 n 32 SM 031.01a n32 Sm31.Ia Maritime law of war, general
145605 n 32 SM 031.01b n32 Sm31.Ib Maritime law of war, freedom of the seas
145606 n 32 SM 031.01c n32 Sm31.Ic Maritime law of war, London Declaration of the Law of the Sea
145607 n 32 SM 031.02 n32 Sm31.II Maritime law of war, counter-gang
145608 n 32 SM 031.03 n32 Sm31.III Maritime law of war, prizes, prize judgments
145609 n 32 SM 031.04 n32 Sm31.IV Maritime law of war, interference with mail transport
145610 n 32 SM 031.05 n32 Sm31.V Maritime law of war, armed merchant ships
145611 n 32 SM 031.06 n32 Sm31.VI Maritime law of war, flag abuse, flag change
145612 n 32 SM 032 n32 Sm32 Bugsierschiffahrt und Schleppschiffahrt, Allgemein
145613 n 32 SM 033 n32 Sm33 Tanker shipping, general
145614 n 32 SM 034 n32 Sm34 Shipping, Stevedoring
145615 n 32 SM 035 n32 Sm35 Maritime shipping, planned reduction in tonnage (scrapping problem)
199418 n 32 SM 036 n32 Sm36 Maritime shipping, ship equipment
182145 n 32 SM 040 n32 Sm40 Maritime shipping, professions and training
145616 n 32 SM 043 n32 Sm43 Refrigerated ships, cooling systems on ships, general
199419 n 32 SM 046 n32 Sm46 Maritime shipping, Nuclear propulsion
182146 n 32 SM 050 n32 Sm50 Maritime shipping, institutions
145617 n 32 SM 060 n32 Sm60 Maritime shipping, technical
145618 n 32 SM 070 n32 Sm70 Maritime shipping, capital procurement
231560 n 32 SM 100 n32 Sm100 Maritime shipping, history
145619 n 32 SM 501 (A 009) n32 Sm501 (A9) Hamburg in competition with other ports
145620 n 32 SM 501 (A 010) n32 Sm501 (A10) Commercial submarines
145621 n 32 SM 501 (A 010k) n32 Sm501 (A10k) Gdansk in competition with Gdynia
145622 n 32 SM 501 (A 019) n32 Sm501 (A19) Nieuwe Waterweg
145623 n 32 SM 501 (E 015) n32 Sm501 (E15) Ship Purchase Bill (Shipping Bill)
161517 n 32 SM 501 (H) n32 Sm501 (H) Importance and development of new ship types
145624 n 32 SM 501 (H) (alt) n32 Sm501 (H) (alt) Shipping and shipbuilding from the W. D.
145625 n 32 SM 501 N1 (A 009) n32 Sm501 N1 (A9) Hamburg in competition with other ports, monthly overviews
145626 n 32 SM 501.01 (H) n32 Sm501.I (H) Significance and development of new types of ships, general
161534 n 32 SM 501.02 (H) n32 Sm501.II (H) Significance and development of new ship types, individual ship types
145627 n 32 SM 501.02a (H) n32 Sm501.IIa (H) Significance and development of new ship types, individual ship types by building material
145628 n 32 SM 501.02b (H) n32 Sm501.IIb (H) Significance and development of new ship types, individual ship types by propulsion
145629 n 32 SM 501.02c (H) n32 Sm501.IIc (H) Significance and development of new ship types, individual ship types by shipping area
145630 n 32 SM 501.02d (H) n32 Sm501.IId (H) Significance and development of new ship types, individual ship types by purpose
145631 n 32 SM 501.02e (H) n32 Sm501.IIe (H) Significance and development of new ship types, individual ship types, by type (shape)
145632 n 32 SM 502 (A 010) n32 Sm502 (A10) Delivery of German ships and distribution (World War I)
145633 n 32 SM 502 (E 015) n32 Sm502 (E15) Merchant Marine Act (Jones Shipping Bill)
231561 n 32 SM 502 (H) n32 Sm502 (H) Confiscation of foreign ships (in the context of World War II)
145634 n 32 SM 502 (H) (alt) n32 Sm502 (H) (alt) Hague Law of the Sea
145635 n 32 SM 503 (A 010) n32 Sm503 (A10) Severance payment for shipping companies
161555 n 32 SM 503 (E 015) n32 Sm503 (E15) Shipping board, bureau of the commerce department
145636 n 32 SM 503 (H) n32 Sm503 (H) Extraterritoriality of state merchant ships
145637 n 32 SM 503.01 (E 015) n32 Sm503.I (E15) Shipping Board, Bureau of the Commerce Department, general
145638 n 32 SM 503.02 (E 015) n32 Sm503.II (E15) Shipping board, bureau of the commerce department, organization
161576 n 32 SM 503.03 (E 015) n32 Sm503.III (E15) Shipping board, bureau of the commerce department, activity
145639 n 32 SM 503.03a (E 015) n32 Sm503.IIIa (E15) Shipping board, bureau of the commerce department, activity, general
145640 n 32 SM 503.03b (E 015) n32 Sm503.IIIb (E15) Shipping board, bureau of the commerce department, activity, ship sales and ship purchases
145641 n 32 SM 504 (A 010) n32 Sm504 (A10) Maritime shipping, measures against foreign infiltration
145642 n 32 SM 504 (E 015) n32 Sm504 (E15) United States Maritime Commission
145643 n 32 SM 504 (H) n32 Sm504 (H) Maritime shipping, North Atlantic traffic
145644 n 32a n32a Shipping traffic in individual ports
145645 n 32b n32b Shipping traffic with individual countries
145646 n 33 n33 Inland navigation
222330 n 33 SM 001 n33 Sm1 Inland waterways, expansion, financing, decommissioning
145647 n 33 SM 009 n33 Sm9 Inland navigation, subsidies, government loans
194370 n 33 SM 020 n33 Sm20 Inland navigation, conferences
145648 n 33 SM 022 n33 Sm22 Inland navigation, freight issues, general
202466 n 33 SM 040 n33 Sm40 Inland water transport, profession and education
