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Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA) - Companies/Institutions folders

Associated Gas & Electric Company (Ithaca) 


Sections of digitized microfilms (1st filming 1908-1949)

For intellectual property law reasons accessible only on the web from the European Union legal area and from the ZBW reading room.

Total number of images: 258

Images on film h1/co/A0345H/0110 Associated Gas and Electric Company

Sections of digitized microfilms (2nd filming 1950-1960)

For intellectual property law reasons accessible only from ZBW reading room.

Total number of images: unknown - currently only findable via the film list.

Material on microfiche (1961-1980)

Material may exist on microfiche. Access is only possible at the Hamburg site of the ZBW - please contact us via the feedback address at the foot of this page.
Type Company
Location United States  (North America)
Industry Power Industry
Succeeding org. GPU Inc. (New York)
Holdings Annual reports: 1930-1938
Signature E15 A 152
includes American Utilities Company; Associated Electric Company; Associated Gas & Electric System; Associated Utilities Investing Corp; Central Power & Light Corporation; Empire Gas and Electric Co. (Sign. : E 15 A 152 b2); General Gas & Electric Corp (Sign. E 15 G 23 ; GBs 1932,1933 ,

Ausschnitte nur vor 1945 ); Metropolitan Edison Corp; Rochester Central Power Corp URI|https://pm20.zbw.eu/folder/co/047761 ID|co/047761