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Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA) - Companies/Institutions folders

Landes Bodenkreditanstalt (Budapest) 


Sections of digitized microfilms (1st filming 1908-1949)

For intellectual property law reasons accessible only on the web from the European Union legal area and from the ZBW reading room.

Total number of images: 569

Images on film h1/co/A0277H/0559 Ungarisches Bodenkreditinstitut
Images on film h1/co/A0277H/0430 Magyar Földhitelintézetek Országos Szövetsége
Images on film h1/co/A0277H/0068 Landes-Bodenkreditinstitut für Kleingrundbesitzer
Images on film h1/co/A0277H/0003 Landes Bodenkreditanstalt

Sections of digitized microfilms (2nd filming 1950-1960)

For intellectual property law reasons accessible only from ZBW reading room.

Total number of images: unknown - currently only findable via the film list.

Material on microfiche (1961-1980)

Material may exist on microfiche. Access is only possible at the Hamburg site of the ZBW - please contact us via the feedback address at the foot of this page.
Type Company
Location Hungary  (Eastern Europe)
Industry Specialized Banks
Holdings Annual reports: 1902-1922, 1924-1932 ,1936-1941
Signature A40d L 2
includes Crédit Fonciert National; Instituto Nazionale di Credito Fondiario; Landes Bodencredit - Institut für Kleingartenbesitzer (bis 1936); Landesverband der Ungarischen Bodenkreditinstitute (Budapest,

Signa. A 40d L 2/II ,GBs für 1915-1917,1919-1934) (bis 1936); National Land Mortgage Institute; Ordzágos Földhitelintézet; Ungarisches Bodenkreditinstitut (Signa. A 40d L 2/III ) (bis 1936) URI|https://pm20.zbw.eu/folder/co/065353 ID|co/065353