182147 n 33 SM 050 n33 Sm50 Inland navigation, institutions
204340 n 33 SM 060 n33 Sm60 Inland navigation, technical
145649 n 33 SM 501 (A 010) n33 Sm501 (A10) Delivery and distribution of German river boat material
145650 n 33 SM 501 (E 076) n33 Sm501 (E76) Colombia canal question
145651 n 33a n33a Individual inland waterways and sea canals
145652 n 33a SM 001 n33a Sm1 Individual inland waterways and sea canals, general
145653 n 33a SM 002 n33a Sm2 Individual inland waterways and maritime channels, sovereign rights, political issues
145654 n 33a SM 003 n33a Sm3 Individual inland waterways and sea canals, administration
145655 n 33a SM 004 n33a Sm4 Individual inland waterways and sea canals, construction, regulation
145656 n 33a SM 005 n33a Sm5 Individual inland waterways and sea canals, levies, subsidies
161498 n 33a SM 006 n33a Sm6 Individual inland waterways and sea canals, shipping
145657 n 33a SM 006a n33a Sm6a Individual inland waterways and sea canals, shipping, general
145658 n 33a SM 006b n33a Sm6b Individual inland waterways and sea canals, shipping, situation of shipping companies
145659 n 33a SM 006c n33a Sm6c Individual inland waterways and sea canals, shipping, traffic
145660 n 33a SM 006d n33a Sm6d Individual inland waterways and sea canals, shipping, freight agreements
145661 n 33a SM 006e n33a Sm6e Individual inland waterways and sea canals, shipping, freight market reports
145662 n 34 n34 Postal services, telegraphy and telephony
145663 n 34 SM 001 n34 Sm1 Wireless telegraphy and telephony, radio
145664 n 34 SM 002 n34 Sm2 Army postal services (World War I)
145665 n 34 SM 003 n34 Sm3 Airmail
145666 n 34 SM 004 n34 Sm4 Post censorship
145667 n 34 SM 005 n34 Sm5 Transport contracts with railway lines and shipping lines etc.
145668 n 34 SM 006 n34 Sm6 Submarine cable
145669 n 34 SM 007 n34 Sm7 Television
145670 n 34 SM 007 (alt) n34 Sm7 (alt) Wireless telephony
199600 n 34 SM 007.03 n34 Sm7.III Telex network
199606 n 34 SM 007.04 n34 Sm7.IV Image telegraphy
161494 n 34 SM 008 n34 Sm8 Foreign post and telegraph offices
145671 n 34 SM 008.01 n34 Sm8.I Foreign post offices and telegraph services, general
145672 n 34 SM 008.02 n34 Sm8.II Foreign post and telegraph offices in individual countries
161491 n 34 SM 009 n34 Sm9 National post offices and telegraph services abroad
145673 n 34 SM 009.01 n34 Sm9.I National post offices and telegraph services abroad, general
145679 n 34 SM 009.02 n34 Sm9.II National post offices and telegraph services abroad, in individual countries
145674 n 34 SM 011 n34 Sm11 Fees, postage stamps
199601 n 34 SM 012 n34 Sm12 Telephony
231100 n 34 SM 020 n34 Sm20 Postal services, conferences
213431 n 34 SM 040 n34 Sm40 Postal services, education
231171 n 34 SM 050 n34 Sm50 Postal services, institutions
145675 n 34 SM 060 n34 Sm60 Postal services, telegraphy and telephony, technical
145676 n 34 SM 501 (H) n34 Sm501 (H) Distant photography
145677 n 34 SM 502 (H) n34 Sm502 (H) Television (world)
145678 n 34 SM 503 (H) n34 Sm503 (H) Telegram key (codes)
145680 n 34b n34b Postal services, telegraphy and telephony in individual countries
145681 n 35 n35 Aviation, general
145682 n 35 SM 001 n35 Sm1 Aviation weather service
161488 n 35 SM 002 n35 Sm2 Airport
145683 n 35 SM 002.01 n35 Sm2.I Airport, general
145684 n 35 SM 002.02 n35 Sm2.II Airport, individual
145685 n 35 SM 003 n35 Sm3 Importance and development of airships
145686 n 35 SM 003 (alt) n35 Sm3 (alt) Zeppelin
145687 n 35 SM 004 n35 Sm4 Aviation, air transport, subsidies
145688 n 35 SM 005 n35 Sm5 Gliding
145689 n 35 SM 006 n35 Sm6 Situation and statistics of private airlines
145690 n 35 SM 007 n35 Sm7 Connection of air traffic with shipping and land transport
145691 n 35 SM 007 (alt) n35 Sm7 (alt) Aviation law
145692 n 35 SM 008 n35 Sm8 Aviation, freight transport
145693 n 35 SM 009 n35 Sm9 Airship, individual remarkable flights
199602 n 35 SM 011 n35 Sm11 Helicopter, vertical-take-off aircraft
212100 n 35 SM 012 n35 Sm12 Jet engine aircraft (traffic)
230606 n 35 SM 013 n35 Sm13 Orders for aircraft (including military) abroad, general
212098 n 35 SM 013.01 n35 Sm13.I Orders for aircraft (including military) abroad
212099 n 35 SM 013.02 n35 Sm13.II Orders for aircraft (including military ones) in individual countries
145694 n 35 SM 016 n35 Sm16 Aviation tariffs (for air cargo), general
230607 n 35 SM 017 n35 Sm17 Aviation law (with the exception of aerial warfare law)
145695 n 35 SM 017.01 n35 Sm17.I Aviation law (with the exception of aerial warfare law), general
212101 n 35 SM 017.02 n35 Sm17.II Air traffic regulation, flight safety regulations, flight safety facilities
212102 n 35 SM 017.03 n35 Sm17.III Aviation accidents (only significant)
216087 n 35 SM 020 n35 Sm20 Aviation, air transport, conferences
145696 n 35 SM 023 n35 Sm23 Regulation of air traffic
145697 n 35 SM 031 n35 Sm31 Aviation war law
213432 n 35 SM 040 n35 Sm40 Aviation, education
