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Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA) - Companies/Institutions folders

Thyssen Röhrenwerke AG 


Sections of digitized microfilms (2nd filming 1950-1960)

For intellectual property law reasons accessible only from ZBW reading room.

Total number of images: 1263

Images on film h2/co/F2074H/0001 Deutschland - Thyssen Röhrenwerke AG
Type Company
Location Düsseldorf  (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Industry Metal Industry
Parent organization August-Thyssen-Hütte
Preceeding org. Deutsche Röhrenwerke AG
Succeeding org. Mannesmannröhren-Werke AG
Holdings Annual reports: (1954/55-1967/68 ?)
Signature A10 P 210
includes Hüttenwerke Phoenix AG (-1954 (GBs für 1947-1953)); Phoenix-Rheinrohr AG Vereinigte Hütten- und Röhrenwerke (1954-1966); Rheinische Röhrenwerke AG (1948-1954 (GBs 1948-1954))
URI https://pm20.zbw.eu/folder/co/068817
ID co/068817