199603 n 35 SM 050 n35 Sm50 Aviation, air traffic, instiitutions
145698 n 35 SM 060 n35 Sm60 Aviation, air traffic, technical
145699 n 35 SM 501 (A 010) n35 Sm501 (A10) Delivery of aircraft on the basis of the Treaty of Versailles, aviation control
145700 n 35 SM 501 (H) n35 Sm501 (H) New ways and technical advances in aviation
160751 n 35 SM 504 (H) n35 Sm504 (H) Air traffic over the Atlantic and Pacific
145701 n 35 SM 504.01 (H) n35 Sm504.I (H) Air traffic over the Atlantic, general
145702 n 35 SM 504.02 (H) n35 Sm504.II (H) Air traffic over the North Atlantic
145703 n 35 SM 504.03 (H) n35 Sm504.III (H) Air traffic over the South Atlantic
145704 n 35 SM 504.04 (H) n35 Sm504.IV (H) Air traffic over the Pacific
145705 n 35a n35a Individual air lines
145706 n 35b n35b Air traffic with individual countries
145707 n 36 n36 Communications and press
145708 n 36 SM 001 n36 Sm1 Limitation of press freedom, censorship
145709 n 36 SM 002 n36 Sm2 News and press, information service
145710 n 36 SM 003 n36 Sm3 News and press, lie campaign
145711 n 36 SM 004 n36 Sm4 Foreign and foreign language press
145712 n 36 SM 005 n36 Sm5 News and press, news service, correspondence, general
145713 n 36 SM 006 n36 Sm6 Coverage of trials, general
145714 n 36 SM 007 n36 Sm7 News and press, advertising
145715 n 36 SM 008 n36 Sm8 Relations with the foreign press
145716 n 36 SM 009 n36 Sm9 Photo coverage, press drawings, caricatures, general
145717 n 36 SM 012 n36 Sm12 Newspaper and journal studies
152140 n 36 SM 020 n36 Sm20 News and press, conferences
199604 n 36 SM 040 n36 Sm40 News and press, education
199605 n 36 SM 050 n36 Sm50 News and press, institutions
145718 n 36 SM 501 (A 010) n36 Sm501 (A10) Announcements of the Reich Press Chamber (and the Völkischer Beobachter)
145719 n 36 SM 501 (A 022) n36 Sm501 (A22) Northcliffe Press
145720 n 36 SM 501 (H) n36 Sm501 (H) Newspaper research and teaching
145721 n 36 SM 502 (A 010) n36 Sm502 (A10) Magazines, general (Germany)
145722 n 36 SM 502 (H) n36 Sm502 (H) Magazines, general (World)
145723 n 37 n37 Insurance
145724 n 37 SM 001 n37 Sm1 Foreign insurance companies
145725 n 37 SM 002 n37 Sm2 Insurance, concentration movement
145726 n 37 SM 003 n37 Sm3 Revaluation of insurance claims, general
145727 n 37 SM 004 n37 Sm4 Assets and credit policies of insurance carriers/underwriters, general
145728 n 37 SM 006 n37 Sm6 Situation and statistics of insurance companies, general
231172 n 37 SM 020 n37 Sm20 Insurance, conferences
182221 n 37 SM 040 n37 Sm40 Insurance, occupations and training
182269 n 37 SM 050 n37 Sm50 Insurance, institutions
145729 n 37 SM 501 (A 010) n37 Sm501 (A10) Miners’ guilds
145730 n 37 SM 501 (A 022) n37 Sm501 (A22) Friendly Societies
145731 n 37 SM 502 (A 010) n37 Sm502 (A10) Seamen’s health insurance
145732 n 37a n37a Individual branches of insurance
160748 n 37a SM 002 n37a Sm2 Social Insurance
145733 n 37a SM 002.01 n37a Sm2.I Social insurance, general
145734 n 37a SM 002.02 n37a Sm2.II Social insurance, individual branches of social insurance
199607 n 37a SM 002.02a n37a Sm2.IIa Health insurance
199608 n 37a SM 002.02b n37a Sm2.IIb Accident insurance
199609 n 37a SM 002.02c n37a Sm2.IIc Pension insurance
199610 n 37a SM 002.02d n37a Sm2.IId Unemployment insurance
145735 n 37a SM 003 n37a Sm3 Fire insurance
145736 n 37a SM 004 n37a Sm4 Life insurance
160744 n 37a SM 005 n37a Sm5 Transportation insurance
145737 n 37a SM 005.01 n37a Sm5.I Transport insurance, general
145738 n 37a SM 005.02 n37a Sm5.II Transport insurance, water transport insurance
145739 n 37a SM 005.03 n37a Sm5.III Transport insurance, land transport insurance
145740 n 37a SM 006 n37a Sm6 Aviation insurance
145741 n 37a SM 007 n37a Sm7 War damage insurance
145742 n 37a SM 007 (alt) n37a Sm7 (alt) Air damage insurance
145743 n 37a SM 008 n37a Sm8 Private accident insurance
145744 n 37a SM 009 n37a Sm9 Reinsurance
145745 n 37a SM 011 n37a Sm11 Burglary and theft insurance
145746 n 37a SM 012 n37a Sm12 Natural disaster insurance (except earthquakes)
145747 n 37a SM 012 (alt) n37a Sm12 (alt) Weather insurance
145748 n 37a SM 013 n37a Sm13 Credit insurance
145749 n 37a SM 014 n37a Sm14 Liability insurance
145750 n 37a SM 015 n37a Sm15 Earthquake insurance
145751 n 37a SM 016 n37a Sm16 Property life insurance
145752 n 37a SM 017 n37a Sm17 Livestock insurance
145753 n 37a SM 018 n37a Sm18 Motor vehicle insurance (combined). Car insurance
145754 n 37a SM 019 n37a Sm19 Income loss insurance
145755 n 37a SM 030 n37a Sm30 Different individual lines of insurance
145756 n 37a SM 501 (E 015) n37a Sm501 (E15) Casualty and Surety
145757 n 38 n38 Copyright protection
145758 n 38 SM 001 n38 Sm1 Protection of intellectual property
160741 n 38 SM 002 n38 Sm2 Protection of industrial property (patent, design and trademark protection)
145759 n 38 SM 002.01 n38 Sm2.I Protection of industrial property, general
145760 n 38 SM 002.02 n38 Sm2.II Protection of industrial property, foreigners and citizens
145761 n 38 SM 501 (E 015) n38 Sm501 (E15) German patents in the USA
145762 n 38 SM 501 (H) n38 Sm501 (H) International agreements for the protection of industrial property
199611 n 39 n39 Hotel and catering industry, amusement industry
145763 n 39 (alt) n39 (alt) Acquisition companies (general)
145764 n 39 (alt) SM 001 n39(alt)Sm1 Stock corporations (under mining law)
145765 n 39 (alt) SM 002 n39(alt)Sm2 Trade Unions
145766 n 39 (alt) SM 003 n39(alt)Sm3 Mixed economy ventures
145767 n 39 (alt) SM 004 n39(alt)Sm4 Convertible bonds
145768 n 39 (alt) SM 005 n39(alt)Sm5 Special provisions for foreign profit-oriented companies, general
145769 n 39 (alt) SM 501 (A 010) n39(alt)Sm501 (A10) Limited Liability Company (Germany)
145770 n 39 (alt) SM 501 (A 021) n39(alt)Sm501 (A21) Limited Liability Company (Belgium)
145771 n 39 (alt) SM 501 (A 028) n39(alt)Sm501 (A28) Societe à Responsibilité limitée
145772 n 39 (alt) SM 501 (A 034) n39(alt)Sm501 (A34) Limited Liability Company (Switzerland)
145773 n 39 (alt) SM 501 (A 040d) n39(alt)Sm501 (A40d) Limited Liability Company (Hungary)
199612 n 39 SM 001 n39 Sm1 Hotel industry
199614 n 39 SM 002 n39 Sm2 Catering and amusement industry
199616 n 39 SM 003 n39 Sm3 Carney
199620 n 39 SM 020 n39 Sm20 Hotel and catering industry, amusement industry. Conferences and fairs
145908 o o Foreigners and individual minorities, general
231220 o 00 SM 020 o Sm20 Foreigners and individual minorities, conferences
145909 o 01 o1 German minorities and Germanness
145910 o 01 SM 001 (alt) o1 Sm1 (alt) German churches, schools and associations …, general
145911 o 01 SM 500 o1 Sm500 German minorities and Germanness (Forschungsstelle für das Übersee-Deutschtum)
182220 o 03 o3 Minorities from individual countries
145912 o 03 SM 001 (alt) o3 Sm1 (alt) Churches, schools and associations … of minorities, general
145913 p p Settling and migration
231580 p 00 SM 020 p Sm20 Settling and migration, conferences
145914 p 01 p1 Settlement opportunities and immigration opportunities
145915 p 02 p2 Settlement policy
145916 p 02 SM 001 p2 Sm1 Private settlement plans
145917 p 03 p3 Immigration and Immigration Policy
145918 p 03 SM 001 p3 Sm1 Agreements on migration policy, including on workers
145919 p 03 SM 002 p3 Sm2 Immigrant care
145920 p 03 SM 003 (alt) p3 Sm3 (alt) German immigrants
182222 p 03 SM 004 p3 Sm4 Immigrants from individual countries
160428 p 03 SM 006 p3 Sm6 Return migration to …
145922 p 03 SM 006.01 p3 Sm6.I Return migration to …, general
145923 p 03 SM 006.02 p3 Sm6.II Return migration to …, from individual countries
145921 p 03 SM 500 p3 Sm500 German immigrants (Forschungsstelle für das Übersee-Deutschtum)
145924 p 03 SM 501 (E 015) p3 Sm501 (E15) Immigration smuggling
145925 p 04 p4 Emigration and emigration Policy
145926 p 04 SM 001 p4 Sm1 Emigrant welfare
145927 p 04 SM 002 p4 Sm2 Emigration via individual ports
145928 p 04 SM 003 p4 Sm3 Emigration fraud
231173 p 04 SM 020 p4 Sm20 Emigration, conferences
182277 p 04 SM 050 p4 Sm50 Emigration, institutions
145929 p 05 p5 Return migration from …
145930 p 05 SM 001 p5 Sm1 Return migration of nationals of individual states
145931 p 06 p6 Settlements
145932 p 06 SM 001 p6 Sm1 Agricultural settlements
145933 p 06 SM 001 (alt) p6 Sm1 (alt) Immigrant settlements
145934 p 06 SM 002 p6 Sm2 Rural communities
145935 p 06 SM 003 p6 Sm3 Military housing
145936 p 06 SM 004 p6 Sm4 Residential area
145937 p 06 SM 005 p6 Sm5 Refugee settlements
145938 p 06 SM 006 p6 Sm6 Civilian servants’ housing
207952 p 06 SM 020 p6 Sm20 Housing settlement, conferences
207953 p 06 SM 040 p6 Sm40 Housing settlement, education
207954 p 06 SM 050 p6 Sm50 Housing settlement, institutions
145939 p 07 p7 Internal migration movements
145940 q q Individual questions of political or economic nature
145941 q SM 001 q Sm1 Alcoholism and its combating
160420 q SM 002 q Sm2 Trade and supply of weapons, ammunition and other war material
145942 q SM 002.01 q Sm2.I Trade and supply of weapons, ammunition and other war material, general
230604 q SM 002.02 q Sm2.II War material deliveries from abroad
145943 q SM 002.02a q Sm2.IIa War material deliveries from abroad, general
145944 q SM 002.02b q Sm2.IIb War material deliveries from abroad, through individual countries
230643 q SM 002.03 q Sm2.III War material deliveries to foreign countries
145945 q SM 002.03a q Sm2.IIIa War material deliveries to foreign countries, general
145946 q SM 002.03b q Sm2.IIIb War material deliveries from abroad, to individual countries
145947 q SM 003 (alt) q Sm3 (alt) Yellow peril
145948 q SM 004 (alt) q Sm4 (alt) Chinese question
145949 q SM 005 (alt) q Sm5 (alt) Slavic question
145950 q SM 006 (alt) q Sm6 (alt) Japanese question
145951 q SM 007 (alt) q Sm7 (alt) Indian question
145952 q SM 008 q Sm8 Situation of Jewish people, Antisemitism (1910-1945)
208307 q SM 008.01 q Sm8.I Aryanization (1933-1945)
145953 q SM 010 (alt) q Sm10 (alt) Poland question
145954 q SM 011 (alt) q Sm11 (alt) Gypsy question (old)
160417 q SM 012 q Sm12 Relief actions for …
145955 q SM 012.01 q Sm12.I Relief actions for …, general
145956 q SM 012.02 q Sm12.II Relief actions for …, (nationals of individual countries)
160414 q SM 012a q Sm12a Relief campaigns abroad
145957 q SM 012a.01 q Sm12a.1 Relief for abroad, general
145958 q SM 012a.02 q Sm12a.2 Relief campaigns abroad, in individual countries
145959 q SM 013 (alt) q Sm13 (alt) Ukrainian question
145960 q SM 014 q Sm14 Pan-Pacific Movement
145961 q SM 015 q Sm15 Masonery (Freemasonery)
145962 q SM 016 q Sm16 Slave question
145963 q SM 017 q Sm17 Indian question
145964 q SM 018 q Sm18 Negro question
145965 q SM 019 q Sm19 Imperialist aspirations
145966 q SM 020 q Sm20 Pan-Americanism
160411 q SM 021 q Sm21 Council system
145967 q SM 021.01 q Sm21.I Council system, general
145968 q SM 021.02 q Sm21.II Council system, individual councils
145969 q SM 022 q Sm22 Foreign agitation against german people
145970 q SM 023 (alt) q Sm23 (alt) Pan-Asian Movement (old)
145971 q SM 024 (alt) q Sm24 (alt) Pan-African Movement (old)
145972 q SM 025 q Sm25 Special position of the whites
145973 q SM 025 (alt) q Sm25 (alt) Recognition of German art
145974 q SM 026 q Sm26 Colored question
160406 q SM 027 q Sm27 Arbitration
145975 q SM 027.01 q Sm27.I Arbitration, general
145976 q SM 027.02 q Sm27.II Arbitration tribunals, individual arbitration tribunals
230605 q SM 027.03 q Sm27.III Arbitration, mixed arbitration courts between two countries
145977 q SM 027.03a q Sm27.IIIa Arbitration, mixed arbitration courts between two countries, general
145978 q SM 027.03b q Sm27.IIIb Arbitration, mixed arbitration courts between two countries, individuals
145979 q SM 028 (alt) q Sm28 (alt) Execution of the Treaty of Versailles
145980 q SM 029 (alt) q Sm29 (alt) Panturanism (old)
160403 q SM 030 (alt) q Sm30 (alt) Minority question
145981 q SM 030.01 (alt) q Sm30.I (alt) Minority question, general
145982 q SM 030.02 (alt) q Sm30.II (alt) Minority question, individual minorities
145983 q SM 031 q Sm31 Regional and urban planning
182304 q SM 031.01 q Sm31.I Urban planning
182305 q SM 031.02 q Sm31.II Urban development of individual provinces, areas, cities
145984 q SM 032 q Sm32 Foundation and relocation of capitals
145985 q SM 033 (alt) q Sm33 (alt) Pan-Arab Movement
145986 q SM 034 q Sm34 SME movement
145987 q SM 035 (alt) q Sm35 (alt) Urban Development Act
145988 q SM 036 q Sm36 Mennonites
145989 q SM 037 q Sm37 Mormons
145990 q SM 038 q Sm38 Rotarian associations
145991 q SM 039 q Sm39 Armenian question
145992 q SM 041 q Sm41 Corruption
207039 q SM 042 q Sm42 Prices for services in the social spheres of life
145993 q SM 501 (A 001) q Sm501 (A1) The little entente
145994 q SM 501 (A 009) q Sm501 (A9) Overseas week
145995 q SM 501 (A 010(1)) q Sm501 (A10(1)) Economic area on the Lower Weser (Greater Bremen)
145996 q SM 501 (A 010(2)) q Sm501 (A10(2)) Economic area on the Trave (Gross-Lübeck)
145997 q SM 501 (A 010) q Sm501 (A10) Morocco–Congo Treaty 1911
145998 q SM 501 (A 010b) q Sm501 (A10b) Rhineland Commission
145999 q SM 501 (A 010e) q Sm501 (A10e) Neutral Moresnet
146000 q SM 501 (A 012) q Sm501 (A12) Gdynia railway question
146001 q SM 501 (A 021) q Sm501 (A21) Flemish question
146002 q SM 501 (A 030) q Sm501 (A30) Sephardic Jews question
146003 q SM 501 (A 035) (alt) q Sm501 (A35) (alt) San Marino
146004 q SM 501 (A 040) q Sm501 (A40) Austria-Hungary, negotiations and agreements between the successor states
146005 q SM 501 (A 040b) q Sm501 (A40b) Vorarlberg question
146006 q SM 501 (A 040c) q Sm501 (A40c) Huldschiner Ländchen question (Hlučín question)
146007 q SM 501 (A 040d) q Sm501 (A40d) Fünfkirchen (Pécz) question (Baranya, Baranja)
146008 q SM 501 (A 043) q Sm501 (A43) Dardanelles question
146009 q SM 501 (A 045) q Sm501 (A45) Macedonian question
146010 q SM 501 (A 047) q Sm501 (A47) Bessarabia question
146011 q SM 501 (A 050) q Sm501 (A50) Fate of the Wrangel Army
146012 q SM 501 (A 057) q Sm501 (A57) Baltic Confederation
146013 q SM 501 (B 010) q Sm501 (B10) Sakhalin question
146014 q SM 501 (B 023) q Sm501 (B23) Mosul question
160377 q SM 501 (B 024a) q Sm501 (B24a) Jewish state in Palestine
146015 q SM 501 (B 025) q Sm501 (B25) Property issues in the Red Sea
146016 q SM 501 (B 040) q Sm501 (B40) Property Issues in the Persian Gulf
146017 q SM 501 (B 091) q Sm501 (B91) South China Coral Islands
146018 q SM 501 (B 094) q Sm501 (B94) China, banking consortium
160371 q SM 501 (C 010) q Sm501 (C10) Suez Canal
146019 q SM 501 (C 056) q Sm501 (C56) Firestone concession
146020 q SM 501 (C 087) q Sm501 (C87) Boers in Angola
146021 q SM 501 (C 093) q Sm501 (C93) Walvis Bay question
146022 q SM 501 (C 100) q Sm501 (C100) Mozambique, government takes over the administration of the Nyassa area
146023 q SM 501 (C 119) q Sm501 (C119) Lake Tana question
146024 q SM 501 (C 125) q Sm501 (C125) Lake Tana project (Lake Tana)
160368 q SM 501 (E 001) q Sm501 (E1) Pan American Congresses
146025 q SM 501 (E 003) q Sm501 (E3) Federation aspirations of the Central American Republics
146026 q SM 501 (E 015) q Sm501 (E15) Monroe Doctrine
146027 q SM 501 (E 069) q Sm501 (E69) Nicaragua Canal Issue
146028 q SM 501 (E 070) q Sm501 (E70) Costa Rica Canal issue
160358 q SM 501 (E 072) q Sm501 (E72) Panama Canal
160352 q SM 501 (H) q Sm501 (H) Papacy
146029 q SM 501.01 (B 024a) q Sm501.I (B24a) Jewish state in Palestine, general
146030 q SM 501.01 (C 010) q Sm501.I (C10) Suez Canal, general
146031 q SM 501.01 (E 001) q Sm501.I (E1) Pan American Congresses, prehistory and general
146032 q SM 501.01 (E 072) q Sm501.I (E72) Panama Canal, general
146033 q SM 501.01 (H) q Sm501.I (H) Papacy, general
146034 q SM 501.02 (B 024a) q Sm501.II (B24a) Jewish state in Palestine, Zionist congresses
146035 q SM 501.02 (C 010) q Sm501.II (C10) Suez Canal, canal traffic
146036 q SM 501.02 (E 001) q Sm501.II (E1) Pan American Congresses, individual
146037 q SM 501.02 (E 072) q Sm501.II (E72) Panama Canal, canal construction, technology
146038 q SM 501.02 (H) q Sm501.II (H) Papacy, history and ecclesiastical affairs
146039 q SM 501.03 (C 010) q Sm501.III (C10) Suez Canal, fees
146040 q SM 501.03 (E 001) q Sm501.III (E1) Pan-American Congresses, commissions
146041 q SM 501.03 (E 072) q Sm501.III (E72) Panama Canal, fee question
146042 q SM 501.03 (H) q Sm501.III (H) Papacy, political position of the Pope (Roman Question)
146043 q SM 501.04 (C 010) q Sm501.IV (C10) Suez Canal, concession renewals
146044 q SM 501.04 (E 072) q Sm501.IV (E72) Panama Canal, canal fortifications, strategic issues
146045 q SM 501.04a (H) q Sm501.IVa (H) Papacy, foreign policy, general
146046 q SM 501.04b (H) q Sm501.IVb (H) Papacy, foreign policy, relations with individual countries
146047 q SM 501.05 (C 010) q Sm501.V (C10) Suez Canal, Political and Economic Issues
146048 q SM 501.05 (E 072) q Sm501.V (E72) Panama Canal (Panama Canal), Other Political and Economic Issues
146049 q SM 501.06 (E 072) q Sm501.VI (E72) Panama Canal (Panama Canal), shipping traffic
146050 q SM 502 (A 001) q Sm502 (A1) Danube region questions
146051 q SM 502 (A 001) (alt) q Sm502 (A1) (alt) Danube Federation
160397 q SM 502 (A 009) q Sm502 (A9) Economic area on the Lower Elbe (Greater Hamburg) question
146052 q SM 502 (A 010) q Sm502 (A10) Assignment areas and coordination areas i.G.
146053 q SM 502 (A 022) q Sm502 (A22) Canal tunnel, canal embankment
146054 q SM 502 (A 030) q Sm502 (A30) Gibraltar tunnel
146055 q SM 502 (A 040b) q Sm502 (A40b) West Hungary question (Burgenland)
146056 q SM 502 (A 040c) q Sm502 (A40c) Railway Mark Priorities
146057 q SM 502 (A 043) q Sm502 (A43) Foyer turc movement (foyer turc)
146058 q SM 502 (A 045) q Sm502 (A45) Question of Thrace
146059 q SM 502 (A 047) q Sm502 (A47) Dobruja question
146060 q SM 502 (A 050) (alt) q Sm502 (A50) (alt) Volga Germans
146061 q SM 502 (B 010) q Sm502 (B10) Wrangel Island question
146062 q SM 502 (C 005) q Sm502 (C5) Greater South Africa
146063 q SM 502 (C 093) (alt) q Sm502 (C93) (alt) Greater South Africa
160365 q SM 502 (E 001) q Sm502 (E1) Pan American Financial Conferences
146064 q SM 502 (E 015) q Sm502 (E15) Irish question in America
160349 q SM 502 (H) q Sm502 (H) Interest group of the Latin nations
146065 q SM 502.01 (A 009) q Sm502.I (A9) Economic area on the Lower Elbe (Greater Hamburg) question, general
146066 q SM 502.01 (E 001) q Sm502.I (E1) Pan American Financial Conferences, general
146067 q SM 502.01 (H) q Sm502.I (H) Community of Interest of Latin Nations, general
146068 q SM 502.02 (A 009) q Sm502.II (A9) Economic area on the Lower Elbe (Greater Hamburg) question, Gross-Hamburg
146069 q SM 502.02 (E 001) q Sm502.II (E1) Pan American Financial Conferences, individual
146070 q SM 502.02 (H) q Sm502.II (H) Community of Interest of Latin Nations, Ibero-Americanism
146071 q SM 502.03 (A 009) q Sm502.III (A9) Economic area on the Lower Elbe (Greater Hamburg) question, Gross-Harburg
146072 q SM 502.03 (E 001) q Sm502.III (E1) Pan-American Financial Conferences, committee conferences
146073 q SM 502.04 (A 009) q Sm502.IV (A9) Economic area on the Lower Elbe (Greater Hamburg) question, Altona
146074 q SM 502.05 (A 009) q Sm502.V (A9) Economic area on the Lower Elbe (Greater Hamburg) question, Wandsbek
146075 q SM 503 (A 001) (alt) q Sm503 (A1) (alt) The continental block
146076 q SM 503 (A 009) q Sm503 (A9) Free port of Czechoslovakia in Hamburg
146077 q SM 503 (A 010) q Sm503 (A10) Neutral zone
146078 q SM 503 (C 005) q Sm503 (C5) Union of Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland
146079 q SM 503 (E 001) q Sm503 (E1) Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace Buenos Aires Dec. 1936
146080 q SM 503 (E 015) q Sm503 (E15) Muscle Shoals
146081 q SM 503 (H) q Sm503 (H) Triple Alliance etc.
146082 q SM 504 (A 009) q Sm504 (A9) Cooperation between the Hanseatic cities
160384 q SM 504 (A 010) q Sm504 (A10) Reparation problem (including Dawes-Mc Kenna and Young Plan)
146083 q SM 504 (E 015) q Sm504 (E15) Japanese question in the United States of America
160344 q SM 504 (H) q Sm504 (H) Allied and Associated Powers
146084 q SM 504.01 (A 010) q Sm504.I (A10) Reparation problem (including Dawes-Mc Kenna and Young Plan), general
146085 q SM 504.01 (H) q Sm504.I (H) Allied and Associated Powers, political
230682 q SM 504.02 (A 010) q Sm504.II (A10) Reparations Commission
146086 q SM 504.02 (H) q Sm504.II (H) Allied and Associated Powers, military
146087 q SM 504.02a (A 010) q Sm504.IIa (A10) Reparations Commission, organization
230661 q SM 504.02b (A 010) q Sm504.IIb (A10) Reparations Commission, activity
146088 q SM 504.02b1 (A 010) q Sm504.IIb1 (A10) Reparations Commission, activities, general
146089 q SM 504.02b2 (A 010) q Sm504.IIb2 (A10) Reparations Commission, activities of the Guarantee Commission
146090 q SM 504.02b3 (A 010) q Sm504.IIb3 (A10) Reparations Commission, activities, expert conference Jan.-Apr. 1924
146091 q SM 504.02b4 (A 010) q Sm504.IIb4 (A10) Reparations Commission, activities of general agents for reparation payments
230683 q SM 504.03 (A 010) q Sm504.III (A10) Reparations problem, foreign statements
146092 q SM 504.03 (H) q Sm504.III (H) Allied and Associated Powers, economic issues
146093 q SM 504.03a (A 010) q Sm504.IIIa (A10) Reparations problem, foreign statements, overviews
146094 q SM 504.03b (A 010) q Sm504.IIIb (A10) Reparations problem, foreign statements, individual countries
146095 q SM 504.04 (A 010) q Sm504.IV (A10) Reparations arbitration tribunal
146096 q SM 504.04 (H) q Sm504.IV (H) Allied and Associated Powers, ministerial and ambassadorial conferences
230662 q SM 504.05 (A 010) q Sm504.V (A10) Reparation problem
146097 q SM 504.05a (A 010) q Sm504.Va (A10) Reparations problem, special agreements, general
146098 q SM 504.05b (A 010) q Sm504.Vb (A10) Reparations problem, special claims, German paper money
146099 q SM 504.05c (A 010) q Sm504.Vc (A10) Reparations problem, liquidation agreement (overviews)
231111 q SM 504.06a (A 010) q Sm504.VIa (A10) Reparations agreements, Haager conference
231112 q SM 504.06b (A 010) q Sm504.VIb (A10) Reparations agreements, german-belge Mark agreement
231113 q SM 504.06c (A 010) q Sm504.VIc (A10) Reparations agreements, Liquidation of German assets abroad
231114 q SM 505 (A 10 (1)) q Sm505 (A10(1)) Reparatations after the Second World War
146100 q SM 505 (H) q Sm505 (H) Neutrals in the World War
160380 q SM 506 (A 010) q Sm506 (A10) Sanctions
160326 q SM 506 (H) q Sm506 (H) League of Nations
146101 q SM 506.01 (A 010) q Sm506.I (A10) Sanctions, general
146102 q SM 506.01 (H) q Sm506.I (H) League of Nations, general
230684 q SM 506.02 (A 010) q Sm506.II (A10) Question of sanctions, foreign statements
230663 q SM 506.02 (H) q Sm506.II (H) League of Nations, bodies
146103 q SM 506.02a (A 010) q Sm506.IIa (A10) Question of sanctions, foreign statements, overviews
146104 q SM 506.02a (H) q Sm506.IIa (H) League of Nations, treaty and organization, general
146105 q SM 506.02b (A 010) q Sm506.IIb (A10) Question of sanctions, foreign statements, individual countries
146106 q SM 506.02b (H) q Sm506.IIb (H) League of Nations Council
146107 q SM 506.02c (H) q Sm506.IIc (H) League of Nations Assembly
146108 q SM 506.03 (H) q Sm506.III (H) League of Nations, associated members
146109 q SM 506.04 (H) q Sm506.IV (H) League of Nations, seat and secretariat
231623 q SM 506.04b (H) q Sm506.IVb (H) League of Nations, flag
231624 q SM 506.04c (H) q Sm506.IVc (H) League of Nations, buildings
231625 q SM 506.04d (H) q Sm506.IVd (H) League of Nations, media
231626 q SM 506.04e (H) q Sm506.IVe (H) League of Nations, propaganda
231627 q SM 506.04f (H) q Sm506.IVf (H) League of Nations, financial
231640 q SM 506.04g (H) q Sm506.IVg (H) League of Nations, communication
231641 q SM 506.04h (H) q Sm506.IVh (H) League of Nations, permanent representation
146110 q SM 506.05 (H) q Sm506.Vb (H) League of Nations Council (negotiations)
146111 q SM 506.06 (H) q Sm506.Vc (H) League of Nations Assembly (negotiations)
146112 q SM 506.07 (H) q Sm506.Vd (H) League of Nations, commissions
146113 q SM 506.09 (H) q Sm506.IX (H) League of Nations, preservation of international peace
146114 q SM 506.10 (H) q Sm506.IVi (H) League of Nations, political and military protection of members
146115 q SM 506.11 (H) q Sm506.IVk (H) League of Nations, safeguarding economic interests
146116 q SM 506.12 (H) q Sm506.XII (H) League of Nations, warfare by the League
146117 q SM 506.13 (H) q Sm506.IVl (H) League of Nations, mandates
146118 q SM 506.14 (H) q Sm506.XIV (H) League of Nations, exercise of government by the League
146119 q SM 506.15 (H) q Sm506.IVn (H) League of Nations, registered international treaties
231600 q SM 506.Va (H) q Sm506.Va (H) League of Nations, work
146120 q SM 507 (H) q Sm507 (H) Pacific Agreement of Dec. 1921
146121 q SM 508 (A 010) q Sm508 (A10) Securing the imperial borders, general
146122 q SM 508 (H) q Sm508 (H) International Financial Consortium (European Reconstruction Syndicate)
160314 q SM 509 (H) q Sm509 (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22, 1922
146123 q SM 509.01 (H) q Sm509.I (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22, 1922, general
146124 q SM 509.02 (H) q Sm509.II (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22, 1922, powers represented and not represented, delegates
146125 q SM 509.03 (H) q Sm509.III (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22, 1922, chronicle of the conference
146126 q SM 509.04 (H) q Sm509.IV (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22,1922, prehistory, course, reports on general assemblies
230664 q SM 509.05 (H) q Sm509.V (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22, 1922
146127 q SM 509.05a (H) q Sm509.Va (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22, 1922, commissions, general
146128 q SM 509.05b (H) q Sm509.Vb (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22, 1922, political (general) commissions
146129 q SM 509.05c (H) q Sm509.Vc (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22, 1922, finance commissions
146130 q SM 509.05d (H) q Sm509.Vd (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22, 1922, economic and trade commissions
146131 q SM 509.05e (H) q Sm509.Ve (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22, 1922, commission for transport
146132 q SM 509.06 (H) q Sm509.VI (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22, 1922, Russian question
146133 q SM 509.07 (H) q Sm509.VII (H) Genoa Conference, April 10-May 22, 1922, statements and position
146134 q SM 510 (H) q Sm510 (H) Hague Conference 1922
146135 q SM 511 (A 010) (alt) q Sm511 (A10) (alt) Concordat question
146136 q SM 511 (H) q Sm511 (H) Lausanne Conferences (November 20, 1922, April 1923)
146137 q SM 512 (A 010) (alt) q Sm512 (A10) (alt) Security Pact (Central Europe) (old)
146138 q SM 512 (H) q Sm512 (H) Reparations Conference in The Hague (Aug. 1929, Jan. 1930)
230665 q SM 514 q Sm514 United Nations
198147 q SM 514.01 q Sm514.I United Nations, general
198149 q SM 514.02 q Sm514.II General assembly
198148 q SM 514.03 q Sm514.III Security Council
230666 q SM 514.04 q Sm514.IV Economic and social institutions
198420 q SM 514.04a q Sm514.IVa Economic and Social Council - ECOSOC
198421 q SM 514.04b q Sm514.IVb Economic Commission for Europe - ECE
198422 q SM 514.04c q Sm514.IVc Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East - ECAFE
198423 q SM 514.04cc q Sm514.IVcc Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific - ESCAP
198424 q SM 514.04d q Sm514.IVd Economic Commission for Latin America - ECLA (CEPAL)
198425 q SM 514.04e q Sm514.IVe Economic Commission for Africa - ECA
198426 q SM 514.04f q Sm514.IVf Technical assistance and services from the UN’s special fund - ECOSOC to developing countries
198427 q SM 514.05 q Sm514.V Board of Trustees
198428 q SM 514.06 q Sm514.VI World Trade Council, Development Council - UNCTAD (CNUCED)
198429 q SM 514.07 q Sm514.VII United Nations Industrial Development Organisation - UNIDO
146139 q SM 515 (A 010) q Sm515 (A10) Wends question
146140 q SM 516 (H) q Sm516 (H) Four Power Pact question 1933
146141 q SM 516 (H) (alt) q Sm516 (H) (alt) International Aid Union
146142 q SM 517 (E 001) q Sm517 (E1) International (inter-American) law, general
146143 q SM 517 (H) q Sm517 (H) International law, general
146144 q SM 518 (H) q Sm518 (H) Advance of the yellow race
146145 q SM 519 (H) q Sm519 (H) Stateless persons
146146 q SM 520 (H) (alt) q Sm520 (H) (alt) World Economic Conference (from May 4, 1927)
146147 q SM 523 (H) q Sm523 (H) Pan-Asian Movement
146148 q SM 524 (H) q Sm524 (H) Pan-African Movement
146149 q SM 525 (H) q Sm525 (H) Pan-Slavic Movement
146150 q SM 527 (H) q Sm527 (H) Gypsy question
146151 q SM 529 (H) q Sm529 (H) Panturanism
146152 q SM 533 (H) q Sm533 (H) Pan-Arab Movement
146153 q SM 535 (H) q Sm535 (H) Pan-European question and European movement
197648 q SM 535.01 (H) q Sm535.I (H) Pan-European Union Movement
197649 q SM 535.02 (H) q Sm535.II (H) Council of Europe
197650 q SM 535.03 (H) q Sm535.III (H) European Parliament
230667 q SM 536 (H) q Sm536 (H) Marshall Plan (ERP)
197651 q SM 536.01 (H) q Sm536.I (H) Marshall Plan (ERP), general
197652 q SM 536.02 (H) q Sm536.II (H) Marshall Plan (ERP), participation and comments from individual countries
230668 q SM 537 (H) q Sm537 (H) American foreign aid (economic, military)
197653 q SM 537.01 (H) q Sm537.I (H) American foreign aid (economic, military), general
197654 q SM 537.02 (H) q Sm537.II (H) American foreign aid (economic, military) to individual countries
230669 q SM 538 (H) q Sm538 (H) Economic aid for developing countries
197655 q SM 538.01 (H) q Sm538.I (H) Economic aid for developing countries, general
197656 q SM 538.02 (H) q Sm538.II (H) Economic aid for developing countries to individual recipient countries or continents
197657 q SM 538.03 (H) q Sm538.III (H) Measures in the individual donor countries or economic blocks
197647 q SM 539 (H) q Sm539 (H) Future developments, futurology. Growth forecasts, global forecasts, long-term forecasts, general
146154 q SM 801 (H) (alt) q Sm801 (H) (alt) Lists of conferences (also from individual countries)